P.O. BOX :192
(805)523- 1223 FAX 805)!)2"050"1
October 28, 1991
Kenneth C. Gilbert
Director of Public Work-:
City of Moorpark
799 Moorpark Avenue
Moorpark, CA 93021
Dear Mr. Gilbert:
ITEM-//, (-I
City C Meefing
of 199
A A mt
Please note, on the letter of October 25, 1991, the third
paragraph on the second page, eliminated a full line. This
was a typographical error and therefore please substitute the
enclo-.ed corrected letter for the-- ( -tober 25 , 1991 letter.
We epologize for any inconvenie.,c•,- -.hi y ras.y have caused.
AFC acific System-- Inc.
/ y Brad Winner
for Willows II Homeowners Assoeiatt rn
cc: Paul W. Lawrason Jr. , Mayor
Bern r,dc M. Perez, Mayor Pro 1 -rr;
SC-Ott Montgo;^ery, Councilmer,be
Roy E. Talley, Jr. , Councilr,err, e:'
John E. Wozniak, Councilmember
Steve Kueny, City Manager
Dirk Lovett, Assistant City EneinF.er
Steve Howell, General Manager vent,ur�- County
Urban West Comma it,-c-
OCT 304991
P.O. D)X 392
MOORPARK;, �'A 93020
(805 ) 523 -1223 F ^,X '80_`�) 52_3 -0503
October 25, 1991
Kenneth C. Gilbert
Director of Public Works
City of Moorpark
799 Moorpark Avenue
Moorpark, CA 93021
RE: Standing water on the sidewalk on the west side
Mountain Meadow Drive between Willow Forest Drive
and Willow Spring Dri,, %e, acrof!s from the Mountain
Meadows Elementary Se' oc]
Dear Mr. Gilbert:
Our Association and its repreeestativef have informed the
City on a number of occasions 04 the serious situation which
exists with respect to the City 's idewa] Y, on Mountain Meadows
Drive across the street from Moo Meadows Elementary
To briefly summarize that probl, m, wnt,�r, from an unknown
sourer, is draining onto the 0-711y sidewalk and pooling
there. This pooling has resulted in the growth of organisms-
which, when combined with the wt,ter, m=tke the sidewalk
treacherously slippery. To d.atF, at least two homeowners of
our Association have slipped and faller . It is not a
question of if, but only a que ; i :L(,n of w',en, sorr,t� one ;:ill be
seriously injured due to this luat':n
In order to avoid having someone- seriously injured we
notified the City and requestel ghat it fulfill its legal and
ethical dutie- to maintain the x ablic' w -lkway in this area
and protect. tl.e health and welf. -re tl,e citizenry. After
recr -1Vln i.17�..`�tl °fartn2'V re °. c),.� ::..° t.c, }ir' nurur.ruus c`:lls
place, to tide Cit.,v, you fina.J.l,. ,,e t, �i }k rrprreel;t, --- of
01.11' L71,0UP (Q] Dot. )br-r 16, 1991, came about only
after Mary h:_>> liver of our R ,< ., }. ; ;.:,trd C; t.y Council
member John E. Wo2niak.
Page 2
During our meeting you stated t °at, thi. -, problem was not
unique to the sidewalk across tr, - stre A front, the School but
had developed in other areas in t}Ae Mo+zntain Meadows
development. You further state( y,cur (.pinion that the
drainage systerr, was defectively . onstructed and /or designed
by Urban West Communities in thht the drain collection system
at the base of the wall should lave been installed to collect
water from any source and drain it, into the gutter. if,
indeed, such a drainage system c..as installed it is clearly
not functioning properly.
In light of the above factors wt were appalled by your letter
of October 21, 1991. It is clear from this letter you are
more interested in shifting resl.onsibility for the situation
than remedying a very serious pr'Allem.
Our Association came to the Cite to notify them, of the above
situation so as to protect the citizens of the community.
The water in the Homeowners Asscciation"s planter has been
shut off for almost one month, yet, water is still
accumulating on the sidewalk. It, is abundantly clear that
the water is not coming from 't hr landscaping on the
Homeowners Association property and as your letter
acknowledges, "°searches of this rind (locate and eliminate
the source of the water) usual:.N fail to yield positive
results ". The preceding statemE -!t in your letter further
reinforces your comment to us .,At the October 16, 1991 meeting
that the "water could be coming From anywhere ". Moreover,
since this problem is n<-)+1 qi ie to our area, your attempt to -
affix blame to our A -ssociation rr,is pl'.acF -d.
The bottom line of this situat:ic ; i:s that a problem exists
which needs to be remedied immed.ately before someone is
seriously hurt. It is your stag d oi:yinion that a
collection /conveyance system to be constructed to
collect the drainage and tranll t -,( t Et under the sidewalk to
the °-treet. This remedy should 5%r- been incorporated into
the tin &ll when it was initially l: ii :,. By your own admission,
this wall was improperly constru ted and /or designed by Urban
West Communities. To the ext-�ni that Urban West Communities
"does not wish to participate it, tt,je c< st of constructing the
required retro - -f it", we would ., �i. gr;:;t that, the problem is the
City of Moorpark "s , and the c _ ]:!' ' LuF F,roblem should be
addressed after the repaid;, 7� �r,,��• City, on their
Page 3
It. i° the City,--. dut.,y to maint.9 ti t.rlc- ; "Ihlic walkway.. in a
safe condition. This is not. b-- r,& door - on Mountain TMleadows
Drive. We c.yll upor: the Cite t � itt: duty to k' -t
the citizens of Moorpark from bt ir.g seriously injured and
request that the City immediate .y rerr,e(ty this problem.
We are hopeful that the members of the City Council will be
more interested in protecting, t i c i. t -i.ens of Moorpark and
solving problems th }it exist t 1,Fi! f ice i -..
Very truly yours,
AF Pacific Sy tem , Inc.
by Brad Winner
for Board of Directors
Willows II Homeowners Associati,ri
cc: Paul W. Lawrason Jr. Mayor
Bernardo M. Perex. Mayor Fi ) Tem
Scott Montgomery, Councilm,.,-ml,e2.
Foy E. Talley, Jr. , Counc i l rr,erabc -r
John E. Wozniak, Councilmen 1ber
Steve Kueny, City Manager
Dirk Lovett, Assistant Cite Engineer
Steve Howell, General Manage: -r Ventura County _
Urban West C,�; cunit i es
Board of Director, Willow- l �: 0p,