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ITEM STEVEN KUENY City Manager CHERYL J. KANE City Attorney PATRICK RICHARDS, A.I.C.P. Director of Community Development R. DENNIS DELZEIT City Engineer JOHN V. GILLESPIE Chief of Police FROM: Philip E. Newhou- Ii —,:t r )f Community Services DATE: November 30, 1-81- SUBJECT: Consider Gradir(l )u•h Meadows ParK BACKGROUND: South Meadows Park is a propos, . eiq ht acre park in the Urban West Communities development. The pa'K is located south of and adjacent to Tierra Rejada Road between Mourt it Meac(,ws and Mountain Trail streets in Tract No. 4141. DISCUSSION: All issues for development of s Dark have been resolved except for grading which will directly af", t, tow °hf• park will drain water from its surface. The park's configuration is Ig tnd narrow with fixed points of development on all four sides ( nd i wi to the south; streets to the east, north and west). This. ipl :1 w, *.h the park's elevation, lower than the surrounding area, at -c c unique problem of how to effectively grade the park so (—Iy ;train. Currently, the park site has )n;. bfen v jqh graded for drainage with a surface slope between 0.5% and " a hieve proper surface drainage, the park surface should be 1r:a d is % slope east to west. To mitigate or eliminate surface d,rq t the greatest extent possible without the import of additi(.n,, 11 fn,l oT,ial, approximately nineteen (19) surface drairs, are proro• hf nstalled to insure adequate surface drainage ,t the park � h. if • � I I;• r 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark :.alrforn,a 93021 (805) 529 -6864 MOORPARK ELOISE BROWN a ; Mayor BERNARDO M. PEREZ Mayor Pro Tern F. CLINT HARPER, Ph. D. Councilmember c PAUL LAWRASON Councilmember SCOTT MONTGOMERY Councilmember RICHARD T. HARE City Treasurer MEMO - A N D 0 M TO: The Honorable C. i t � :otric 1 ITEM STEVEN KUENY City Manager CHERYL J. KANE City Attorney PATRICK RICHARDS, A.I.C.P. Director of Community Development R. DENNIS DELZEIT City Engineer JOHN V. GILLESPIE Chief of Police FROM: Philip E. Newhou- Ii —,:t r )f Community Services DATE: November 30, 1-81- SUBJECT: Consider Gradir(l )u•h Meadows ParK BACKGROUND: South Meadows Park is a propos, . eiq ht acre park in the Urban West Communities development. The pa'K is located south of and adjacent to Tierra Rejada Road between Mourt it Meac(,ws and Mountain Trail streets in Tract No. 4141. DISCUSSION: All issues for development of s Dark have been resolved except for grading which will directly af", t, tow °hf• park will drain water from its surface. The park's configuration is Ig tnd narrow with fixed points of development on all four sides ( nd i wi to the south; streets to the east, north and west). This. ipl :1 w, *.h the park's elevation, lower than the surrounding area, at -c c unique problem of how to effectively grade the park so (—Iy ;train. Currently, the park site has )n;. bfen v jqh graded for drainage with a surface slope between 0.5% and " a hieve proper surface drainage, the park surface should be 1r:a d is % slope east to west. To mitigate or eliminate surface d,rq t the greatest extent possible without the import of additi(.n,, 11 fn,l oT,ial, approximately nineteen (19) surface drairs, are proro• hf nstalled to insure adequate surface drainage ,t the park � h. if • � I I;• r 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark :.alrforn,a 93021 (805) 529 -6864 rl i nut (; Ott I Ito (; i t y ..; tt nr i 1 Nor)) p')rk, C"II i fctrn i.t Mod ii icnt ion is cc,rtclit i, censer op<•rnt. icrn (atd t Ito doors; slut 1 1 be rop 1 :< I Ito d0S i g,t; W I he cerltO ..,1-111 the CIIHI- ;c'- r r si nnrr;nt t 1 by nn A,; inn rosLartrnttt 1 , ..};ich %,'ortlri ntnt MOTION: (,ounci lmember- 13ro-• ,n< � W .n(l Ccxrnci lmember Montgomery seconded a motion to replace I we t i l n] i" with the words "mny be ". The motion carried, with Colin, iint-per and Porez dissenting. 8.K. Consider Contract for f,anctscnp.e__A ► c_hitec_tural Services for the Design of the Tierra Rejada Medians. Staff Recommendation: Approve the contract and t— hor i ze he Mayor to execute. Council discussion includ.d revisions to Exhibit "A" of the Landscape Design Services :•,,.roement as follows: 1. Item F. - Ownerstip cf Documents - Change to read, "One reproducible S(,• )f 'inal documents shall be. furnished to Owner." 2. Item A. - Last 'aragrapi. - Eliminate first sentence; change second ,entence to read, "The Landscape Architect shal not be responsible for construction contractor's err ,r omissions or failure to perform i n accordance w 1 • i c r. t rn.: t documen is . cc C3. That the Mayor . tl 1 ,xe,. ite all documents on behalf of ..• the City. CONSENSUS: By consensus, thc• ounciI determined to table this item until later in the meeting tc llow tt., City Attorney to review the proposed agreement. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. COMMENTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS Regarding the Moorpark Avenue pavement overlay between High Street and Poindexter, Councilmember Per,;: requested that the City Engineer contact Cnitrnns about widening; ._h„ ,;troet since currently pedestrians must. go into traffic in order t (:rots, 'he street. In response to Councilmember Br wn, Assistant City Engineer John Knipe advised that he was aware that he work being done on Ilighway 118 near the Spring Road intersection w•is being performed at night. Caltrans had sti.pulnted to Topa (the dev,lopor dying the work) that the work in the intersection must be accoml ish•!d d rring the night. Councilmember Brown directed t tat the City Engineer check into the sign posted at Spring and 111g+t v 118 t1 at allows "t1" turns because it was her opinion that they ccu' ct h- '- gotinted safely. The Honorable City Council Page 2 November 30, 1989 In staff's opinion, this is exce will be eliminated, will add tc create a potential !iability hazy Staff, working with Urban We,. options to resolve this issue drainage issue are being propo,n- ALTERNATIVE A: Develop the park as currently p would require accepting a number w fl not insure surface ponding •ie na i ni enance costs of the park and J)Pr .on•, using the park. ommur ties, has explored various "t-e alternatives to resolve the y, u1 �nsideration. .,o•.E•d by Urban West Communities which J r "a( drains. Pros: 1. Development of th- a ar begin immediately. Cons: 1. Potential surfa.n )n i-nq n.iy occur. 2. Increased maintena e (o t to maintain drainage system. 3. Potential liabili• nc.a -A 'rnm surface drains. 4. Even if the :en, _our,s and basketball court are removed from /or orated within the park, the drainage concerns are not ii -.i,latEd ALTERNATIVE B:,Aje � atz~ 74. 4xc �orrt� 4*�- ate, ,mod else Re�de park nd import fi i - ' :ato— -i to rai park e eva ion ti6``� eliminate all surface drains Pros: I. Correct surface cr na(;,, ccn be achieved - minimum 27. surface slope. 2. Eliminate need f( , u,-a e ir•ains and connecting lines. 3. Reduce maintenance o. 4. Provide better 1i• f•)r establishment of healthy turf. Cons: 1. Development of po, d ave 2. East end of pars a�: ar.er ;. to Mountain Meadows street would be elevate V'' to 4' to achieve proper drainage (2% ;ur c Ie!e). This would create two distinct condit-cr A. Homeowners iir;ca s( uth of the park adjacent to this area uld ;)E looking directly into the parking 1 cat in( • eri,i i ,- courts. Relocating the tennis ccur- t) t,ie west of the current location would hnl: • , ' , —is concern. The Honorable City Council Page 3 November 30, 1989 B. Surface of �t park near the intersection of Tierra Rejada and M,- in-,.ain rrail would be depressed 8' to 13' below tFi, 7ireet which would prevent water from flowing out ` -,he .)ark unless connected to the Peach Hil' t, it )- aided by a pump station. 3. Create a water 'f..ertiori ,ond in the park. Additional maintenance cos', anti no*.entia' liability created from an open pond - l c ).= f , n .ed . 4. Aesthetically et,-, t: the eye. ALTERNATIVE C: Create a mid -park grade break tc �)e located at the east end of the park which will create an east /west. surface flow which could reduce the number of surface drains to be ,sta 1 1 ec This would take four to six weeks to complete and return t +Pe Cclincil. Pros: 1. Would reduce o^ minate -.he 8' to 13' surface depression at t ,r west end of the park near the intersection of or -„ Rejada Road and Mountain Trail as indicated in Alt - a•;vo E 2. Significantly e,i ? r e minate all surface drains. 3. Reduce maintenan. <t•,. Cons: I. Development of t,i park & layed to import fill material. 2. East end of the I:rk adjacent to Mountain Meadows Street would be elevate 112 to 4 feet which would allow persons standing i t•ie park to peer into the rear yards of the homes ad i - ::errt to the south side of the park at this location hi o,rl(. be mitigated by additional landscaping i- a• a -F• i.e. additional trees and shrubs. Meadows Par, . we r,m , full- service active park. 3. Nuisance water *.t :t previously was going to be contained on the park w)ul flew o,.t onto Mountain Meadows Street at a point ea-t --he p,oposed elevated portion of the park as indicate y ..,, s iiternative ( "C ") In addition to the previously ie,t:ioned drainage issue, staff would like Council to consider a, adcit.ianaI proposal related to the development of South Meadow, -k >hift the tennis court complex from South Meadows Park t, - t - Meadow-, ('ark - This would allow several things to occur. 1. Uses of North Meac:ow aro South Meadows Parks would change. South Meadows Park w,; d hecorne a more passive type park and North Meadows Par, . we r,m , full- service active park. The Honorable Page 4 November 30, City Council 1989 2. Council previously auth -ired staff to solicit bids for a restroom at North Meadow Park which would lend itself to an active park. 3. Eliminate one tenni -, ,:ourt, regardless of the court locations, and exchang (, !.he cos'. of the tennis court for a picnic pavilion. This .ould reduce or eliminate the amount of funds required to t— loaned -o the Mountain Meadows zone for constructing one )r r� F cr c pavilions. In summary, the current problem sociate�_i with the park drainage can be attributed to the developer's versighl in not considering the park elevation when development of thf area surrounding the park occurred. At that time, the grade elevat in f,r the park should have been addressed and properly dealt witt Considering the nature and sensi-..•.ity to the residents adjacent to the south side of the park, elevatin the landscape features at the east end of the park (parking lot an(- ennis courts) would be aesthetically undesirable and create a detentic- )o,,c it the west end of the park. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Alternative "C" - Create a r d -park .trade break to be located at the east end of the park wt ch wil' create an east /west surface flow which could reduce rumb( of surface drains to be installed. 2. Prior to recommendation of Iternative "C," City Council review and approve plans to implemer Alternative "C." MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA PEN: db City Council Meetint4 Attachment of i 1 98.9U ACTION: CJ CZ* Bul4a9W li:)uno' ,(tip CAa4,-AZ VINSOJI1VD ')ISVdbOOW MOORPARK, CALIF NIA MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA City Council Meeting r . .rty council Meeting of l 98 9 of / ' - - - - -�� 196 9 ACTION: AC110A _ By So UTH MEADOWS . .... . ..... . . MOUNTAIN MEADOWS SPECIFIC A PLANNED COMMUNITY 30-C 0 A DEVELOPMFNT ©Y I PLAN I URBAN WEST COMMUNITIES 0 AVAL Iq 41 EA'—r 6 LAND USE KEY -3S -:,F U S A -Af RESIDENTIAL USE Z-/ CA I'C,11111 N NS? T Y Q�GE P&W? -1c, T.-k I li-L M-ls !ly H TA%, LX NSIT Y A 1 0-5 1 A Dt..� 5 - p 1 j9)L 15 C DUNS;, y D %u ;A-z 8- u UCV y '; . --o 1 -165 -�-7' �n�c -1 - 147A�Y 20 All .25 2 lc"o('X E SIAI � Ac. � L 11.7EP-'00" f oll Slill-WIL" 7 Lf+ lli I COLLECTOR ROADS if n; A nEJA3A 0CAZ COI LECT On MNT Tr I- I -11010 S.A Al:� A-;( �;7-- • ACTS 321• 1915 i0l I A ii VfVVFD AN ED '-1, So UTH MEADOWS . .... . ..... . . MOUNTAIN MEADOWS SPECIFIC A PLANNED COMMUNITY 30-C 0 A DEVELOPMFNT ©Y I PLAN I URBAN WEST COMMUNITIES 0 AVAL Iq 41 EA'—r 6 Urban West Communities VIA FAX be REGULAR MAIL December 6, 1989 Paul Lawrason, :Mayor City of Moorpark 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, CA 93021 RE: Council Agenda Stern 11.8 - Grading �t ` kith Mea:-ows Park Dear Mayor Lawrason: We request that the above itern be withdruw-1 -orn crow deration to your December 6, 1989 Council Agenda. The staff report contains new items which c.tr ;ignific4ntly change the park design and which need to be discussed with staff in do -t,:r Thank you. Sincerely, 'A Tom Zanic cc: Steve Kueny, City :Manager Philip E. Newhouse, Director of Co ),i ii'v S,•r .Ces -- RECEIVED D E C 1 1 1989 City of MOOrPark MinuLc ; ()I t he t: i t t:()1r•rc i t Moorpark, l';r l i Brit n i :t l; i t v "1anaF;er Kiieny adv Planning Director' deci<, r would te<luire a public hear ;Ippl i( ant has advised hr. a siF'n revisiorr at thi ; revision a part of the M't < mont,lr, which will also 1t buildings on the site. lannary 3, 1990 t i, Ir„ tl;pl i. ;tnt. appeaIs t.h <, r• t; 1 n,; the s i f;t; mod i f i cat i on , i t reported Lhat the. t - i' b,irltid It i:; tppl i cat ioil for r" rue 1 1 i ntiLe +d make the sign '. < I, ! i ;i* :on to he filed within one n.1, 1'• , )Iist rue tion of additional MOTION: Councilmember Montgomery moved and Councilmember Harper seconded a motion to receive and 1'ilr•. "'he voice vote was unanimous. 11.B. Consider Locations foi Picnic Pavilions at all City Parks. Staff Recommendation: D reel st:nff as deemed appropriate. (Con't. from 12/20, Item 11 MOTION: Councilmember Brown movo•d attc{ Councilmember Harper seconded a motion to continue this item tc the next regular meeting. The voice vote was unanimous. H.C. Consider Additional Gii ading_ Quantities for West Village - PC -3 (Urban West Communities_ Staff Recommendation: Approve the recommended grading plan ((:ori't from 12/20, Item ll.D.) After review of the staff report by Assistant City Engineer John Knipe, the Council concurrt•d to hear from Tom Zanic, Urban West Communities, who advised that UWC agreed with the Staff Report dated November 28, 1989 with the exception of the requirement for a 5 -year bond which, in IN(",; opinion, was excessive; and that UWC would agree to return ) the Sotith Village multi - family site up to the same amount of di It teat is "borrowed" from the site at the time of constructi(rn rat.he, than within a time frame approved by the Council 1 ri, -�tatr-d n the staff report). After discussion, Staff'.- ec onrnencnt. ion was amended to include approval of: 1. The basic grading pla is utilize only the West and South Village multi -fami l-, I ,r r e l a: borrow sites; 2. That the stockpile{ 1, ,00) ,:ubi,: yards on the West Village multi - family site b< ppT < ec 'or removal to Tract 4341 -2 and 3; 3. The developer to subm.t revised grading plans and pay all applicable fees for t -in City Engineer and the Director of Community Development o npprc,,e the following: a. The proposed 1! rrow F!an for the South Village multi - family I ir• W, Ill tE.,rnc {ng; h. The revised 1 A. cn:; t n 'Tract 43431-2 & 3 not to exceed two (2 t t('ov existing approved elevations;