TO: Honorable City Council �/
FROM: Maureen Benson, City Clerk yhao
DATE: June 16, 2011 (CC Regular Meeting of 7/6/2011)
ITEM 9.13.
-17 " OF 1000RPARK, CALIFORI`'ih
City Council Meeting
SUBJECT: Consider Applicant Presentations and Make Appointments to the
Moorpark City Library Board
At the City Council's meeting on April 20, 2011, staff was directed to invite the
applicants for the Moorpark City Library Board (Library Board) to attend the July 6,
2011, regular meeting to make a brief presentation on qualifications and interest in
serving on the Library Board to be followed by City Council appointment to the five
board positions. Staff provided the option for applicants with a scheduling conflict to
attend the June 15, 2011 regular meeting as well.
Letters were mailed and copies emailed on June 6, 2011, to all applicants inviting
attendance at either of these meetings and identifying a maximum presentation time
period of three (3) minutes. The City Clerk will conduct a random drawing of the names
of the applicants just prior to the start of the meeting to determine the order in which the
applicants will speak.
Following is an alphabetical list of the applicants who attended the June 15, 2011,
meeting and gave presentations.
Cindy Housel
Abigail Sichmeller
Karen Wrolson
Honorable City Council
July 6, 2011 Regular Meeting
Page 2
Following is an alphabetical list of the applicants who have indicated they will attend the
July 6, 2011 meeting.
Tim Cummings
Michael Fenerin
Martha Meister
Kimphat Nguyen
Steven Wolfson (currently serving on Air Pollution Control District Advisory Committee for a
term ending January 2015)
The City Council's current Policies Resolution No. 2010 -2959 sets forth the Council
policies for citizen appointments to boards, commissions, and committees. The Council
policies were followed for the posting and publication of notice of the vacancies.
The Council's resolution states that the procedure for appointments shall be as follows:
A. The Mayor shall solicit suggested nominees from members of the Council.
B. Prior to making a motion for appointment, the Mayor shall announce the
names of all persons he /she intends to nominate, and in the order to be
nominated, for a board, commission, or committee.
C. The Mayor shall then make a motion putting forth each individual name to
be approved for appointment.
D. A second shall be required.
E. The Council shall vote on each appointment individually.
1) Hear presentations from Library Board applicants; and
2) Based upon presentations provided on June 15 and July 6, 2011, appoint five (5)
Library Board Members to serve, beginning July 2011, staggered terms to be
determined by lot at the Library Board's first meeting, with one member going out
of office June 30, 2012, two members going out of office on June 30, 2013, and
two members going out of office on June 30, 2014. Thereafter the staggered
terms for Library Board Members will be for three years.