TO: Steven Kueny, City Manager
6q-1 f(i w) //, . ,
City C i Meettng
of 1990
ACTION: ' c _
FROM: Philip E. Newhouse, Dir. of Comm. Service
DATE: December 5, 1990
SUBJECT: South Meadows Park - Current Status
This report is to apprise you of the current status related
to the construction of South Meadows Park.
Currently, the park's development has been temporarily halted
due to conflicts related to:
1. Water connection at Mountain Meadows Drive;
2. Tennis court fence post size;
3. Drainage /sidewalk alignment between basketball
court and tennis courts;
4. Width of sidewalk surrounding the playground area;
5. Configuration of parking lot adjacent to Mountain
Trail Street;
6. Location of picnic pavilion;
7. General conflict between the grading /drainage
sheets of the approved plans and the balance of the
approved plans;
8. Electrical conduit for future lighting.
Discussion of Above Listed Items•
1 .
Water Connection at Mo in a- n Meadows Drivem
As shown on Sheet L -8 (Irrigation Plan) of the approved
park development plans, the connection point for water
is to a water line in Mountain Meadows Drive. -_Jay
Steele, Urban West Communities Site Project Manager,
informed me Ventura County Waterworks would not approve
this_ connection as the water line in Mountain Meadows
Drive street iG_a transmission line._ This connection
- - - -�- wi-1-1—reed t-o be made to an existing water-meter at the-
- narthwest corner of Mountain Meadows- D -rive and -
- - - Rivergrove; approximately-160 -180 feet from the park.-
- the su�aject area is owned -by tht Qua.iiri?e HOA.
e - Additionally, per Waterworks and Ventura County _ Hea -lth,
-- Code -, the irrigation backflow- preventers cannot be
placed more than 10 feet from the water meter. This
would require our backflow preventers to be moved off
- the park site onto private property.
assist Urban West Communities with this problem, I
with Mr. Reddy Pakala, Water and Sanitation Division
Manager on Friday, November 30, and Mr. Pakala approved
my request to retain the backflow preventers on the park
site. UWC has the responsibility to contact the
Quailridge HOA to seek permission to install the
connecting water line on this property between the water
meter at the corner of Rivergrove and Mountain Meadows
Drive and the park.
When reviewing the construction plans, the tennis court
fence post size stated were not large enough to support
the possible future addition of a wind screen On a set
of the construction plans reviewed, I wrote on the plans
the correct post size required. Also, I spoke with Mr.
Steve Howell on at least two occasions to request the
tennis fence posts be upgraded.
On November 19, 1990, I sent a letter to Steve Howell
requesting the posts be upgraded. While at the park on
November 26, 1990, the tennis court contractor
approached and informed me the tennis fence posts were
upgraded in size and material from galvanized schedule
40 type 1, 3" o.d. terminal and gate post, 2 1/2" o.d.
line posts to 2 7/8" Tuf 40 post and wanted my approval.
At that time, I assumed either UWC or W & W Landscaping
Contractor had approved the change. While reviewing the
request, the fence posts were delivered.
On November 30, I spoke with Jay Steele who wanted to
know if I wanted Type 1, Schedule 40 galvanized, or Tuf
40, 3 1/2" terminal posts. I -said the plans called for
Schedule 40, however if UWC wanted to upgrade to Tuf 40
that would be fine with me. Mr. Steele said Steve
Howell said to order the posts and worry about payment
later as he did.not want to hold-up the job.
I assume Tuf 40, 3 1/2" o.d. terminal posts hc-ve been
_ordered. EstimateA cost for the upgrade from the tennis
court contractor .is $3,300. —
3• P-rainage / Sid w ween Basketbal l Court
n T-nni r -
_- The - original = approved - -tennis- courts were undersized 120'
- x 501; standard court -size is.. 1 -20' - -x 60 -' , When- I
'- reviewed the-construction nlan.s, I had the tennis cuurts
upgraded to regulation size. By doing this, the area of
the tennis courts increased by 20 feet.
To the west of the tennis courts, approximately 25 feet,
is a 7' sidewalk, and approximately 20 feet west of the
sidewalk is a full - length basketball court.
When the tennis courts were expanded, the sidewalk and
basketball court were not moved which eliminated a
drainage swale located between the tennis courts and
When the plans were changed to reflect the larger size
tennis courts, it was only shown on the grading /drainage
plan sheets not on the other sheets which caused
conflict of precise location of facilities subcontractors were working from plans that did not Some show
the expanded tennis courts. When plan review initially
occurred, the City Engineer only reviewed and approved
the grading /drainage plans. I only reviewed and
approved the balance of the plans: the two sets not
being the same as UWC architects only showed the
expanded tennis courts on the grading /drainage sheets.
Currently, the City Engineer has requested a cross -
section of the area between the tennis courts and
basketball court showing facility layout, sidewalk
configuration and drainage patterns before allowing
development in this area to continue.
A similar situation to the tennis courts. The original
approved plans called out a 7 ft. sidewalk. The revised
plans drawn by Valcon show a 5 ft. sidewalk. The
revised plans were use to set grading, sidewalk width,
When Valcon was informed the sidewalk was to be enlarged
two feet, they took the two feet from the playground
area. This cannot be permitted as the overall play area
was sized to the play equipment to be installed. We
must maintain an 8 foot free fall area from all play
equipment. By reducing the play area two feet, we lose
our free fall safety area.
To_ be consistent with the balance of _the park's
sidewalk, the sidewalk should be constructed at 7 feet.
This will allow for the proper free fall safety area
required for the play equipment and permit vehicle
UWC will need to regrade the area surrounding the play
area to accommodate the 7 foot sidewalk.
When Mountain Trail Street was constructed, two driveway
approaches were installed to be used for the future park
parking lot to be constructed in this area.
When the park was staked for grading, the approved
parking lot for this area shown on the plans was
fourteen feet larger /longer than the space between the
two drive approaches.
To make the parking lot fit in the space provided and
retain the same number of parking stalls, we eliminated
a landscaped finger on the east side of the lot which
reduced the lot 10 to 12 feet in length. We also
adjusted the turn radius for each driveway.
After evaluating the proposed location of the picnic
pavilion, staff requested it be moved further away from
the residences south of the park. Noise generated by
use of this facility may be in conflict with the
homeowners. UWC has agreed to relocate the picnic
pavilion to the City's choice of location.
7. General Conflict between the Grading /Drainage Plan
Sheets and the Balance of the Approved Plan Sheets
As previously mentioned, changes made on the
grading /drainage sheets were not made on the balance of
the plans. Further conflicts may arise such as location
of irrigation lines, heads and valves and location of
trees and shrubs to be planted- I feel these items-can
be handled in the field with approval of our landscape
inspector, UWC and myself..-
R��- 0710401,604
The approved plans required electrical pipe be installed
at mid -court on -he basketball- court -for future
lighting. Wher the he curt was poured,, the
- e-1 -ect -rical -pipe was-eliminated. i7WC wants to install_-
- the. pipe around -the court. instead of per the- approved -
elan. - -
Installing the pipe - around the cour, will require
_ - additional costs to the City - wh_�n the lights are-
-installed. The pipe should- be installed per the
approved plan which will require UWC to bore under the
basketball court slab to make the installation.