HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA REPORT 1990 0919 CC REG ITEM 08VITEM • mar ,soot ao PStlPASATION OP OPSCrFIC PIAN MW Sxs Whits first Adder WM%i mad& and entAa Zith day of septomber =90o aid bsliwon the w �1 , a wunioipal Co�poration S in U , state of Ca1Storria �e� =Y ") f'�LwllY M �, a CalilaMia ip (Cono j o ts p �? T i3=Oim" iv V51"11) by cCaiifOrnU COr�Dwattion (herein aa210d ■Cw3A" L . d entered into vith retarersea to the fallow , x�tiah i irk r&ei�Sto. MITAMN W i Cartaberq wz�.ar04 into an �&a t, for Preparation of dpaa e o pkan and a=R ttho v raammko vith the City of Hoomark which Agreement the tin daft i�Ry 17 il99 and provides for, �f ti D fSoa wsth Mhiah the City ss to upon ty the tZ* n �AO� on v th � VAKAbOrg Property and act upon the in prvvess apevilia Platt (oallevtivr�.y the "Plan/ :zltf) r City bar hold nuwarcua vublia hearings in QOnna°tion with thO *lari/XZR and has not yet made & firAl 4eterM1A%t1on Of the apyropriats lard,una Six for the carlsbarg Pra"rty I WXNPJW, it vas determined by City that it made additional time Within which to certity the ZZU an* art upon the Specific 718r and Carlsberg has determined that it is ih Cariaberg's 111traroet tQ qMt Us city in AddWanal Paled 99 time wMin vhirh to certify the 221 and asst upon the ft*f4ffia gianl WM EU, the "ft"IMt 41160 liehas Oat Carlsberg pay to City axe. costs Invirrad city Contract vith tins film of l wAt, Kidd With the ter the pgrppww *f pt"ari , brit, 7ta�ddick, Inc . ( ">r�l7t�� } 4 a $Pacific plan and ralatad 1117 it the time 09 this First Ache UN, Car1SDOZ is willing to pay th& Costs incurred by City it 00"*Otion with ahartgss tv the PU contract so long as th* tdditional work to be performed by !!M dens not eYCeed a maYimus dollar amount, MW 'UFORZ in consideration or the mutual covollimts aontain;A harain, the partlas agree an lollovat I. C3.ty shall aarziry the sIR no later than Q=Wer 31, i9go. Z• city shall "act upon' tht 0401910 3PINU no Later than oataber a1, 1990. Tor the nprpeea of this upon" the speeilio Plan l Haan the city �ccmncieltcZucitty shall approve Or disapprove Of ttak adoption of the Specific plan. MOOPPAX CALIFORNIA 9. 0=*J9 aid diir' by and tih"UP sta 04r'al ydrtn4r Carlsberg ado to def"d, indeladty and bold the aty - banl"* lrem and ag:inat all liability, nlaime, or 14W Cations by any er40ri or enici sole! from any o ailoago UrAor the alitYla in =nR 4uallty in oanaaatlon with the dtR tow tke darrls " PUSP az 0 tyto approval of the �idii{� aa� vtn tfior�rith. rp ao.ctsdri with folxaw3Agr aeanirasI proYl.isoriI s�iail ntw tn: (a�sead, l.rsde�anilY hei►il haxr7�..ew sow all idativa, adain v0 am legal tunctivng in di!!nq dlllsbil�t� a 4� Y&YtA4 or otherwise Y. 3 ims or legal challenges. (b) "CiW 100am the city of Moorpark and all o:ttaerr, dr►parhanta, boards, ooamiraivrse anC empxoyeee thereof. (o) "il�tbility, Claims, end 10191 svlstpi* by any person or Brit tylt lA"ns 411 alai.ms, iatirauits, judguents, Orders, awsrde, and damA do *f *vOry nature, predicated upon the California Uvironmental Quality eat end the Carlsberg Property, 1. cone JO, aibi and Carlsberg reserve leas right to retain any lOgs5 OQW10e1 ib may choose to represent cone 9, esmi or carlsberg or the City ana syrtber reserve the right tv dstesains what course of action is a"prapriata tc most fully as�d respMeLbl represimt the jftta :data of ge�ttsio, sip►!., Carlsbard tr4 Cgs City. Me city •hall not under as aitrOwe+stattao or in any event be responsible for any 14440 aorta U44%eats or damage& in oonnoctjol$ with the �mttaxr proviA e for herein. e. oarlsba agree to pay for 411 worts iriaurrwd by Clty, not to arse" tw»ty thousand dollars ($20,000), as a result of pan e*aple"" •ddl.tieti4l work to tin&U5• the Land plan and 5040 946 liar for the Carlsberq tropsrtya d� axvept as otherW3sa opag1tivally asaendad by this rirst 7lddfndtcm, all other terms and provisions Of the Agreement skull continue and remain in full tame and atfeot. 4 rU Wr M" app, the Mni" hW4 CauRad this first AddOR4= t* be swcutad as Of the 34th day at saptambar, Iota. S3=-4R OVA= j==AX axoirTa; "Rayar ZU I LTD. A'1" ITi By, Z AND p"'MAxagn- r SAC• aa0�l�lfplY �0!li1�IE8 Sys woo am •tKr- �oo�tpiR�c Y C4urk P MlMAY 1ple 21M LTD. By: