HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA REPORT 1991 0807 CC REG ITEM 08PTO:
799 Moorpark Avenue M Dorpark, California 93021
M E M O R. A N D U M
The Honorable City Council
Lillian E. Kellerman, City Clerk
July 31, 1991 (CC Meeting of 8/7/91)
ITEM 496 P
(805) 529 -6864
City Council Meeting
of 199 �
As directed by Council, on June 1.7 1991, a letter was sent to both
the Ventura County Grand Jury and the District Attorney, Michael
Bradbury, requesting an investiga° ion by the Grand Jury into the
Cinco de Mayo event held on Mai. 1 1991.,
On June 27, 1991, Lyle Wray, the ,;.;rand Jury Foreman, responded to
Mayor Lawrason's letter indicating that the 1990 -91 Grand Jury had
concluded its investigations and could not forward the City's
request to the new 1991 -92 Grand ury as, by law, all Grand Jury
records must be destroyed at the c-)nclusion of investigations for
the year. The City was instructec that its request would have to
be resubmitted to the new Grand 1. --y after July 1, 1991.
On Friday, July 26, Don Colema., Special Assistant District
Attorney, responded to my telephonE request for a response from the
City Attorney's office on the subj.ct matter by indicating that a
letter would be mailed to the City "next week." A letter from Mr.
Coleman was received on Wednesday, July sl, stating that based on
his review of the material subritted by the City, "we have
concluded that there is insuffic.,e t evidence in which to believe
that any violations of the (,-a c Ii riminal Statutes have
In light of the response from the L strict Attorney's office, whose
responsibility it is to advise the grand Jury in criminal .
investigations, staff recommends nc1- resubmitting the Cinco de Mayo
event investigation request to thE� L' VI -c4 ? Grand Jury.
Mayor Mayor Pro 'e
y `�— ,r "' roe Counciimembe' Councilme,mper
The Honorable City Council
July 31, 1991
Page 2
Receive and file the letter from t: ,ie District Attorney's office and
concur with staff's recommendat i )n not to resubmit the Cinco de
Mayo event investigation request c the 1991 -92 Grand Jury.
M a
District Attorney
July 29, 1991
Mayor Paul W. Lawrasnn,
City of ?1!oorpIr'.c
799 Moorpark Avenue
Moorpark, CA 93021
Dear Mayor Lawrason:
County of Vt•ntura. State of California
Assistant District Attorney
Chief Deputy District Attorney
Chief Investigator
We have completed our review of the materials -ou >ent to us regarding the Cinco de
Mayo event. Based upon a review of those nl�tirial�, we have concluded that there is
insufficient evidence in which to believe than ,�,!I, ;,.i,)1 )tier t the California Criminal
Statutes have occurred.
I would like to commend Mr. Philip Newhousc,
providing the extensive memorandum entitled J�
The thoroughness of that document was of gre,),
would appear from a nvview of that dOCUnlent J�
expenditures for the (,H)CO do Mayo event a)(- 17,
sound discretion and guidance of the Moorl);tl'r,
Ii YOU 11aVe :Iny rlL;r cti()I rr�.iLt,r �:I:b tll,s m..t
t... ,
matters, please do not hesitate t�) contact ITIr
Very truly yours,
Special Assistant District Attorney
DDC /ps
PC: 1991/92 Grand Jury
t )Llr Diret-tor of Community Services, for
view ()f ('inco de Mayo Special Event."
s�,i�tanct t,) our review. In addition, it
)I)lems concerning over
t I,mcllr,l it the. local level under the
Hall of Justice, 800 South Victoria Atienue, Ventura, (:A )0,
` J ) !, of assist
urce :n a;,•y ot��el
.111 L 3 1 1991
City of Moorpark
801 ) t 5- 2500 Telecopier (805) 654 -3850
county of ventura
June 27, 1991
Mayor Paul Lawrason, Jr.
City of Moorpark
799 Moorpark Avenue
Moorpark, CA 93021.
Dear Mayor Lawr_ason:
Grand Jury
t300 South Victoria AvNnue
Ventura, CA 93009
(805) 654 -"873
As noted in your letter dated June 17, 1991, the 1990 -1991
Ventura County Grand Jury has concluded its investigations for
the year. You ask that we told over your request for an
investigation for the incominq 191 -199, Grand Jury.
Unfortunately, we cannot do t.nis for you. By law, we must
destroy all our records. Therei' ore, we must ask you to resub-
mit this information to the new rand JT_.ry after July 1, 1991.
S' rely,
�I�L ��� eman
�,� o
1�0 -1991 e ura County Grand
LW /jkw
J U l 0 3 1991
City of Moorpark
June 17, 1991
799 Moorpark Avenue ' Aoorpark, California 93021
Lyle Wray, Foreman
Ventura County Grand Jury
800 South Victoria
Ventura, CA 93009
Dear Mr. Wray:
On June 5, 1991, the Moorpark City Council directed that the
Ventura County Grand Jury he requested to conduct an
investigation into the Cinco cxe Mayo event held on May 4,
1991. The City's staff conducted an investigation and
presented a report of its findings to the City Council. A
copy of the report dated May 1 -7, 1091, and supplemental
reports dated May 20, 1991 and ,Tune 4 1991 are attached.
The City Council does not hive reason to question the
thoroughness or accuracy of tha report completed by staff,
but believes that an independent review of the event
pertaining to potential violati n of state, federal and local
statutes should be conducted,
I realize that the 1990 -91 Grari Jury has completed its work
and ask that you refer this request to the 1991 -92 Grand
Jury. A similar request has he n sent to the Ventura County
District Attorney.
Questions concerning this matt -r may ne directed to Steven
Kueny, City Manager, or me. i :ook f -sward to your reply.
Pau `W . L4w� rason Jr.
PWL: SK: sc
c: The Honorable City Council
Steven Kueny, City Manager
Cheryl Kane, City Attorney
Michael D. Bradbury, Dist,
Mayor Mayor Pro Terre (_)w ,
w!,, attachments
w1ir �iti,3chments
war, attachments
Ct. Attorney w%o �ittachments
•nc - Councdmember Councilmember
799 Moorpark Avenue Mo
. park, Cal tornia 93021 (805) 529 -6864
June 17, 1991
Michael D. Bradbury, District Attorney
County of Ventura
800 South Victoria
Ventura, CA 93009
Dear Mr. Bradbury:
On June 5, 1991, the Moorpark Cit, Council directed that the
Ventura County Grand Jury be requested to conduct an
investigation into the Cinco de 4ayo event held on May 4,
1991. The City's staff conducted an investigation and
presented a report of its findinus to the City Council. A
copy of the report dated May 1 , 1991, . and supplemental
reports dated May 20, 1991 and Tu ie 1, 91)1 are attached.
The City Council does not have reason to question the
thoroughness or accuracy of the report completed by staff,
but believes that an independent review of the event
pertaining to potential violation f s :tato, federal and local
statutes should be conducted.
A similar request has been sent t: the Ventura County Grand
Jury. Questions concerning this :natter may be directed to
Steven Kueny, City Manager, or 1(rok forward to your
Paul W. rason Jr.
PWL: SK: sc
c: The Honorable City Council .it t,3chrnents
Steven Kueny, City Manager w, it tachments
Cheryl Kane, City Attorney it tachments
Lyle Wray, Foreman, Ventura Court'. Gr nd Iry w/o attachments
Mayor Mavor {'�, l��r� (AUnCiI m,Pr �
Cc,uncimembe Gounalmember
799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, : alifornia 93021
The Honorable City Council
(805) 529.6864
FROM: Philip E. Newhouse, Director of Community
Services klT\
DATE: June 4, 1991
SUBJECT: Additional Informati ,)n on Cinco de Mayo
I contacted Entertainment Expr, a-i M,iZ 29, the company that
Teresa Godinez contracted 'at foc ne Ninja Turtle and
Clown, to follow up on their i :y n yr t , f the entertainment
they provided cr Cinco de Ma}
I spoke with
Ms. Louise Ma,;
1 ✓r.
Ms. MacGillivray
informed m.e
was first
3. E
by Teresa Godinez on
April. 8, 1991,
tor_ informati(,r
A s -r;�
: related to securing
the serv_i c('s e)
a f e rris wheel
1 ; (i � '
.c is .
Between April
and April 26,
2_ephone contacts were
made between Ms.
a :3odinez. During one
o the telephone
calls (Ms. Mj
a did not record the
date) , Teresa
;odinez informed
r _t:�
_ty would not approve
a ferris wheel
and ,asked abc-it
i;)n and costs for she
Clown and Ni r.ja
Turtle. (
�: . _
enied the Parks and
Recreation Commissi
en's regi,(
rris wheel at your
April 17, 1991 .
meet.inq. )
On April 26, MS. ` �acGillivrz,
contract toy hire a Ninja Tu
Hundred Ten Do:_iars ($310) ar -
Hl..ndred Dollar_ �$6OO) . The
by Teresa �odinez. April_ 3C
de Mayo Committee meeting.
the signed cons r. act r>y FAX�r.
-,t rE ' (,sa Godinez a signed
e Y_wo hours for Three
six hours for Six
CC' a= signed on April 30
ate, Df the Last Cinco
i— t Express received
cc: :teven Kueny, City Manaa-
Mayor Mayor Pro Ten 1. 1 "
C.ouncilmember Counalmember
799 Moorpark Avenue- \Aoorpark, :,alifornia 93021 (805) 529 -6864
The Honorable City Counc.Ll
Philip E. Newhouse Director of Community
May 20, 1991
Cinco de Mayo Report - Supplemental
Staf f would I: ke t<, present i i t i r a_ nformation related to
the Cinco d(I Mays event ��.: r.r� ;t_ certain statements
contained in t ie May 17, l +� +; d(- Mayo °eport to the
City Council.
The _-eport st ated 3, 000 adma :
:) ; t i : kets were printed, 383
collected at
the event and t ::r
of the remaining
2,061) tickets
were unknown.
when the report
,,;as retyped,
3 ncte related
�_ . sleets
in possession of
the City was
omitted. The
acc()unt ing is as
3, 000 tickets printed, Le, --t. ed at the door,
548 in pos; session of tf.c d the disposition
of the rE�,maining 2, 069 unknown.
The 600 lbs. Df i.cce were do .,.t i i,Y Ice not Doyle Shaw
Ice Deliveries as previously
Moorpark Soccer Express Cluh d: °.d ha%,( ri signed agreement as
required to se]__l concession_ ~he ,%rent. It's correctly
Mated that they did not I,[,, ' =e( to operate their
C nc�cssi,
Mayor IJaycn P.c 1� m
.,O;nC roC ^'DE" Coo ncilmember
Staff received the following L icrmat,on from Sandy Brown,
Moorpark Business Service Cer,r_ . r, w :h printed the event
brochures, flyers and tickets.
First contacted on April r. 1 -91 1). Teresa Godinez and
Sam Nainoa.
6,000 copies printed. 3, n English and
Printing information recei Teresa Godinez
Flyers picked up on 4/29
3,000 ticke!.s were print ,'-c:
First corit a( _-Led on April
Sam NainOc
a:.d on 4/30.
b Teresa Godinez and
Meetings scheduled for Ap:;_ 5 9 to review art work
were not ?-:eld because thF rr i t e members did not show
for the meet incq,s .
Art work copy delivered 1"l .)y Teresa Godinez.
Tickets printed on 4/23 r 1q
were original -ly
cL,q .() be
and perforated. Sa:fy
B_ro�n told
Teresa Godinez
on April
6 it would tak.
minimum of
10 days from
-f art work to ~.:
ht, i_ckets
printed. Art
work approved
cn April �1
�7., )y Ronald
Corzine too
late to
hll ve t.ne ticket_
a ;r c-eadied
and have t =hem
fcr *_he event.
First contacted by Teresa ii 1 '< (,'Id Sam Nainoa on
4/6/91 .
Go ahead given :_or printin ? r. ] % 1 'dal .
Art work approved on 4 /2(- , , ( I 1)y Teresa Godinez.
Changes made by Teresa Gc d z ir.J Zonald Corzine on
Sent out of town for prix n IC `>n 1/22/91.
Received back and picked . cn 0/91.
Attached are copies of tr
and the event �icket .
,y✓er .n English and Spanish
In the May 1'', 1991 report,
:.tested Cheryl Zemont was a
member of the Youth Activitie-
ud ommittee. I was informed
by Lynn Crockatt she was nct
Z inaccurately noted in my
committee minutes from the _
rv&ry � 1991, meeting Mrs.
Zemont was a member, however, 3
— was 7ot. Also, Mrs. Zemont
did not part-c.i.pat:e in any
11 (r K eetings or functions
related tc °she Cinco de Mayo P-,
Additionally, is was informer
the February A Parks and
Recreation Commission meeting t
a VicKA McGowan was also a
member of the Youth Activi!
subc:,mmittee. However, I
spoke with Mrs. McGowan on W1
2 : and she informed me she
dial not participate in any
iaLs made relative to the
Youth Activities and did not
q - ierself as a member of
the subcommittee.
I also incorrectly stated Li :.n
Mayo Pageant Lirector; she wL
for the event and did not
Pageant Directs.
PIak. was a Miss Cinco de
C t. , Vrs . Plaks was a judge
t :: p.: t in t he role of a
799 Moorpark Avenue 'Aooroark„ California 93021 (805) 529 -6864
TO: The Honorable City Cxuncil
FROM: Philip Newhouse, Dire-:tor of Community
DATE: May 17, 1991
SUBJECT: Review of Cinco de Mayo Special Event
The City Counci_i approved thiL s ecia (,vent as part of the
1990/91 budget. The City Counc 3ibsequently appropriated
$12,000 from the general fund rf>r 'rve and approved a program
budget at the April 17, 1991 :< _nc-i1 �I eting. Total funds
expended for this Event were 35, "1 -.23; total program
revenue was $4,C.30.36' resultir,,, et program expenditure
of ;11,141.87.
• •��_ •R
At the October 8, 1990 Par} ti>
meeting, Teresa c]odinez and Johr,
Commission to serve on the 19 �
However, as you are aware, Teresa
to the Commiss:on, and John
Planning Commisscri .
and Recreation Commission
acres mere appointed by the
Croce de Mayo Committee.
_,odi.nez was not reappointed
w s appointed to the
At the December 10, 1990 Park, an(i R,-:creation Commission
meeting, Chairman Lynn Crockatt and Vice- Chairman Ronald
Corzine were appointed by the : c,m s -, is >n t_ o serve can the 1991
Cinco de Mayo Committee.
It has been reported to me 1X
Ie_esa Godinez that Lynn
Crockatt called her for assistar.c_
_ic 3E _.t.i.ng up a committee
for the Cinco de Mayo event. I',:
sa GociInez told me she and
Lyn: met in Jan ary t o discus:,
-fz'nt .a committee members.
They cal.leci sevc cal people and a.,-
c their attend a meeting
at the Whistle ;top c>n Februa
At this meeting,
which ; att- end,'ci, t '1e 1991
c :�� Mayo C:�mmittee was
established. .
At the February 12, 1991 Park
ar,ct Recreation Commission
meeting, Lynn Crockatt prese 7t F
th, ! a91 Ci.ncc) de Mayo
Committee formed at the Whistle t
_i F-1-ruary 6, 1991:
Mayor Mayor P, , TA,,)
.:our)( meme�r Councilmember
The Honorable City
Augu: t
Ai nez:
Page 2
... lemon: ,
Phil N{
May 17, 1991
Valerio, and Mr:;. Leo
imissi-: n was not accurately
Event Chairpersons
Lynn Cr
Ronald Corzine
Operations Director
dance, at
Site Coordinator
Phil Ne.,nouse
low Lncome families were
Pat Sang
)val *Paul
-rez *'im
;chn Roberts/
*Terry Trein/
Youth Activities,
Sanitation /Cleanup
Public Relations Dir
Pageant Directors
Financial Directors
*Joe sc
Augu: t
Ai nez:
*Cher y
... lemon: ,
Phil N{
*Vickie McGowan/
Pat Ara: . ula *Sam Nainoa
Gloria ' ii.noa, Lila Prado,
*LinE.a aks /' *A=onia Puentes
Lynn C Aatt, Ronald Corzine,
"Phil awn ju sE
* Members added at the Febria i
Recreation Commission meet:
* Added to this position in No
The Cinco de Mayo (lommittee Y
between February and April, 1991
attended, and many of the origin
attend more than one )r two of
91 Parks and
t 02.
app :oximately six times
he me etings were not well
members appointed did not
neeti gs.
Admission tickets to
this evert.
..ire so.,d by Teresa Godinez,
Steve Brodsky, Noemi
Ruiz, Ho�,f
I :er :iandez, Mario Barrere,
Tracey Gonzales, Gabriella
es; Antonio Castro, Gracie
Valerio, and Mr:;. Leo
imissi-: n was not accurately
recorded. The printing
for tYe
i_I kets for youths, adults,
the combination adul_
adrni : ;sion to the daytime
activities and vening
dance, at
the 3 0 free tickets given
to Teresa Cortes to
low Lncome families were
not differentiated.
Normally, 0,
11 different admissions are
charges, the t 1 _kets
are pr:ir- ,
, c ,.d ratify the admission
price and are pre --
,c. �le the number of
admissions for o 3ch P
-i_ce and
Paid admission by age group,
evening dance cannot be verif-i
People stopped ~ominq in aroun t
closed the ticker_ 2"oth. W Y-
people came in after 0:00 pm -r:
u i- o youth, daytime or
Y y !. n r ickets collected.
i;m so Teresa Godinez
i, approximately 1.0 - 15
et inmLtted free.
The Honorable City Council
Page 3
May 17, 1991
Moorpark Business Center print -,c_
Of these, 383 tickets were c
disposition of the remaining
attendance at the daytime evE�:11
estimated to be about 600 peopl"
evening dance ( "7 : 30 pm
tot i.. of 3, 000 tickets .
ieited at the event, and
6+ t i c �cet s is unknown . The
11:Ou am - 5:30 pm) was
es- ...ima'_ed attendance at the
was about 250
I called Lynn Crockatt on Mcni1
May 6 and
asked him
bring in the ticket:;
and re%,en
Lyn.r said
his wife
fallen and broken a
rib. C r,
paid he would be in
Wednesday, May 8, with
the ticK.Et
ind i- venue.
I offered
drive by his home and
pick u: �_
t i.k ��t ., and
cash, but
and told Ronald Corzine the r,?,..
r. �,. be counted in the
Maintenance Super_���i�;o�� 's Offic,
On Wednesday, May 8, Lynn Cro_:ka
t .a.me into my office with
the tickets and revenues. The
tat g <�-te receipts reported
by Lynn Crockatt were $2,; -'
E The revenue from
admissions, beer garden and -
3 loot :i were combined and
counted several time:., throughout
_.':E' Jai in the Maintenance
Supervisor's Office by Lynn i:r
c:katt., Ronald Corzine and
Teresa Godinez. This was done ev
i thouch staff had informed
the Committee and Mr. Crocka- -,
e;par a,:.ely, at least three
times, that the individual grc_ up
se l._:_i:,g beer and soda were
to account for !.heir own reve it -le
anci 1:: xpenditures separate
from the admission revenues.
)Wald Corzine my key
to the Community Cent.e:r when 1 _
c�ppi oximately 1.2:45 pm
and told Ronald Corzine the r,?,..
r. �,. be counted in the
Maintenance Super_���i�;o�� 's Offic,
The receipts were collected by
ess G, dinez and counted in
the Maintenance Office by Lynn
D -kat_t Ronald Corzine and
Teresa Godinez. T�-E> amount::
:Drog:carn funds collected,
verified and re(-orde-- on May -,
3 1-1 , d ic< given to the City
on May 8, 1991, by Lynn Crocka-
e 3 ;.lows:
1,-,t _oi _kun :20 p.m. $
Less S (__ 1 , ;
sD i c Mariachis by Lynn
Balance $
Less Y (__x.__
i c Trio Harocho by
-, "I ;rockatt
Balance $ �;
The Honorable City Council
Page 4
May 17, 1991
2nd pickup
3rd pickup
4th p, k up
:20 p.m. $
4:00 p.m. $"
Total funds coil(,cted $ 1,
Total funds paid out $ (1�
Balance $ l
When Lynn Crockatt gave the Ci t_ r
provided receipts for all c:''
payments. The City did not ze,
verifying receipts from Lynn Cr-((
the Cinco de Mayo Committee
period. It is known that the
deficit of ($10) . Committee
City $371.35 cash plu:; handwrit
paid out in cc'Sh during the
midnight); therefoj-e, $1,4
collected during t-he evening.
payments were made by Lynn C:
12:00 midnight :
_c, Mariachis by Lynn
�d to Carnival Services by
: inn -:rockatt
f >tr (- trnival Services
-) f 1:() 'any pals by Lynn
he ca.13h on May 8, he also
h =� alcove- referenced cash
ive any additional. reports
ar,' or ;any other member of
id t.:ie 00 p.m. reporti.ng
P. r. eVenue balance had a
,hairman Crockatt gave the
ec.f >i;� is showing $1,050.00
�c 30 p.m. to 12:00
appF ars to have been
1(),,q ;_rig addit ional cash
„(- .w-eri 7 : 3(' p.m. and
Memo Band 100.00)
Arrepegi_o Band 450.00)
Jim Jenning:> Stage /l.i(j G _ L-( --5a0.00Z
r �'t,050,00)
The Honorable City Council
Page 5
May 17, 1991
Total cash payments made by Lyn:i kart
were as follows: May 4, 1991 (2,930.00)
May �, 1991 1( 40.00)
Total recorded program revenue 3,341.36
Balanc,;_ 371.36
About 10 P.M. , Lyr.n Crockatt, Rc;n
the Senior Center to count reveriii(-
As the money was being counted,
joined us; however, she left at-
three of us remai,-ied in the Seri
countinq the money. As Lynn u,
money collected, Ile said he neeL,,
Ronald Corzine said he gave 50F
Lynn gave }:onald 5U c, ?nts from
Once again tie >rr�tl_i.tt ee member:_
to them not to make cash payi-tt.,
ttiiem; therefore, I so
consider their ac -ons to be c( ::
1c Cor:.ine and I
went into
c ) llec-, -ed by Mr.
erflsa 3odinez came in and
er a tew minutes
and the
:ent_r. Lynn
r., 0 ding the
amount of
Tim Jennings
change earlier
he was
i lating my
could not
r resence
would not
Total recorded
The total program revenue rect a; b-Z -ne City on May 8,
1991, from Lynn Crockatt was `;?. - The total program
revenue collected (admissions, hce Elr:s and soda sales) was
13,341.36. This was ai-rived at r: ? 17winq manner:
Cash box counts:
1 :20 pm
2:20 pm
4:00 pm
6:00 pm
1 E170. 00
Cash deposited
(plus $10 previous;
Total recorded
cash box receipt
Sub -total
& Soda revenue
<' 323 OCR
The Honorable Cite Council
Page 6
May 17, 1991
Total cash paid out 3 X970.00
Deposit L 371 36
Total >3,341,36
The determination of
total. fur.d
-( l lect ed was derived from
funds receipted by
-he finance
cepar;rrent, hand
receipts turned n t,_) :,he Ci+-v
a�ments made
by Lynn
Crockatt: to var _o.s
vendors arri
F �,�tti;��l count of
from the sale beer
and sods
t nca e er garden
from Sam Nainoa aad
soda booth_�E
ived from Terre
Trein on
May 9, 1.99::. Pr xrrarr
revenue: �-
9h P e -e i
Program Admission 018.6
Beer ('arden Sales 018. -
Soda Boot r: a lt,s
- - 3 2 $.4 0
ubtct- 341 .36
C sh I!o_: t i _ n
Hughes Market /G t i Certifi _,
Randy "s Tir <-s
Simi Enterprise
Ely Realty /Vickie Perez
C'_oncesSion so-�th
_? .n al
The Rib Cagtr
Program Total Revenue
Non- C a s;, Dona i Lr�
Coca Cola -S cases coke @ $5 +..? Fa.
Plus (CVA) cash return value V2 4
for a total ��alue of $48.6`
Doyle Shaw, IcF> Delivery 6(, _ .
The Honorable City Council
Page 7
May 17, 1991
The cash difference between actu<,, revenue received from Lynn
Crockatt ($371.36) as recorded b,,, the Fa_nance Department on
May 8, and the total program revel .,e col_. -ected ($3,341.36) by
Cinco de Mayo Commit -tee Members y °,n -rockatt, Ronald Corzine
and Teresa Godine. was $2, 97 _'i C which was paid out to
various vendors :tt. the event or 991, by Program Co-
chairman Lynn Crcckatt� as follow.
Carnival Services -
Humpty Dumpty Air Ride
Pony Pals - Pony Rides
(From cash receipts)
(From Lynn Crockatt_)
Arrepegio - Band
Mariachi Jalisco - Band
Memo - Band
Trio Haroch.o - Band
Jim Jennings - Sta(4e /Lights/
Sound /Generator
*Contract amount increased
$300 by Lynn Crockatt.
Balance due , Jennings is
Pa ✓ . eras Approved
ontra Diff. .
$ 75
I the ( >t:.her box had money
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
-- _
1. 200
When Co- chairman Crockatt came t)
ri off , ce on May 8, 1991,
he had with him two gray metal cn:
May 3, 1991
� o3xe.,3 I had given him on
. One box was empty it
and cash
I the ( >t:.her box had money
receipts. Lynn counted
$411.36. Lynn _ndicated,
the money which totaled
conservation on Monday, May ; ±,
s Ver.ifled in a phone
I had
Eppstein, owner, Pony Pals, he ..<
with Mrs. Karthia
grit,;" en Pony Pals a $40
check at the even. and was takir.0
ack *Y�i- �$40 dollars. Lynn
took $40 cash from the casri
compelled to
r.ad 'i -,st counted. I felt
cos _ gn on the hand
Pony Pals to ve -, ify that Lynn
i.t t er: eceipt made out to
j :
remainder of the cast was
Ukt_ri the $40 cash. The
which totaled $3711,36. Lynn wre
Er.tly recounted by Lynn
of paper, placed _t in one of t:f
h- arno znt down on a piece
the cash and gave it --(� me. La, e�
csh boxes along with
t c� air.e day, May 8, 1991,
deposited the mcney with the
verified the
a:i,c epartment and they
amou• t c; be $371. 1
The Honorable City Council
Page 8
May 17, 1991.
Funds paid out on May 4 b� l.. nn :roc:katt were against
direction of City staff and Muni.- pa] Co(ie. At the April 22,
1991 Cinco de Mayo Committee Pte inq, personally informed
the Committee cash payments cot -I J of 1.) e made
At the April 30, 1991 event CDrini
t'.(!e meetings, I was asked
by Lynn Crockatt and Jim Jenr..irr:.
- (tr.e person who
the stagei light:., /sound and genes
-Cr t`o the event)
if cash
payment could be_ made. I ir,f :)
Mec M° Jennings
and the
Committee they could riot. Rever;c
s end expenditures
were to
be recorded separatey, and i_-
City policy
to make
cash payments fc r services ren,i,.
tiq . Jennings said
payments are a standard prat':_;
-17 t was done
all the
time. I did riot u1t.e, my comme °Ir.
Vickie Perez, who was in attenda:i
up the agreement forms for the
delivered by me t�_-) her office ..r:
if the bands, checks were wri.`_ �:
the event . L told; V.,_ckie the
until the agreement. forms had t f_
if the checks ccuid be written
Lands. I t c L d her no Co -chair
customary to pay musical
performances, and he would take
agreement forms from Vickie on
Three of the agreements were-
groups. The fourth was not.
aa.d, she had just picked
e r:_ &a J i,.lent ( forms had been
r iaY, April 26) and asked
t e °i could be paid at
cr:5 c ).: l d not be written
.1 qr,.e . Vickie then asked
� y of i(l she would pay the
�_rc;c <att said that it was
ands after_ their
? I received four
•ay, Myy 3, around 2:30 pm.
�r ecl k -_he entertainment
There was not enough time to 11,1.
receive approval from the Ci°
checks, have
them signed by this
1 Treasurer
and have
available for d.istributio. -c
gat a
day May 4,
1991. I
_Wade arrangement s for the check
�- be
prepared )n Monday,
May 6, with disI-on for Tut-
Beer Garden
For the second consecutive year
sponsored the beer garden. Bee,,.
this year: Beer $1..50; Wine $;.
donated several eases of Mexicar,
only. The beer garden revenue w
pin, 4 : 00 pm, and 6 : OC pm by Te �-c
the gate revenue even though
several of their me( n.gs the
71E, Knights of Columbus
trine and soda were sold
0, s d3 50 cents. Someone
-)ca :ales were by ticket
LI II C 0(1 at 1:20 pm, 2:20
;c >d._r :(,z and combined with
d the Committee at
"0lumbus 1ere to be
The Honorable City Council
Page 9
May 17, 1991
responsible for �_he separate i<,-i and accounting of
their revenues and expenditure:
Beer and Wine Sales $900.00
(Beer and Wine tickets wert -, _amt
color and not separated wr e i c L Iec, eri
at the beer garden)
Soda Saes (50 sodas!
Subt(D tal_
S 25, 0
5 kegs of beer @ $56, a. 2 2 QQ_
I- evenues Balance• $693.00
However, expenditures were rc r,�:_or °.ed for wine. The
assumption is the wine wa z n.Ite 1) y Lagt�marsino's
Beverages, but t:_i.s has not bees r if(
The City's signed agreement ,,;t
required them to provide insura:t
beer. Co- chairman Crockatt in�:cr
that the City would reimburse
Crockatt reiterated that agreernen
8, 1991, in the presence of N,i .
confirmed that Mr. Crockatt had
City would reimburse the Knigh'�
their insurance
th(- °<nights of Columbus
as a requirement to sell
ei the Knights cf Columbus
r t ie-ir insurance. Mr.
'c ,te in my office on May
>�m a inoa . Mr. Nainoa
cute a ly informed him the
,,:TITS for the cost of
The agreement w`th the Knight; f ;.:ol mcus was (a 75° -25'0
Split in favor o'.- the City afto x,)tInse: (beer, cups, etc. )
not including ttie reimburseme�-r' f LnIE trance costs. Based
upon the written agreement, th, (---rata shire of the
$643.00 of revern,e wily be:
City's Share (75 %)
K of C' Shcre (25.)
Staff plans to request- a warran- or
Of Columbus for the expense cfe
their share of t.t:e revenue per-
$160.75 = $442. ).
4i2.'15 to the Knights
bee , cups, etc., plus:
gir ,' agreement ($282 &
The Honorable City Council
Page 10
May 17, 1991
Our Town Teens sold sodas . The r q_i_ rec event agreement and
program insurance was not prow :. c.. c e hE City for them to
participate in the event. Also, , 7i � I � i .. not pay t -heir booth
rental fee of $100 dollars. Howe,- -.he7 were allowed to set
up and sell sodas. A tota _ of sods: were sold at $.50
each for a total revenue o- ; A,ga:.n as wit: the beer
booth, the revenue and expendil '_o be accounted for
separately; however, the Commi t a _ . e r,;ons rece-'.pied the
revenue with ot`.1-1, program .. ,eve -�
Soda Booth
Revenut,�s :
Soda Sales (796
Revenu•� Ba ic:nce
Agreement for sc�i,:� sales was -
$148.55 revenue:
City :;hare
Our Town -een (25%-)
Staff plans t -o r(-quest a warrant
for their share of the profits r
B &V Markets to pay the cost
recommending Our Town Teens reiiif >t,
Of use for a booth duty to placJ_nq
in respect tc uc, ] 1 i nq sodas at ' `.
ev�nue split of the
r X37 14 to Our Town Teens
i t r,;�quest a warrant for
hE sodas. Staff is not
7l' the City for their cost
1�1 <A deficit position
Sgt. Marty
Ventura C0 11
y her_iff's
for this I I.
;:t r':Ie
Sheriff's mobile
command post
was set
up behind * .
'c:l ," ", n i ty
The Cinco de Mayo Committee wa have had a minimum of
eight volunteer _�ecurity person"(` (daytime 11 am -
5:30 pm and :30 - 12 midnight *.hrougho�it the day
there were fewer -kran -`our.
There were no reported sericu,
Department did refuse
d:n�tt�rnce of
persons because �f g�,nq- relate,:
e n >t_,r :'i �ps,
or they
The Honorable City Council
Page 11
May 17, 1991
wearing gang attire. Four of r,- r DC— Dj>i��� were ejected for
attempting to sneak: into the v��I1t Lt. Rodriguez has
previously submittec a report c *. ""ounc -i_1 detailing
security and traffic ,ontrol f,,r
t • I 0
The lower athletic field at t::e
parking for this event. The Exp;c
security for parking on the f
to their group. The imount of t:
at the event. by Sgt .douse ana
$225 dollars; huweve.c the Cit.,
agreement of $1')(,0. Approximate]
athletic f i eld during the di-,
nightfall. As the Explorer Sce,it
duties, they wee -, igned t:
-gh sc ool was reserved for
er S<.c.:ts agreed to provide
$200 dollar donation
nal ion was renegotiated
n r ;c:,:at.t and increased to
i E° snoring the original
ar: parked on the lower
>f them were gone by
� c � t needed ' or parking
A Event security.
Staff contacrea L,„.lc, Richar :_ ic. explained the lower
athletic field it_:at icn, and r: ~he ','S�� charges for
the field ($60) .
Additionally, at the request -i t--i� St.er.iff's Department,
staff posted Walnut. -'anyon Rca i it "Nc :larking - Tow Away
Zone" from 8:00 a.m. lo 12:00 r-I .i1 ccaht_ b tween Wicks Road and
High Street.
a problem. control ar i k T not appear to be
There were four t,00tjis selling f
Chuy's thicken, Ribs
The Rib Cage s
Moorpark Soccer Express ;oft Tacos
Miss Cinco de Mayo Pageant CrATin tee:, 'ruits & Vegetables
All booths were reported to hav .� ic;r.e very well, especially
Moorpark Soccer Express which w <3: e i.q until midnight.
Ten (10) booths were rented _ynn C o(,katt from Taylor
Rental at a cost of $69.13 ��a csr total of' $691 .30.
Chuy's and The Pib Cage each i `-f.1 ::o r r thei booth of
$100. The City,:; cost for the t : r }, w, s ;69.13. The City'
revenue from these tw,) space .. 1 w-� 30 . X37 each, for a
total of $61.79.
City Council
17, 1991
Soccer Express
charged a
fee to sell.
for their
b ot_'... Also,
t: :ne it ,,;ales.
provi,ec 1—her own booth and were
The y e- for concessionaires
thf':, "' e ; 00 of all revenue
The Miss Ci -r.co de May(-) Pageant
However, they werf not charged
of their reven_c- from sales wFur
for the queen c<ancid3t es.
used a rented booth.
;e <;f the booth, and all
7e scholarship fund
Tras`i pickup was provided by Moo: i .r Express Soccer Club.
They did an exceile.nt job. The :c:- ,lm,�'ity Center grounds were
almost spotless when inspected or_ 7onday, May 6, 1991. A $200
donation to Moorpark F xpress Sc,,,( ub . ,4as approved as part.
of '_he event budget . 'l rash bins; :�< c•�� by BFI.
Music was provided by four gror.N,;
to 2 pm. ; Memo, 3 pm `_0 4 pm; Tr
Pm, and Arrepegio, :30 pm t
stated, contrary to direction of
of the City code, -he bands
performances by Co- Chairman
performing were i group of dan,--c:
and Students, Tit le 1, (all gra >
Mal-a_ni Regional, 12 noon
_i,irocno from 4 pm to 5:30
n _cin iq'Lt . As previously
st ;if{ and in violation
�.E p is cash for their
rc >c kat _ Other groups
i- r'>C ed by Teresa Cortez
Jory School.
Additionally, MYN2 provided a 1 i. e.i' puppet show which
was well receivt�,(j . The cost of � ,., a < paid by MYAC .
Youth A -tivi ies
A large number of children 4.f, °Jitf,r':wined by arts and
crafts supervised by August iinE,'Z Also, Pony Pals
provided 12 ponies and gave app. 250 free rides.
Pony Pals had not: been :informed t t: r,e r. ides would be free
by August Godinf-z until the evening before the
event. The on ginal ly agreed pi (� for the ponies
quoted to the 'omm -Lt tee by o:iinez was $500 but
increased tc Staff fe: to submit to an
agreement for $6 +' to secure i _des for the event.
The amended agreemen_ was prci. a 1. t;E City Manager at
6:00 p.m. on Fr.i to ti'ay s, an t: informed, that the
The Honorable City Council
Page 13
May 17, 1991
original agreed upon price w r rcre,ised $100 above the
Council approved budget.
I spoke with Mrs. Eppstein of P
n} Pa1.7 on Monday, May 13,
1991. She confirmed to me Augii::
Godir.ez contacted her on
Thursday eveninq, May 2, and t
i te.r She could not charge
for rides at the Cinco de Mayc
Lt, ',Ir. Godinez also told
her the estimated attendance i' ,;
the event was going to be
between 2,000 to 4,000 people . ]
.s, >d upon that information,
Mrs. Eppstein supplied two whe " -
ponies for rides. The
standard rat: e for a wheel is s.".
. 11< rs r however, because
of the late notice, Mrs. Eppst, . r-
3 : i d she had to 'bring extra
help to assist with the s< c c.,
i w; ~ ;ec >1 of ponies which
increased the price to $300 per
signed the
.eel (:600). Mrs. Eppstein
Pony Pals agreemE� ;+
F i iay, May 3, 1991.
Payment was mad(, in crash by I.. r
_ r, = - on the day of the
Carnival Service prov -ided a Hurnit.
a problem associated with th-:
The machine pumping air into �.t.e
to the number of children boun<.:: r,
or pipe supplying the air wou
ride to deflate. The operator H
Committee Members and the Sht
problem, but the operator d.-
corrective action. The orig : - -:
services was $335. At the event,
Crockatt the cost. of the insui .j
Passed on to the City wh.icr.
Contrary to the agreement, hy-
amount in cash.
Additional youth activities pr;�� ;_i
Council were Anabelle the Clown
Turtle ($310 for 2 hrs. ) . Co -,: -I(
the additional expenses were ijj�
Committee at their April 24
attendance at the April 22 meet.
Committee approving the exper-i
Chairman Ronald Corzine regar 7 . r
does not recall approval of
Even if such wa , the case, t =. ">
authority to do so, especial.,
approved by City Councii on Apr_
Teresa God_inez war_; au--horized
iLmpt.} air ride. There was
ie -' -cause of its setup.
c',e >. r:> not anchored. Due
the ride, the shoot
cD 4 r ;hed off causing the
warned several times by
'-partme.nt about the
j' 't t eke the appropriate
a( 'ed price for their
E )f �,2-ator informed Lynn
dollars was being
< a r_he flee to
aid 1.1he increased
ut :,ot approved by the
E7; f r 6 hrs.) and Ninja
r,�ir rockatt informed me
E d t the Cinco de Mayo
4�1 lE_eting. I was in
ii 'd I do not recall the
spoke with Co-
=. issue, and he also
cid it ,_anal expenditures.
did not have the
budget had been
.katt to write her
The Honorable City Council
Page 14
May 17, 1991
own personal checks to pay for
other miscellaneous expenses.
reimbursement of.- her expenses.
hese enr�ertainers and some
ha:: ubmitted a claim for
Gloria Nainoa directed the iz,ieait.
The City Council
approved a budget of $560 for h.
at their March 6,
1991 meeting. '_'he Council dire:,
d tha-.
-he City was not to
be involved with this port_.cn
cf '-fie
event beyond the
appropriation of trie $560 fo
,pe ; is e.
. Therefore, staff
does not know the total amount
for the scholarship
fund. The Pageant D hector i j c
t- d t:
it. $544 . 6C? was spent
for pictures, t r _)priie:>, plaque: ,
a r �;;,
i.�,ttering and lace.
Additionally, n ne display ads ii
in the Cinco de Mayo
event brochure. Revenue from
-fie ads ($75 ea x 9
$675 - checks written to Knie4t t
�_ ..
Ijmbus) went to the
Miss Cinco de Mavo scholarships
r,d . �;
'h E, City should have
received this revenuil to helr
cost of the 1500
brochures $1, 494 AccordiIIJ
�Ir_:, .
Nainoa, r(,venue from
the other two ads (The Rib Cact
($130) and Vickie
Perez ($150) wa: to nave gone t ,,,
,r f f:
- :setting the cost of
the brochure. The City has r e
ec M
s. Perez' check but
not The Rib Cage's check. The
;-y the Fib Cage is
not credited to evenues in thi:
On May 15, 1991, Mrs. Nainoa into nec me that the printing of
the queen candidate t=ickets w:,,,
- ?= I> ,i^ from ticket sale
proceeds. Previously, staff h,c believe that the
bill was to be sent_ tc� the Cit,.
Teresa Godinez informed me c n
n:1 s,ic : i, May
she had
a check from The RIJ-)
a:,d gave
to Terry
Mr. Trein misunderstooc,
�h,j, the check
for and
it to The Rib Cage. 1 3
vi contact
The Rib
Cage and
request the check, be rt -
the City.
The approved advertising budget.
Expenditures were $893.30 over
staff did not have the opjc
expenditures, nor did they have
prior to printing Lynn Crock: ,a
costs were approved by the Cir <::
April 22, 1991 meeting. I w;
recall this ire being:
0:_ t,';._ s event was $1,250.
he approved budget. City
t > pit , _o screen these
n e _.D review she brochure
ir:di _aced the additional
le May: Committee at their
Li .3t . e-t,4ance and do not
Add it _j on a I ly, I
The Honorable City Council
Page 15
May 17, 1991
asked Ronald Corzine, who was _ r; attendance at the
meeting, if he recalled I 3.cii. ional advertising
expenditures being approved. M. Cor:i_e concurred that he
did not recall the additional 3(:% s .r. expenditures being_
approved. Advert is '.n.g expendit r— 11 . Follows
Brochures ( '-)CC. copies) $7., 494.94
(Approximately 1000 copies were _ s'r::buted.
Cost per copy was $ . 94 . Loss f °c r, ? .: t. 1 of
these 1,000 copies was $940)
Other costs:
Flyer art work $ 26.50
Printing 3,000 col $ 185.50
T cketE, 3,000 $ 64.66
D) -splay ads (2) fd� ;.. s_r:�r $ 371.70
Total $2,143.30
Restroom Rental
A total of nine; portable rest_ ,
handicap, were rented by Lyni
informed me on May 3 the handicap
It was not. Additionally, Mr. Cr,.,(
sinks were rented. This was d.cn,
approved "Requirement: for Tempo,
were approved on April 30, '91, � a
provided with f�)cd booths. The
however, with th- additional
handicap re::,tro( m 3o;jated, ,
($2].7.25 over bu(,,ge-
Ten booths were rented from Tar
various vendors � t the event. 'F,r__c
to reimburse the City for the r_,
was anticipated that: six vender
However, only two vf�r,dors used 1
Cage . The other boott.s were
entrance for ticket_ gales, 2
sound control_ bu nth, for Mis.:
Town Teens The tenth booth was
missing. Taylor_ 'dental brought
however, the bo(.,'.r. aa:: not
-is ; -- is ht. regular and one
Mr. C r o c k a t t
es' -roc:n was to be donated.
a', ir. Ec :,rmed me three wash
1)eCau. e Ventura County's
:ry Food Facilities" which
r_t °qu _red wash sinks to be
r., "rive,' :i budget was $280;
nk: ind not paving the
' vas actually $497.25
r Rer.'_al for use by
, —rAc�r using a booth
of the booth.
�&o i be using booths.
- 'E; C'r!'.iy' s and The
t.he. C�rmmittee; 2 at
putt; activities, 1
and 1. for
t t: , because 3 part
e c' ater in the day;
t --ommittee 1-cr use.
The Honorable City Council
Page 16
May 17, 1991
Cost of the 10 booth rentals wer�91.0. Revenue collected
was $200 as previously reporter.,
Stage /LiQhtS /Sound/ nerator /Portable Heaters /Tahl es
Mr. Jim Jennings agreed to TDr�: , i
and portable generator. for $l,
from $ 1, 20C to > ;i, 500 when
provide portable heaters and
provided all of the precedinu
tables and portable heaters. '11
by Co- Chairman _rockatt at tiE
balance due Mr. Jennings per
However, Lynn Crockatt:. agreed
Per the City's purchasing rul,
expenditures in exce <s of S1,:
that he d:id rece -ve three qu a
three bids has k >ren prov :ceded t.
Due to Mr. Jennings not pr;,
tables, Mr. Crockatt rented sir:
$349.80 and ten 72" round tat.
cloths at a co!` of x89.10
total of $438.90. This does n:r
Mr. Crockatt agreed to pay �?
Rentals provided tab�es without
were returned for tables witi, .
reduced the total_ cost by $1( '
services is $128.90 c,ver the
the aforement is >rnE d addit i ona
agreed to by Mr. Crockatt
At the April 2 committee meetiri.�,
getting most of the temporary ff,r
fencing needed was go_i_ng to be r:c
On Friday, May 3 Lynn indicateJ t
charge to setup and takedown
$485. Funds were not -)udgeted
Stage, lights, sound
amount was increased
r. . -.-'i
xs agreed to also
r. j ai
I es . Mr. Jennings
The letter
s except the round
was paid $500 cash
donations for
May 4, 1.991. The
used 1r "r
services is $'700.
Cinco de M, :Ayo
Jennings of $1,500.
of th'.
bi_, received on
Crockatt has stated
v' r i f i c a t i o n of the
Mr. Cro ,.k.att .
:c .r'-able heaters and
t= = `,.?dters at a cost of
m� nt. bases and table
i ter Party Rentals for a
-,! iE the additional $300
c nn i 1qs . Lister Party
e > f rrrtbrellas, and they
or umbrellas which
er, cost for these
-1 Jget, no~ counting
he :;cage rental
Lyin rockatt said he was
e 30nated. The balance of
sited trough Pat Sandoval„
ne t }sere would be a $500
Actual cost was
Solici a+-ion
Le tare
City Council
Cinco de
approved a
solicit. ,r
c�z I_e:ter for use by the
The letter
at the Mar
h F, 1 91 Council :meeting.
donations for
to be
used 1r "r
n•' ',:,mmittee to solicit .
Cinco de M, :Ayo
of th'.
venr t,x:cept for the Miss
c wF,r. e approved by the
The Honorable City Council
Page 17
May 17, 1991
City Manager for use by member, c th- Committee: August
Godinez, Teresa Godinez and Lit: r,::.c.o.:onations were to be
received by the Clt: y . None we r - ,r report ed .
Maintenance staff and Director
other Committee Members with
and chairs, barricades and sign;
6:15 a.m. and - _2:3(') p.m. Pu_:
afternoon and eveninc, event, 3
cleaned tables, picked up
members with rearranging the -i
We also took down; sonic booths 3
During the everninq
event, '-1::
Director of Community
and picked up ',-rash .
The Co 1:r -l..
locked for this -,,,rent,
the youth dancf,rs a
place t -
ladies insisted on s.,ing the
even though we . r-A ormed them
for this event.
runun ty Services assisted
_s1 u� the booths, tables
as completed between
he break between the
_c :30 pm, City staff
;..d -issisted Committee
the evening dance.
being used.
e, Workers and the
Community Center
ricer was to remain
.as required to allow
angc .othes. Also, some
crn the evening hours
lets were provided
Generally, all areas were no- eacedr_y the group using
them. The Moorpark Express Socc:c_r 'ub ws hired to clean up.
However, with a little more in. >tr tion from the Committee to
each group, they could have c. F `:e areas which would
have reduced staff t_ic'e to per -; _ « funct io-,.
Considering the amount of tl-,
event, approximately 6 months,
before the event to collect ag
tie up loose ends. During the Ta:
staff emphasized three main po:.r ?.
the agreement forms and insurar)cc
stay within budcq(,t; and 3) do r,-
to organize this
,If wa: scrambling the day
melt forms, insurance and
n�ec,t_ rigs that were held,
h-, Committee: 1) get
:c:c as possible; 2)
ervi.ces with cash.
As you know, originally fund:; 3 ;). cpri<3t:ed for this event
were $5,000. The budget was th,,: -1 :] ,.0 to $10, 451. 87 and
eventually the city :ouncil L, e e expenditure limit
to $12, 000. The t ina' expenditi: ° t c 15, 178 .,'3
The Honorable City Council
Page 18
May 17, 1991
1. Mr. Jenninqs, a vendor, tea,; 31st.. a member of the Cinco
de Mayo _'ommi_*--tee . M:_ enr _ngs provided the
stage /IIight s 'sou rnd /genera,: i)ids are on record
for these
2. Cinco de Mayo Committee waw rmed :-y Teresa Godinez and
Lynn Crockatt, Chairman t tn} P.,ir.ks and Recreation
Commission, without prior by the City Council,
Parks and Retreat ion Common _ s: < ,�-, If f .
Admission revenue cold:
6:00 p.m. is
undocumented. Additional,_
ickets were printed
,he same rind unnumbered
ability to easily
account for the cumber o ±-
(,-)f admission ticket
so-d, and t..ere vere no t_ .
Cage receipts, beer and s,
r i .F
a...es were commingled
contrary to specific dire(,,,
Four (4) days e- -apsed bet q r
event and the date
revenue and receipts were .
) 7 e
to the City.
Paid cash to several cont- z
c r-•- c
ntrary to direction
on at leas, three separat
- as.-�ns
by City staff.
This is contrary to Muni
a:. 'clf:
3.12.010. Cash
payments were made to the `_
> it
Carnival Services
Pony Pals
Arrepegio Band
Mariachi Jalisco
Memo Band
Trio Harochc Band
Jir11 Jennings
7. Lynn Crocka *,_t told Knights Co1_uribus the City would
pay their liability insurar.c lad \BC license contrary
to agreement. and prior a::i e •t :i( -)r cif City Council.
Knights of -olumbus subseq-:t it 1 Y p-, i.d ABC license but,
are still anticipating ins ir,: s,
by the will be picked up
8. No insurance, agreement b( oth rental fee was
Provided by fur Town Teens
The Honorable City Council
Page 19
May 17, 1991
The Pony Pals contract wa :
at the last minute or the
canceled. Staff failed
this prior to his signing t}
..ncreased from $500 to $600
)ony rides would have been
ir:form the City Manager of
z.eree tent.
No agreement was signE<; r fee was paid to sell
concessions by Moorpark Sn< x�;r�ss.
Carnival Service (Humpty ipty) paid $410; $75 above
the amount approved in ";l,nAl" s budget and the
signed agr(>ement .
12. Services for Annabelle the
of $650 and a Ninja Turtlt,
$310 were riot In the appn,,,,,
13. The Ci-Ly approved $560 f,)r
Expenses of $544.60 were
was found for this event
pageant has riot been acc;, r
member of t, he pageant coma i
14. The advertising budget
amount of $1,250 by $89
Gloria Nairnoa that the rev,,;
toward the pageant. T11 E<
additional two ads in thel
Perez, $150 - received) 3!
received) are to ne rece!
the cost of the Brochure.
15. Except for two ids in tr;f
was no advance publicit,r
(3,000) flyers were print(
they were d i <;t r ir,l.t:ed .
-)wr z'c_- six hours at a cost
Cr 'w hours at a cost of
� udye .
i. --- :ico de Mayo Pageant.
e City as no sponsor
R_ven.e collected for the
i 1 r the City by any
C_ty Council approved
;t off was informed by
e f rorr 9 brochure ads went
�kEnu.e collected from the
�cch<<rF (Ely Realty /Vickie
i.b Cage, $130 - not
r _1E� "� ty to help offset
A rpar� News- Mirror, there
ar:TawQ 1. Three Thousand
Lt 't.:ff does not know how
16. One thousand (__000) of fI•en hundred (1500)
brochures printed were disc,, e i
17. City staff wa: not g_1., =-
content/format of brochure
18. The restroom rental budget
Council was exceeded by
handicap rest. roo� i and 3
opportunity o review
f .-er�: before printing.
$280 as approved by City
r; result of need for
n k: required by Health
The Honorable City Council
Page 20
May 17, 1991
Department. City staff was
)t informed of this until
May 3. The cost of the sin,
r ent a_, is not broken out
from the cost of the portabif
toilets. That portion of
the rental attributed to t lit-
cost:. c,f the sinks should
have been charged to the open
crs o` !.he food booths.
19. The requirements of City cie
x.0;.250 for receiving
bids on expenditures in .�;ess
c> $1,000 were not
complied with for the print ; s
c r Est -,3ge lighting.
20. Total expenditures exceeded
C�uccil approved budget
by $3,178.33.
ten round tables were
21. T- shirts purchased for the C.:nittee as requested by Co-
chairman Ronald Corzine we: ct: _n the City Council
approved budget, or previoi.is cii.r3c issed by Committee,
or the Parks and Pecreatio: it 3'c is I
22. Many decisions were defers((_ •h last minute which
did not a1:1ow for appr(.i ;- ,* F rE view by the City
Council, Parks and Recreat i . - ):m'r i;;; i_on, Cinco de Mayo
Committee or staff.
23. Many items were decided wi.'I -1 C-1 y oversight by one
individual who did not ha iu� hority to make the
?4. Social Security numbers or ix i_deiitification numbers
for vendors were riot obtai t > 3e-vices in excess of
The cost for fencing of $4r"
rlot: in the City Council
approved budget.
The cost for Mr. Jennings
r ✓ices increased by $300
above the City Council app r ,
d budc,et . when tables and
heaters were rented from oft,,
2.7 .
The additional cost of $428
r �r, t ort:able heaters and
ten round tables were
+( ) _O }cve City Council
approved budget.
While generally consi,-;er
3 a success by the
participants, the event
Poorly organized and
administered . Many items we r
c�,t. c >ne, only partially
The Honorable City Council
Page 21
May 17, 1991
done or not. performed in , t !71-2 -y r,-inner which resulted
in unnecessary last min_. i tar;, i.e. agreements,
insurance and security.
Staff recommends that future
sponsored with an outside group _w
event be organized by the Comm:r i
staff coordinating volunteers
In either case, the pageant aic
event ( revenue and expendi t., i
handled separately frcm the Cit -
le M «yo events either be
Cut✓ cooperation or the
y :;ery ices Department with
interested groups.
)1,31 ,}sip port--(:)n of the
-�t_o . l J continue to be
Staff requests that the City �c�nsi_der amendment to
the appropriation, for this ever,* i,�ter, lined by the Council
to allow for the paym «ant of aa:i 1 s>rvices provided but
not approved in , he Count . hl,dc:iet )f April 17,
Current appropriation 512'000-00
Additional appropriation equested $ 3,1.78.23
Funding source: General Fun Fr -f„