HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA REPORT 1990 0516 CC REG ITEM 11G • MOORPARK ITEM + (a PAUL W. LAWRASON,Jr. ,aKOkos STEVEN KUENY ;OORPARK, CALIFORNIA CH JaKANE Mayor SCOTT MONTGOMERY Mayor Pro Tem 040W A CIty C I Meeting City Attorney ELOISE BROWN `t0�� of / 1fRICK RICHARDS,A.I.C.P. Councilmember o v r m �> Director of ' ' .L ' CLINT HARPER, Ph.D. �° ACTION:J°,,� � R. DENNIS DELZEITommunity t Councilmember BERNARDO M. PEREZ City Engineer Councilmember By /t, JOHN ChiefV.of Police PIE LILLIAN KELLERMAN City Clerk RICHARD T. HARE City Treasurer MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Craig Phillips, Administrative Assistant Cp DATE: May 7, 1990 (City Council Meeting May 16, 1990) SUBJECT: Approval of Actions to Initiate Provisions of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939) ; and Approval of Supplemental Budget Request BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939) established aggressive source reduction, composting and recycling requirements which are applicable to all general purpose local governments throughout the State of California. A diversion rate of 25% of all solid waste from landfills or transformation facilities must be attained by January 1, 1995 via source reduction, composting and recycling activities. A 50% diversion rate must be attained by the year 2000. These State mandates represent the need for a significant increase in waste reduction, composting and recycling activities for nearly every jurisdiction in the State. Penalties of up to $10, 000 per day may be assessed if a jurisdiction fails to comply with the requirements of AB 939. Components of Source Reduction and Recycling Elements In order to achieve and maintain these required reductions, comprehensive programs must be developed and implemented which are consistent with the solid waste management hierarchy. Cities are being required to prepare the first component of their integrated waste management plans, the Source Reduction and Recycling Elements (SR & RE's) by December 31, 1990 to allow time for environmental review (CEQA) . Each City's SR & RE will then be reviewed by the 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, California 93021 (805) 529-6864 PAUL W. LAWRASON, Jr. Mayor SCOTT MONTGOMERY Mayor Pro Tern ELOISE BROWN Councilmember CLINT HARPER, Ph.D. Councilmember BERNARDO M.PEREZ Councilmember LILLIAN KELLERMAN City Clerk MOORPARK ITEM M E M O R A N D U M STEVEN KUENY City Manager CHERYL J.KANE City Attorney PATRICK RICHARDS, A.I.C.P. Director of Community Development R. DENNIS DELZEIT City Engineer JOHN V. GILLESPIE Chief of Police RICHARD T. HARE City Treasurer TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Craig Phillips, Administrative Assistant CP DATE: May 7, 1990 (City Council Meeting May 16, 1990) SUBJECT: Approval of Actions to Initiate Provisions of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939); and Approval of Supplemental Budget Request BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939) established aggressive source reduction, composting and recycling requirements which are applicable to all general purpose local governments throughout the State of California. A diversion rate of 25% of ali solid waste from landfills or transformation facilities musr . bE� attained by January 1, 1995 via source reduction, composl:inq and recycling activities. A 50% diversion rate must. I attained by the year 2000. These State mandates reprE: E,:;t the need for a significant increase in waste reduct.,.(ui, composting and recycling activities for nearly eve -, jurisdiction in the State. Penalties of up to $l0, O()o! ;_per da} may be assessed if a jurisdiction fails to comp7;.y th the requirements of AB 939. Components of Source Reducfi _L ri and I,ecvclinq Elements In order to achieve and mairYt..tin these required reductions, comprehensive programs must be de, ✓eloped and implemented which are consistent wit}. the ;solid waste management hierarchy. Cities are be:Lnq rc�quir f 2d to prepare the first component of their integrate. wash:. management plans, the Source Reduction and Recyc. ng Elements (SR & RE's) by December 31, 1990 to allow imf2 f-r environmental review (CEQA). Each City's SR & I I wa1 then be reviewed by the 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark Califomia 93021 (805) 529 -6864 The Honorable City Council May 7, 1990 Page 2 State and vocal agencies for 'EQA compliance, adopted by the City, and submitted to the Co my for review by July 1, 1991. Each SR & RE must contain irh, following components: A. A solid waste generation analysis, including an assessment of current waste idiversion rates. B. A source reductioii component including an implementation scheduie and an evaluation of "rate structures" designed , :) reduce wastes generated. C. A recycling componen, including an implementation schedule. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. A composting componen� .ncl�iding an implementation schedule. A special waste (inclu,i ing asbestos and sewage sludge) component. A household hazardous waste component, including an implementation schedu.�. A disposal facility capacity component, identifying existing capacity and projec-:ing facility needs for fifteen years. An education and public information component, identifying waste generators and targeting groups for education /information !ampaigns. A funding component Identifying projected costs, revenues and revenue .iurces An integration componnt, integrating the foregoing components and how hey will achieve AB 939's diversion mandates. Waste Generation Analyses A critical component of the ;R & RE's is an initial Waste Generation Analysis (Component A, above) , which must include six months of seasonal data on eight (8) different waste categories (paper, plastics, glass, metals, .yard waste, other organics, other waste, special waste) and thirty -four (34) different sub - categories of -vaste from four (4) different sources (residential, commer-cial, industrial and other sources). To meet the December 15, 1990 deadline for completion of the Waste Gener <,, ion Ansalysis, and the December The Honorable City Council May 7, 1990 Page 3 31st deadline for SR & RE pr review of the draft document, no later than June 15, 1990. study is late May, 1990. A the County of Ventura at thi t ?paration and allow for timely the study must be initiated by I'he targeted start -time for the onsultant is being selected by time. Since the preparation of maiiy of the element components hinges on data gathered dur:inc:::I the Waste Generation Analysis, the time lines for initiating these components are incumbent on the completion of the fr::1 -. wasto_ i stream sampling. Other Components of the SR & iZE Components "B" through "F" _ the SR & RE also must each establish specific component objectives over the short and medium term; target the tyl::;es of waste being addressed; describe in detail current ,,aste disposal activities and identify improper waste dispc,;ai activities to be phased out over the short (1991 -1995) and medium (1996 -2000) term; evaluate alternatives for overall impact, practicality, and consistency with policy and et°­er regulatory programs; select the specific program to �e implemented; develop an implementation timetable affil, identify tasks, responsible parties, and funding source:., an3, establish the methods by which annual monitoring wi l )C:3.11. As mentioned previously, the ;our-ce Reduction and Recycling Element must be prepared by tre City by December 31, 1990 to ensure adequate review for c,mplianc..e under the California Environmental Quality Act (Chl,,A). r Sherefore, hearings must be held and drafts of the F'Aement must be circulated for review by the State and locz�_I agenc-ies prior to the July 1, 1991 deadline for adoption of ;,ihma.ttal to the County. Current Status of_ Planning The initial steps towards, complying with the first significant requirement of AB 9393 -_. the development of the Source Reduction and Recycl:in( . Element -- have been initiated by the County Waste Commissi::) which has been designated as the Local Task Force for (._�veloping and implementing a County -wide Integrated Waste Management Plan (the CIWMP) . The Technical Advisory Commit-ee of the Waste Commission, on which the City is repres -rated by the Administrative Assistant, has developed dr,r' County -wide goals, policies and programs which were ac_�el: ed by the Commission on April 12, 1990. These have beer- .) >v i otjs l y provided to the City Council. The draft document s :;ub-lect to amendment by the Commission pending the comr,1 t:,cn C ^f the Waste Generation Analyses, which may have ar a(--t the Goals!, Policies or The Honorable City Council May 7, 1990 Page 4 Programs. Staffing levels required to administer and implement the programs delineated by the various components of the SR and RE, and to adhere to the ann.zal monitoring requirements of AB 939 are at this time unkn(..in. Memorandum of Understanding__ Waste_ Generation Analysis and SR & RE Because of the short time frame for preparation of the SR & RE, most cities are retainin <; consultants to conduct Waste Generation Analyses. Based on experiences of other cities in executing contracts for this type of study, and a shortage of qualified consultants, most cities preparing individual waste generation analyses have budgeted between $50,000 and $80,000 for this component alone. The cost of preparing complete, individualized So,irce Reduction and Recycling Elements is expected to be .Tnificantly greater. However, AB 939 provides for joint preparation of all or portions of the SR & RE's. Wh le different jurisdictions may be at different levels (;f progress in meeting the implementation requirements ii:)r a complete SR & RE, certain components lend themselves a cooperative effort between jurisdictions with the beneii.t of shared costs. This is especially true in the case ci Waste Generation Analyses in those instances where the maiori -ty <Df several communities' wastes are sent to the same landfill; it is particularly applicable in the case of Ventura County since the Waste Commission has endorsed t. -re levelopment of a standardized waste characterization prot(c 1 The Cities of Moorpark, Thc: >usand Oaks and Simi Valley appointed elected representatives to the an County Wasteshed Task Force. Mayor Lawrasor _s the City's representative. The County of Ventura has recently joined with the three cities to develop a Memorandur, of Understanding (MOU) for the purpose of cooperative preparKt,,ion of each City's SR & RE for consideration by each jurisdict-on. An important initial result of the MOU would bE� -;ri,ired casts of preparing Waste Generation Analyses, which Mrould oe the basis for the development of Source RedLc,: , )n and Recycling Elements for each of the jurisdictions. is estimated that the cost of preparing a joint: Waste Ge -E :.t t :.or,, F. ial.ysis is $50,000. Staff from the Cities and :.'ccity met on April 27, 1990, and again on April 30th, to prepare a draft of the MOU and Scope of Work (Exhibit A) . This (lrc ` t MOU 'v.,as reviewed by the East County Wasteshed Task Force , 1990, and approved with The Honorable City Council May 7, 1990 Page 5 minor modifications for submission to the City Councils and Board of Supervisors. On May 2, 1990, the City Council authorized the Mayor to send a letter to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors requestir-kg the levy of a gate fee at the Simi Valley Landfill and coafirminr.X the City's intent to proceed with the preparation of the Waste Generation Study in connection with the Count of Ventura and Cities of Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks. Because of the significant differences between the Cities in terms of progress towards meeting the requirements of AB 939, careful consideration has been given to scoping the project to avoid duplication of effort, and to developing the appropriate funding mechanisms based on the need to cooperatively develop the el.finents. Components of the MOU The draft MOU is divided into even specific Articles. These are summarized as follows: Article 1 - Definitions: his Article defines the terms used in the memorandum in nformance with the definitions section contained in the regulations established by the California Integrated West., Management Board for AB 939 Plans. Article 2 - Coordinated Planninq Activity: This article establishes the purpose of the MOU as providing a means to prepare SR & RE's that w -iI, form the basis for integrated waste management in the Planning area. Specific planning tasks include: Coordinatin(.; planning among the parties to conduct the waste generat..on study; conducting a waste diversion analysis; developing area -wide diversion strategies; assessing the long range disposal needs for residual solid waste a sposal; coordinating joint environmental assessments f.)r the completed SR & RE's; and developing options for int- ..carated waste management programs for the planning area. Article 3 - Administration and Funding: This article establishes the means of funding the cooperative planning effort for the East County &cc-ea. Funds for the coordinated Planning would be derived via .a mandated fee ($1 45 /Ton) imposed at the Simi Valley Landfill; this fee would be set based on a projected funding requirement for the regional effort. An advance contribution from each of the cities for the purpose of funding the Waste Generation Analysis would be reimbursed. Fift-- `Phousand Dollars is provided to each party for adminir ;t.�- � vc- o%ersight of the planning The Honorable City Council May 7, 1990 Page 6 effort, and $250,000 would be allocated to the County for the preparation of the SIR RE's for each of the parties. The Article requires that e ich of the parties undertake an effort to ensure that the historic percentage of waste disposal at the Simi Valle,. Landfill be maintained. Article 4 - Adoption of !Drocrrams and Elements: This Article establishes the right of any of the parties to adopt its own SR & RE and implementation programs, while requiring that the partik--� agree that this effort be coordinated. Article 5 - Amendments Term and Termination: This Article sets the effective date of the MOU as the date on which it is executed by all of the parties, and the termination date as July 1, 1991, unless all parties agree to an extension. The article also allows for withdrawal from the MOU upon sixty (60) days notice; precludes any party that withdraws from the MOU from being :eimbur.sed; and establishes a mechanism for disbursemen+- �f fees collected in excess of actual costs. Article 6 - Statutory Aut:hor-ity and Liability: This Article recognizes the sepax�te Liabilities and authorities of the parties. Article 7 - Notices: This �.rticle establishes procedures and contacts for notices Fn' suant. to the MOLT. Scope of Work As an attachment to the MOU, County and City staff have developed a workscope outli.ni�)g eighteen various work tasks to be accomplished, either. L;, staff or by the consultants when preparing the SR & RE'-c. These tasks include provi(ting a description of the jurisdictions, jurisdictional demographics, and, solid waste management practices and regulations; planning and administering the waste generation analysis; conducting a waste diversion analysis; preparing the source reduction, recycling, composting, speci,il waste, household hazardous waste, public education, disposal capacity, funding and integration components; prepa -ing administrative drafts and CEQA documentation for rev( and, completing the final document. The Honorable City Council May 7, 1990 Page 7 Notification to California_In~eor.ated Waste Management Board Pursuant to Section 18762(b) �f the "Planning Guidelines and Procedures for Preparing, Rev __sing, and Amending County -wide Integrated Waste Management Plans ", established by the California Integrated Waste Management Board under the authority of AB 939, a jurisdiction must submit written documentation to the Board cr its designation of an agency responsible for preparation of its SR & RE. This notification must occur within thirty (30) days of the date on which the designation takf s place.?. Upon the Council's approval. c. the MOU for joint preparation of the SR & RE's, staff will prepar.ra a letter notifying the State that the County of Venn „ira .s the designated preparer of Moorpark's SR & RE. Letter of Request to the Coup, r' of Ventura Regarding Mandated Fee Section 41901 of the Publ c Resources Code authorizes jurisdictions to impose fees -n amounts sufficient to pay the costs of preparing, adopting and implementing an integrated waste management plan. Fees allowed under this section must be used to pay the actual c:_st. of preparing, adopting and implementing the plan. It h<s.s been determined that a $1.45 per ton fee imposed at the Sir, i Valley Landfill will generate the required funds to pay foi the SR b” RE. The fee would be effective July 1, 1990. In order to implement the mandated fee at the Simi Valley Landfill, the Cities must request the County to impose the fee pursuant to the provision: of the County's 1989 agreement with Waste Management for landfill operations. Pursuant to the May 2, 1990 City Council ;action, the attached letter was sent to the County of Venturi requesting the imposition of a $1.45 per ton fee at the Sir -A Valley Landfill (Exhibit B). Supplemental Budget Request:: Given the short time -frame f c_- initiation of the SR & RE's, each of the parties to thf MOU is expected to make a reimbursable advance to t;h,e i.nitiai planning effort. The contribution will be reimbur�_,able after collection of fees at the Simi Valley Landfill',_. To accomplish this, staff has included a request for $1),.1010 Supplemental Budget appropriation. The Honorable City Council May 7, 1990 Page 8 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES Upon review and considerat e~ of the above, the following alternatives are available: 1. To approve the execution of a MOU among the cities of Moorpark, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks and the County of Ventura for cooperative Solid Waste Management Planning for East Ventura County and direct staff to notify the Californi_ Integrated Waste Management Board that the County of Ventura is the designated preparer of Moorpark' SR & ]RE; 2. To approve a $10,000 ipplemental Budget Request; or 3. To direct staff to to };cy alternative action including pursuing these mandat+ > on its own. SUMMARY AB 939 requires action by Cities and Counties to initiate comprehensive planning efforts for integrated waste management. Local plans mus° he developed and approved by December 31, 1990. The East Ventura County Cites of Moorpark, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks and the County of Ventura, representing the unincorporated areas in the +,ast.ern County, have formed an East County Wasteshed Task Force, with the goal of executing an MOU for coordinated solid waste planning. A draft MOU and Scope of Work have been prepared for approval by the respective City Councils and -he Board of Supervisors. The parties to the MOU are expected to advance a proportional share of the initial costs ,f this planning effort, with reimbursement to occur frorn 1 fee imposed at the Simi Valley Landfill. Staff is recommending that tl,.. Council give approval to the execution of the MOU and aut: :norize a $10,000 Supplemental Budget Request as the ity's reimbursable advance contribution to this effort This would be accomplished through a $10,000 loan from 3eneraI Fund Reserves to the Solid Waste Fund. The City c:uncil treated the Solid Waste Fund on January 17, 1990 rra prev.ously loaned the Fund $6,000 from General Fund The Honorable City Council May 7, 1990 Page 9 STAFF RECOMMENDATION (Roll C,sLl Vote) It is recommended that the 7 '-:y C'cue.cil: 1. Approve the Memorandu of Understanding between the Cities of Moorpark„ E >,mi Valley, Thousand Oaks, and the County of Ventura for cooperative Solid Waste Planning for East Ventura County and authorize the Mayor to execute orl 1> hralf' of the City. 2. Direct staff to notify t-he California Integrated Waste Management Board that the County of Ventura is the designated preparer of the City's Source Reduction and Recycling Element (S! RE` . 3. Approve the appropr iat . on of $10,000 from General Fund Reserves as a loan °o the Solid Waste Fund and authorize that expeni.itures be charged to Account Number �Ircfes Tonal Services). CP:sc 573.per Attachments EXHIBIT. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF VENTURA AND THE CITIES OF MOORPARK, SIMI VALLEY, AND THOUSAND OAKS FOR COORDINATED SOLID WASTE �'LANNTNG FOR EAST VENTURA COUNTY This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERS'I'AN, IN(; is made this day of , 1990 and is en'°:ered into by and between the County of Ventura, City of Moorpark, City of Simi Valley, and City of Thous,ind Oaks {referred to collectively herein as "part e >") . RE(,- LTALS WHEREAS, each county, in cooperation with its respective cities, is required pursuant to Put)lir. Resources Code, Sections 41700 et se q. and 41750 et se q. to prepai�-e a Countywide Siting Element and a Countywide Integrated Waste Mana(dement plan; and WHEREAS, Public Resources Code Sections 40900 et seq. require the preparation and adoption of ci y and +::--aunty Source Reduction and Recycling Elements in order to mee, :state mandated waste diversion goals; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Public i,.esources Code, Section 41823, counties and cities may enter into agreements for the purpose of jointly preparing Source Reduct_o*i 3no Recycling Elements; and WHEREAS, the parties determi.c,e that it would be to their mutual advantage and to the public's bene;it: to coordinate their respective planning of integrated waste managi-nert for eastern Ventura County and funding related thereto, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties elree a:: follows and enter into this MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING >, "MCU" therein) : ART a ('LE 1 DEFIP, 1TIONS The following definitions sli l apply to `.his MOU: COMPOSTING shall mean the controliP_I biological decomposition of organic wastes that are separated : -cm the solid waste stream. INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT shall ::pan a comprehensive program of solid waste management that enccmp�.,isses SOURCE REDUCTION, RECYCLING, COMPOSTING, PROCESSING and SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL for the PLANNING AREA, consistent with the requiz-em, its of applicable state and federal laws and regulations. nhYDAT,�TEM FE ha'_ ill i1 rle`n E'E _rT E x1,111 ✓33 E? }' GilE'_ tit� _ t the t: _at_E? 'I T1 C_Se i Dy -V'=- nt11i7F1 =:t. ;7t' rE?C{ll `r ()1' n -_Ith t:h _zupport 3_ =d c r3= (s nt c +1 .1 -1 C� t> _ti= o �Iz l `I cirri `I''c tlSi3fl t' _' ti 1 r u int -f tt � rr-e t- nenh U he wt _ ttI ,r �n.i . , _ �f hE� ��,r_ti. i -lc ,, =t_ =d : uT-1 2,71- 1.33 IC = r2 +,0 1'y r = cC)r,t._; :Set- f';,r h he- i }7 =. near :klc?; n ::_ _cl It .: ° , l_£ -4h, de :luptl r.t an :rt_ _I; od _.,f M�EGRTT -FD- WA= iir,j c�I ril:rF1' inc;;urii,,- c -he fIas b I - i c:c) t s and envirl -n n_ental. - - E FU' :-: t:i 1� =;E I 13$ Il it.,l'tt_ T]E't t is iirt Iii.'. }.`c:.tlli f'.F e'j' "t a [+tnsl'E 1= iiErj,I'IC14 i'_UDT a p,,-- e p l r i ;n ,r (..sE3ci 'qD _:: uI E►_ €_'TInrt RECD'. ['I)+G PLUME: = .: iatlet car .` nir c)r all of 'Pal-t l _ ` II(2). _t_ t). _.rl_.l ode the _, _.ii al c1Ci:) 1t I2 } � erlerrta iC n rl__.- r event. . oE� _t F _"=loll Of WIV E; T�7�:�u , -�GIIC 'T r� AND T_ 1' _ f c = SOLI- t ItAS''1 p>'r'j cyt . P A':-; _,A shr_11, rrclan t-- e- 3- -(1 urlirl °F rat- ed-- -=_r(a Lei C ---_-Sl ' - -p- - on r � area i _: t�t� - c•t - =t` ti:r - f: t. Gc'I J =•i_X sha1_.1 r an t h _on, t­­-_ 4tE�r -�rF or I-,-. _' c._ _:1.:' --f SOT I tCI'C'I LG ;- s'llal.j.- 1;-- 311 t.tt _ores. -_ r c i)i l _ I1Cjk =jr 1n9. C:� _ _ __ss IICJ, - caat�i'_fY , <lnd i -�- n.:�t-t -trine n t �. a= r: t - - cac�ul - :ilc��-r<�_,_se ._ 'cone t�:11I rti -tI ;hull ( t =t]L _E:r�or�: ri lnI`eaztt i `he Er:--n s,1 :racr rat ria_ i., w t - ci, r - - consti '_he G- D t 1 If E?�lrl T t Pllt C _txl Iid. any- Iiqu -d A7._astes, r --t 114i} t;ark _ n�aah� r_fuse, _aper, �Ijhb. stl, ust :r'i i1 d,ast den ,li':.ion an i :� � ruc:ticn aband'7;, -f `IE'_il 'I =:, ilrl_ 3_.' t _ >_eof'�' I.i: -:a rded iE< aIld Lndu�s t_t'la tppj I,31,c.j'<,, :F= ltiit_:_f.r =r; '_Ch _; __ I'E'. :Ej E>I" _ e 311C I 1r Cd i i id_j -S' -_ Fah _ i --t,t tll- 2— dour (E t ab _ c,r ar .i i_,rrI. - C; -yy. 3 }7d nli - _ c cI _ : es f tf - ,1 `. r i is c ti r d ':�El_ d si?ra _ 1 id i Is " :s not 1..e^ Sa i4aste. :3C -- [� ,- ^E_ Ljl _ =t ; �T� _ - �' rt � ----------- - f i � ll - _cs i't'.otl v, f � �D #'��` '�l - - trntc, land, - = Buses 1 =F -- ` - -i2i -'1 sh l L lrE1an _.n, id "Err' T( 211erlt _ran or ,}any p> _ "E';� cach_- >f= '_110 p;Lrt_i_ IyorE!t::', ;vc;ul t�OCi,'° n ; It,OO f?f _' -`_:; and [ 1' "f) E t. _- 3 seq., to the extent pertinent to I �,e ?LANNING AREA. WASTE GENERATION STUDY shall mean i comprehensive study or studies that describe and analyze SOLID WASTES generated, diverted, and disposed of in and by the jurisdiut.i.o�is c.f each of the parties hereto, conducted pursuant to Cal-ifornia Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 9, Sections 18722 et:._`,.fg. ARTLCLE 2 COORDINATED PLANNING ACTIVITY The purpose of this MOU is provide for coordinated PLANNING between the parties so that each party may prepare SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENTS that will.. farm the basis for INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT in the PLANNING AREA. i 'he purpose of the MOU is not to implement, coordinate, manage, or :operate any specific INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT program. However, the parties are obligated to in good faith, meet and discuss the: >c' issues and develop coordinated plans. Specific PLANNING ACTIVI`T "�'S ;hall include, without :Limitation: a. Conduct a WASTE GENERAT ON STUDY for the PLANNING AREA which, without limitat7,�n, addresses SOLID WASTES currently generated by ach jurisdiction of each party, and diverted from or disposed of at permitted solid waste facilities by each j cir s .d ic:t iori of each party. b. Conduct a comprehensive and coordinated analysis of SOLID WASTE diversion alterrnza ives, including without limitation SOURCE REDUCTION, RE,--Y( ING, and COMPOSTING for the PLANNING AREA. C. Develop coordinated S'OIJD WASTE diversion strategies for the PLANNING AREA for incorporation into the SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING' ELEMENTS, including regional programs and PROCESS INC faci.l i ti es. d. Assess the residual SOLD WASTE DISFJSAL needs for the PLANNING AREA, pursuant to Pub] -ic Resources Code Sections 41260 and 41460, includinq remaining or planned disposal capacity for SOLID WASI!S not_ ;,object to SOURCE REDUCTION, RECYCLING, or COMPOS`II'� e. Coordinate <_nnd develop oirnt environmental assessments for completed SOURCE REDUC'T ON and RECYCLING ELEMENTS to comply with the Cal i`.cr i<i Env :.ronmental Quality Act (CEQA) . f. Consider and develop cF ions f(..)r INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT programs 1.cr the PL.ANNING AREA both before and upon completion of SOLI, PEDUC'TION AND RECYCLING ELEMENTS. ART . QLE ADMINISTRA`L'I DN AND FUNDING Each party to this MOU recognizes its independent responsibilities and local fee authorities pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 40900 et and 41900 et seq. In order to accomplish the coordinated PLANNIN referred to herein, the parties further agree as follows: a. Following execution of this MOU, or in the alternative before execution of this MOU, the parties shall meet and determine the proposed budget for implementation of this MOU, including without limitation, any and all PLANNING and the WASTE GENERATION STUDY, and shall further agree upon and prepare a statement of budgeted tasks. A $500,000 budget and related statement of tasks must be approved by all parties before any funding is proposed to and approved by the Board of Supervisors of Ventura County, as provided in :_: ubparagraph b. below. A copy of said budget and related statement of tasks shall be attached to this MOU .:I;, cxhiba.t "B ". b. The parties shall fund he aforesaid budget through imposition of a new MANDATED I?E:E by the County of Ventura on the Simi Valley Landfill, which such fee will be effective, July 1, 1990 and shall terminate when all budgeted costs, as esta):.iished in subparagraph a. above, IF have been paid. Each of the parties shall recommend the amount of said MANDATED FEE to the Board of Supervisors of Ventura County. Notw:it'.l,standing this MOU, said MANDATED FEE shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors in the exe.ri _se c:>f: its discretion. Said MANDATED FEE shall be r: :�d ex,c l us ivaly to fund the aforesaid budget. C. As collected, MANDATED ;iEE funds shall be deposited in a separate trust with the :'ounty of Ventura Auditor- Controller, and ;hall be distributed to each of the parties, as set foie ,`i in Exhibit "B ". No party shall receive reimbursement I(A' performance of its tasks in excess of the amounts budgeted for such tasks unless all parties unanimously agr, ,, thcr -, t. d. In order to provide f'oi the timely completion of the WASTE GENERATION STUDY and SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENTS, initial effori for such studies shall be funded collectively through id,, 9nc�� contributions by each of the parties in proportion tC thN� population living within each party's jurisdiction -,Ii, 'ho PL., \NNING AREA. The parties agree that the proport:. ! c is i:.o(i i_or this purpose and the subsequent reimbursemeii, of contributions shall be as set forth in Exhibit P" e. To ensure the recovery )f costs incurred herein through the MANDATED FEE, the p,irties shall undertake efforts to maintain their historic percentage of waste disposal at the Simi Valley Landfil from their respective jurisdictions. f. The parties shall designate staff representatives to meet on a regular basis to � compli-3h the tasks and objectives covered by this MOU. g. The parties agree, by unanimous vote, that staff support for this MOU and /or preparation of each party's SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENT beyond that specified in Exhibit "B" shall be the financial responsibility of each party and that each party shall absorb its own costs related thereto without reimbursement hereunder. h. All decisions by the patties herein regarding administration or implementatic:in of this MOU must be made by unanimous vote of th panties, with each party receiving one vote. If the parties cannot agree on a course of action, no action may be taken pursuant to this MOU, and no costs pertinent to such actions shall be reimbursed pursuant t c:) iI S MGt'.. ARTICLE 4 ADOPTION OF PROi:RAMS AND ELEMENTS Notwithstanding this MOU, ea,.n party retains, and in no way relinquishes, its power or responsibility to determine and adopt its own SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENT" and any specific SOURCE REDUCTION, RECYCLING, COMPOSTING of SOLED WASTE DISPOSAL, programs or projects. Without waiving or limiaing in any way such powers or responsibilities, the parties herelr) agree to cooperate in the PLANNING activities referred to herein in order to help achieve an INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT prog:rarr f'or, the PLANNING AREA and to that end they shall coordinate formulat )r of proposals for SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENTS.. r the event the parties are unable to agree, by unanimous vote on whit those proposals should be, then no such proposals will. ])d­ lade b., the parties pursuant to this MOU. ART "LE AMENDMENTS. TER!4 AND TERMINATION This MOU shall be effective ( r the date of execution hereof by all of the Cities of Moorpark, S;i.m. Valley, Thousand Oaks and the County of Ventura, and shall autom,�,ical.].� terminate on July 1, 1991, 6 unless the parties, by unanimous tote, agree to terminate this MOU earlier or extend this MOU to a different date. This MOU may also be amended by unanimous vote of the parties. Any party may withdraw from this MOU by giving each of th,.N other parties sixty (60) days written notice. In the event a party withdraws and at the time withdrawal becomes effective, the .,ithdrawing party has not completed tasks allocated to it in Exhibit: '`" , it shall not be entitled to reimbursement for those tasks purs�iant to Article 3 above. In the event that the collected MANDATED FEES exceed the expended costs pursuant to Exhibit "B" at the termination of this MOU, said fees shall be distributed to the parties in accordance with Exhibit "C" for the implementation of SOURCE R]�?DUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENTS. A.RI CL1.' 6 STATUTORY AU`T_'HO,k;IZ'i'_._AND LIABILITY Each party to this MOU recogiizes its independent responsibility and potential liabi it }' under Public Resources Code Sections 41000, 41300, 41810 et se j. and 41850 et sea., regarding SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENT submittal, deficiencies and enforcement. The parties agree th,,t this MOU in no way restricts or limits that responsibility, liabil ty or : >tatutory authority and further that this MOU in no way eo:stitz.:tos any form of indemnification by any party of ar7 c :rther party hereto with respect to such responsibilities, liabiai� �s;, ind statutory authorities or in any other respect.. i NO. ICES All notices given pursuant t this MOU shall be made by depositing the same in the U.S. m,:1', postage prepaid, and addressed as follows, or to such other adds- as the party may designate hereafter: TO CITY OF MOORPARK: TO CITY OF SIMI VALLEY: TO CITY OF THOUSAND OAKS: City of Moorpark 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, CA 93021 Attn: City Manager City .f Simi Vailey 2 9 Z 9 `I"apo Canyon Road Simi Valley, CA 93063 '.ity Manager ,CL :.y of Thousand Oaks E?. ). Box 1496 Fniousland Oaks, CA 91360 A� .r : (;'i_ty Manager TO COUNTY OF VENTURA: All correspondence shall be postmark. County of Ventura 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009 Attn: Chief Administrative Officer Teemed le.livered three days after IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties he,:eto have first executed this MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING by autllori-zed officials thereof on the date indicated below. Date CITY OF MOORPARK Bi--- . -. Date CITY OF SIMI VALLEY F3} Date Cl TY ( )F THOUSAND OAKS Date CCUNT�' OF VENTURA 4 By �. 0 VENTURA RIVER VALLEY ...... ........ c� i .......... � ................... Al \ FILLMORE \ PIRU SANTA PAULA •�,•a••• . • VENTURA •�� f• iMOORPARK SIMI VALLEY LAS POSAS • �,)*.Y �.w.. t �}��� r � Dili 'fs ��yt °.tip �� .a WL"� }�� {' OXNARD PORT 1 HUENEME AREA OF INTEREST BOUNDARY claw •, CAMARILLO i SPHERE OF INFLUENCE BOUNDARY t5rtdti;� CITY LIMITS r • C. N Y 0 OAK PARK I EXHIBIT "A" EXH LBIT B Part I: East Countv SRRE SOW SRREs shall be prepared in accordance with the final regulations adopted by the California Integrated Waste Management Board pursuait to Section 40502 of the Public Fles :urges --ode. TASK 1.0: PREPARE JURISDICTIONAL 3ETTI_NG_DOCUMENTS Prepare "Setting" sections for eaci) Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE), including: a description of the jurisdiction (history of formation /incorporation, political boundaries, principal areas, sections or neighborhoods; lemographics, land use, economy and economic development, transportati�._)n networks, local resources, hazards); the history of solid wast.:e management in the jurisdiction; and current waste handling and d.is}_)osal practices. This task includes reviewing local planning documents and ordinances, reviewing data on existing programs, coordin,rting with jurisdiction officials and preparing text and graphics fc review by respective parties. TASK 2.0: COMPILE AND INPUT EX;CS_T ! NG _WASTE_ GENERATION STUDY DATA Compile data inputs by jurisdicticr: for WASTEPLAN software program, including characterizing waste cfenR.rat: ion rates by sector, refuse and curbside recycling collection syst-ms, compiling current diversion data, and characterizing existing 3 facilities. TASK 3.0: ADMINISTER QUANTITATIVE FIELD ANALYSIS (DISPOSAL) Retain a qualified consultant and provide for administration of the consultant contract to perform a Wiste Di.;posal Characterization quantitative field analysis pursuant to the California Code of Regulations and the attached Scope of Work: (Attachment 1). This task includes selecting and retaining a qual. f.)ed consultant to perform the designated work tasks within tle cost parameters specified in Part II of Exhibit B, administerin tLe consultant contract and approving the disbursement of funil TASK 4.0: CONDUCT WASTE DIVERSION �-HARACTERIZATION Prepare a comprehensive diversion `_udy for each jurisdiction which identifies all source reduction, n, cycling and composting programs which divert targeted materials in t-he wastestream (as identified in Attachment 2). This study shall q! anti.fy for each of these waste types the volume and weight divert _f, the source and destination of diverted materialn, and shall dev�_)p 3 diversion allocation methodology for a:;signing divers.i:J credits to each jurisdiction. This task shall include surveying )urce reduction activities, administering a consultant study major recycling services in the PLANNING AREA to secure proprietary information regarding the origin, quantity, and destination of recy +: d nata- rials, conducting local recycling activity surveys, anal; g ?.iv�rsion data and calculating the waste diversion projections r' ,_t srisdiction. TASK 5.0: PREPARE SOLID WASTE__C,E.NEEATION ANALYSIS Prepare a written solid waste generation analysis for each jurisdiction, based upon the findo_nq <s of Tasks 2, 3 and 4 (Waste Generation Study), for inclusi +.-n n the :;RRE. This analysis shall include, at a minimum: (1) A list by specific waste categories, of the quantities of materials currently diverted from disposal, and the materials identified as jeinq currently disposed according to the Waste Generation turfy (2) A list of waste material : currently disposed in the jurisdiction which could potentially be diverted from disposal by use of diver ° ;ior programs. (3) A list of the waste materials currently disposed in the jurisdiction which cannot be diverted from disposal by diversion programs, and discuf�sion of why these waste materials cannot be d ..ve ted from disposal. TASK 6.0 PREPARE SOURCE REDUCTIO', COMPONENT Conduct analyses and prepare writ en report on source reduction within the jurisdiction including but not limited to: short -and medium -term objectives; targeted aste categories and types; description of existing activit.k : eval...ation of specific source reduction alternatives; program s iectio ; program implementation; and monitoring and evaluation met ,ds. TASK 7.0 PREPARE RECYCLING COMJPo, E;N`T Conduct analyses and prepare writ:,c>n report on current and proposed recycling activities, programs, i:I facilities with which the jurisdiction shall meet mandated ' version goals. This shall include, at a minimum, identific,c :-on of recycling objectives; identification of targeted waste categories and types; a description of existing current recycling act ,,ities;� evaluation of recycling alternatives; selection of a rec,0 inl program; description of the implementation program; and a de!: i,P ~i.on of the methods to be used for monitoring and evaluation. TASK 8.0 PREPARE COMPOSTING COh1}'t : E`v'C Conduct analyses and prepare a r(,1,=rt on existing and proposed composting programs for each jurls iction which contribute to the accomplishment of mandated diver..; ,n (Joals. At a minimum, the component shall discuss the fol.lc -k.ng composting objectives and marketing strategies; types and yi.int:._tie.s of materials to be composted; description of exist. irnc: r_,)mposting programs; evaluation of composting alternatives; composter }pra( r "am selection; program :implementation; cind proposed mo -, i v r, 11:1 4 1c evaluation programs. TASK 9.0 PREPARE SPECIAL WASTE CUMPONEN`I Conduct analyses and prepare a report on existing and proposed programs for sewage sludge, asbestos, and other special wastes identified in the Waste Generatior� Study.. The special waste component objectives shall include a plan for reducing the hazard potential of identified special wastes generated by the jurisdiction. The component shall discuss existing conditions; an evaluation of alternatives; selection of special. waste program; program implementation; and program monitor -inl and evaluation. TASK 10.0 PREPARE HOUSEHOLD HAZAR,C)OUS WASTE COMPONENT Conduct analyses and prepare a rep :rt on existing and proposed programs for reduction or eliminat:i.on of the disposal of household hazardous waste (HHW) at solid waste disposal facilities. Description of existing programs sizal:L explain current methods for source reduction, recycling, colle,,- -tion, treatment, and disposal of HHW in the jurisdiction, and shall identify the types and quantities of these materials so handled. Pii)gram alternatives for HHW shall :include collection; monitoring; re+::yc.ling; and public education. Selected programs shall identify the types and quantities of HHW anticipated to be collected, re,:---ycied, an,J /or disposed; recycling and reuse efforts; proposed education 1rocjrams; and the level of multijurisdictional efforts. The omponent shall also include a discussion of implementation, mcni or nq, and evaluation. TASK 11: PREPARE .EDUCA,riON AND .T?'G'E .I(` I_NY )RMATION COMPONENT Conduct appropriate assessments an,i prepare a report which describes how the jurisdiction will educate xnd inform its citizens about source reduction, recycling and compostinca programs, and the safe handling and disposal of solid was,re. Th£-! component shall describe program objectives; existing prog.rims, evaluation of alternatives; program selection; program implomc evaluation. .ti +r program monitoring; and TASK 12: PREPARE DISPOSAL FACILITI CAPAC;LTY COMPONENT Conduct analyses and prepare a rep.rt: which characterizes existing permitted disposal /transformation acili.t...es, and describes those to be phased out in the short- and me :ium -germ planning periods. The component shall present a disposal _a�acity needs projection for the jurisdiction for each year of a f'i '.Ccri ( G:) year period, commencing in 1991. TASK 13: PREPARE FUNDING COMPONErl Conduct analyses, consult with jur, : ;dict.icn officials, and present documentation which demonstrates a�jequa.te funding sources for program planning, development, and impleme--ation. The component shall provide cost estimates for propc:.;(? prc,gr:,ms in the short -term planning period, and identify bc1:- ",. -everu sources and contingency funding. 3 TASK 14: PREPARE INTEGRATION COMPONENT Prepare a report which describes i,::,w the Source Reduction, Recycling, Composting, Special Waste, and Household Hazardous Waste Components combine to achieve the 25% and 50 °: diversion mandates for the jurisdiction. This component shalt describe how the SRRE complies with the waste management hierarch /, how the various Components will be integrated, and how the program priorities were determined. The component shall also contain an integrated schedule for the implementation of tasks and the ara-.ic_Lpated date of diversion goal attainment. TASK 15: PREPARE SRRE ADMINISTRATIVE AND „PRELIMINARY DRAFTS The ten mandated Components shall ue combined with a Setting and Introduction section, and integrated into a cohesive SRRE for each jurisdiction. SRRE Administrative Drafts shall be prepared and submitted to jurisdiction official. for review and comment. Revisions shall be incorporated ir'o an S.RPE Preliminary Draft for each jurisdiction. TASK 16: PREPARE CEOA DOCUMENTATI•:11 Prepare Initial Study for the Preliminary Draft SRRE. Prepare appropriate environmental document includ :i.nq, as necessary, preparation and issuance of a Noti o of Preparation. Submit draft environmental document to jurisdict for an(] circulate to appropriate agencies for review and comment. TASK 17: CIRCULATE PRELIMINARY _DHAFT_SRRI: FOR REVIEW Circulate the Preliminary Draft for review to adjoining cities, the County of Ventura, and the VCW on SRRE to VCWC. Make staff presentation TASK 18: PREPARE FINAL DRAFT SRRE AND__CEQA DOCUMENT Respond to comments on the SRRE an, envir : %nmental document and prepare final drafts for submitta ' -c t}ze jurisdicti..on. 1a, 4 L OA General Guidelines for Sampling When Performing a Quantitative Fidd Analysis for a Solid Waste Generation Study (CIWMB - February 1990)- Sampling Solid Waste Generation, Diversion and Disposal - Perform these tasks in the following order_ a. Identify the Populations. --cIn each jurisdiction, identify_ the populations of (1) residential units, commercial units,, industrial sites,, and other sites of solid waste generation; (2) facilities and programs which recycle, compost. or source reduce solid wastes; and (3) solid waste transfer stations, and permitted solid waste transformation facilities acid solid waste disposal sites- For the purposes of these Guidelines, a population is the aggregate from which a sample is chosen, and refers to the aggregate number of solid waste generators, solid waste diversion facilities and programs, or solid waste transfer. rransformarion and disposal facilities identified by the jurisdiction_ b. Stratify the Populations. Stratify each identified population into distinct — ibpopulations, as determined by the jurisdiction. For example, to stratify the population for a solid waste diversion characterization, the jurisdiction could stratify the population of recycling facilities into the following subpopulations: drop-off centers, buy -back centers. and thrift shops. If the number of units in the subpopulation is small, the jurisdiction may hoosc not to stratify the population_ c Random Sampling. Assign a unique number to each identified unit d a subpopulation_ Using a random numbers table, choose the units to be sampled in the sul opularion, during each season identified by the jurisdiction. Sampling and Variability Determination - Perfor these tasks in the following order. a. Sample- Sample, according to the requirements of sections 18724 and 18726 of this Article, all of the solid waste generated, all of the solid waste diverted from disposal by recycling, composting or source reduction, and all of the solid waste disposed, for each identified subpopulation_ To determine the number of samples required f( a statistically representative sampling from each subpopulatinn, the jurisdiction shall use the formula for normal approximation which is found in: AJ. Klee and D. Carruth, 'Sample Weeghts in Solid Waste Composition Studies; American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of i' Sanitary Engineering Division, volume 96(SA4), pages 945 -954, August 1970, which ; , xomorated by reference_ A 90% confidence interval shall be used in this formula. Attactur,crr r b. Sort and Identify. Sort and identify the solid wastes from each subpopulation, using the sources of waste generation listed in section 18772(1) of this Article, and the waste categories and waste types listed in section 18712n1 of this Amide, in 1(:c:)r -ance with the requirements of sections 18772(a) and (b) of this Article_ 3.. Assignment of Waste Category and Waste Type Assign each identified solid waste material to one° of the waste categories and waste types listed in sections 18=(i) and Q of this Article 4. Volume or Weight Measurement_ Take a volume or weight measure-me--it of each solid waste material that has been identified. S. Tabulate and Analyze Data - Perform these tasks to the following order. Tabulate and analyze all data compiled about the waste categories and waste types. As a part of the analysis, the jurisdiction shall compute 0 .ind (b) as follows: a. Determination of Mean and Variability. Compute the sample mean (11) for volume or weight for each waste category and waste type identified Next, compute the standard deviation of the mean (s; also known as the standard error), for volume or weigh, ineasurements_ b. Set Confidence Limits- ' Set a 90% confidence limit around the ri- in, for ea,h waste category and waste type identified- 6- Data Analysis Adjustment_ The data analysis conducted in steps 1 through may be adjusted to include waste categories and waste types which- (a) are known, by current written records held by the solid waste recycling, composting, source reduction, transformation and disposal facilities, to be dis used or diverted in the jurisdiction and (b) may otherwise be overlooked in the random � i mpl ng procedure_ NOTE: Authority cited: ,Sections 40502 and 41824, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 41030, 41300,41330, 41780 and 4 1 " 11, Public Resources Code. ►• r• �• v rye•: �a. (1) Paper Category corrugated containers mixed paper newspaper high grade ledger paper (2) Plastics Category high density polyethylene (EDPE) containers polyethylene trepthalate (PET) containers film plastics (3) Glass Category recyclable glassl (4) Metals Category aluminum cans ferrous metals and tin cans non - ferrous including aluminum scr,) white goods (5) Yazd Waste Category yard waste (6) Other Orqanics Catggory organic compostables'-� tires and rubber wo•• wastes (7) Other Waste category inert solids household hazardous waste (8) dial Waste Category sewage sludge 1 includes refillable glass bever -cle containers, California redemption 2 glass, and other recyclable glass includes food waste, agricultural -op resi -clues and manure Attactm-v nt B- EXIEEBI'r B (c or . ) A budget of $500,000 has been estim;t,ed for purposes of this MOLT. Costs which total $500,000 are distributed ;: fo!_i:fr: Waste Generation Studer (Disposal Characterization) $ 50,000 Jurisdiction Staff Support City of Moorpark $50,000 City of Simi Valley $50,000 City of Thousand Oaks $50,000 County of Ventura $50,000 $200,000 SRRE Preparation (County of Venturi, $250,00 $500,000 The parties agree that the County of Ventura Solid Waste Management Department will administer preparat 1 )n of the Waste Generation Study and the SRRE for each jurisdiction. Part III: New Mandated Fee Calculaticx I and Rat, 2 The new MANDATED FEE shall be set at. 1.45 per ton for wastes received at the Simi Valley Landfill to ro --over anticipated budget costs of approximately $500,000. This caloilation assumes an approximate annual tonnage at the Simi Valley Lancif:,. for the period July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991 of 350,000 tons. Part IV: Reimbursable Advance Payme_rrt-s and_Digtrib Lion of Mandated Fees Reimbursable Advance Payments Pursuant to Article 3, Sections(,-. <i,,d d. of this MOU, the jurisdictions shall make reimbursable advance payments to the MANDATED FEE trust established by the County of VE:nta 71 Audif'or- Controller in the total amount of $100,000 as follows: City of Moorpark $101,000 City of Simi Valley $40 „000 City of Thousand Oaks $40„000 County of Ventura $10,, 000 � 1O0 , 000 B- -f.. Distribution of Mandated Fees 1) Quarterly Payments to the County of Ventura - A record of expenses incurred for the preparation of SRREs pursuant to this MOU shall be kept by the Solid Waste Management Department and trannitted to the Auditor- C:ontrollor for reimburemnt on a quarterly basis during the term of this agreement. Such payments shall not exceed a total of $200,000 unless and until the disposition of remaining funds in excess of this amount is unanimously am- e:. upon by the parties. 2) Semi - Annual Payments to the Part:.ies - Flach party to this MOU shall receive two equal payments of $25,000 on January 1, 1991 and July 1, 1991 in support of sty i ff sen, ices for coordination and administration of this MOU. 3) Annual Payment to the Parties Parties to this agreement shall receive on July 1, 1991 payment in full of their respective reimbursable advance as follows:. City of Moorpark $10,000 City Simi Valley $40,000 City of Thousand Oaks $40,000 County of Ventura f310,000 4) Procedure in Event of Insufficient Funds - If there are insufficient MANDATED FEE funds collected to pay all parties in full pursuant to the schedule of payments set fortt. in 1), 2), and 3) above, available funds shall be allocated betweer the parties in proportion to the amounts then owing to each party. Balances then due each party shall be disbursed as they became avai.lac_Le on a proportional basis. If, on July 1, 1991, insufficient funds ,ire available for payment in full to all parties, the MANDATED FEE shat.].. continue to be collected pursuant to Article 3 (b) of this MOU an., allocated proportionately as funds become available and until all W)U 74 bt--�s Ihave been retired. t3 -1) h rn r� • •. • 9►,�►w�. i • Pursuant to .Article 5 of this MQU, in the event that collected NOD FEES exceed the expended casts pursuant to Exhibit "B" at the termination of this MCC, said fees <-iall be distributed a=xtling to the following percentage fo=zuila: City of Moorpark 10% City of Simi Valley 40% City of Thousand Oaks 40% Unirm porated Area 10% SAL PIANW= AREA: 100% MOORPARK EXHIBIT$ PAUL W. LAWRASON, Jr. pn a Mayor O 9 SCOTT MONTGOMERY Mayor Pro Tern ELOISE BROWN `- Councilmember ' CLINT HARPER, Ph. D. 'o { Councilmember BERNARDO M. PEREZ Councilmember May '_'.' "0 LILLIAN KELLERMAN City Clerk The Honorable Board of Sup(--r% sors County of Ventura 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009 Dear Chair Schaefer and Membe s of the Board: STEVEN KUENY City Manager CHERYL J.KANE City Attorney PATRICK RICHARDS, A.I.C.P. Director of Community Development R. DENNIS DELZEIT City Engineer JOHN V. GILLESPIE Chief c' Police RICHARD T. HARE City Treasurer The City Council of the City (.A" has taken action to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Moorpark, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, and the County of Ventura for solid waste planning efforts. In furtherance of this MOU the Council has alsc hprovecll the following actions. 1. The approval of a $'. (;00 r�?imbursable advance to begin the 14OU proce:;s 2. The designation of ' :_1 County of Ventura as the preparer of Moorpark's ;ource Reduction and Recycling Elements through the '- U 3. A request to your f1cird to proceed with a Waste Generation Study "cr tY,e ":ast County Wasteshed pursuant to the MOU i 4. A request to your Boai ii to implement a new Mandated Fee at the Simi Vaij 1�andf_ill in the amount of $1.45 /ton, effective 1i� 1, 1990, to finance the tasks required by t.aie of California and enumerated in the MOT. We greatly appreciate the undertaken in these tasks . expeditious approval of the M Very truly yours, Paul Lawrason Mayor BP:sc:545.per cooperative_ efforts being and look forward to your 1 E!ir,i , ur requests herein. - -- -- — - - - -- 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark ",ahfornia 93021 (805) 529 -6864