TO: Honorable City Council
FROM: Ron Ahlers, Finance Director
.7r P-100RPARK. CAL.iGticth ::
City Council Meeting
DATE: September 27, 2010 (City Council Meeting of October 6, 2010)
SUBJECT: Consider Paying Off the CalPERS Side Fund
Much has been written in the last two years regarding pension fund liabilities and their
costs upon the public sector. Within the last month a renewed sense of vigor has been
injected into this debate due to the news organizations investigation into the salaries of
the City of Bell officials. Unfortunately, there is much misinformation circulating around
the pension cost issue, particularly within the State of California. This report will attempt
to make clear these liabilities; and their effect upon the City of Moorpark.
The Finance, Administration and Public Safety (FAPS) Committee reviewed this report
on September 23, 2010 and recommends the City pay off the "side fund ".
PERS Retirement Plan
The City of Moorpark contracts with PERS to provide a defined benefit retirement plan
(2% @ age 55, three year average salary) to the City's full -time employees. The
retirement plan is funded by three sources:
7% of (base salary + special pays)
<constant %: set by State statute>
11 % of (base salary + special pays)
<fluctuates each year>
Investment Earnings
Varies (positive & negative)
The employee contribution is set at a fixed 7% of pay, according to State statute. The
investment earnings vary year by year; with the recent two years being wildly divergent
(FY 2009 -10 a positive 11.6% while the prior year, FY 2008 -09 was a negative 23.4 %).
Honorable City Council
October 6, 2010
Page 2
The employer rate changes each year depending on the funding level of the plan;
currently the rate is 11 % of PERSable compensation.
Therefore, the City is impacted when the Employer Contribution fluctuates. A short
history of the employer contribution rate, as a percentage of payroll, that the City pays
for the "employer" portion of retirement is charted below. The employer rate is a
combination of two parts: the "side fund" and the PERS plan. The "side fund" was
created in 2003 when CalPERS required all government agencies, with less than 100
active employees, join a "risk pool ". At the time of joining the 2% @ 55 risk pool,
Moorpark's side fund was created to account for the difference between the funded
status of the pool and the funded status of the City's plan. On June 30, 2003, the 2% at
age 55 plan of the City of Moorpark had actuarial liabilities of $6,796,000 and actuarial
assets of $5,782,000. The difference of $1,014,000 is our "unfunded liability "; because
the liabilities are greater than the assets. We therefore "owe" PERS the difference.
This "unfunded liability" became the "side fund ". PERS decided to amortize the "side
fund" over 17 years. PERS began collecting on the "side fund" percentage in FY 2005-
06; at a rate of 3.1 %. This rate increased to 3.3% before dropping to 2.6% currently.
■ PF,RS % ■ Side %
3% -
2% -
1% — -
0% - -i - - -i - -'
111996--[1997-11998- 12001- 2002 -12003 12004 2005 2006 2007 12008 2009 1120!0 .
97 98 1 99 2000 01 02 03 04 05 ' 06 07 08 09 10 11
■ Side % _._... __- _ _ I 13.1 % 13.0 % 3.3 % 3.0 % 2.6 % 2.6
PER S %.5.2 %15.4% 4.3% 0.8 %0.0% 0.0% 1.1 % 3.6% L:8.1 %18.7% 8.7%18. - 5% 8.6% 8.4% 8.5%
The same chart shown in dollar amounts is displayed below. The side fund payments
commenced in FY 2005 -06 with a payment of $117,000; this current year the City will
pay approximately $143,000.
Honorable City Council
October 6, 2010
Page 3
$ 600,000 - --
■ PIERS $ ■ Side $
$ 500,000 ; - - --
$ 400,000 i -- —
$ 300,000
$ 200,000
$ 100,000 -
$ 0 lvvv_ - -
- - - �1996 -97 1997 -98 1998 -99 2000 2000 - 0112001 - 02'200203
1. - --
■PERS S 1 104,334 102,661 82,374 16,111 L i 28,205
Side Fund
i � �
1003 -04 2004- 05,2005 -06 2006 -07 2007-08 2008- 0912009 -10 2010 -11 :.
117,390, 121,205 129,665 133,879, 1. ,231 142,723
110,243 277,755 325,3631 352,758, 335,565 ___ 63 449,4591 471,537
The side fund is amortized on an annual basis, using the actuarial investment return
assumption, currently 7.75 %. In other words, the City has an outstanding liability with
CaIPERS and we are paying an interest rate of 7.75% until it is fully paid off. The side
fund will disappear at the end of the amortization period {10 years), unless the City
amends its CaIPERS contract to provide a new or improved benefit (such as a golden
handshake). As of June 30, 2010, the City's side fund is $1,319,000. The FY 2010/11
payment to the side fund is approximately $143,000 {principal $47,000, interest
$96,000). There are currently ten years remaining on the amortization of the side fund.
The City could decide to write a check to CalPERS in the amount of $1,319,000. This
would reduce the annual operating costs to CaIPERS by approximately $143,000 in FY
2010/11. This equates to an annual return on investment of 11 %, for the next ten years.
The City is currently earning interest on the $1.3 million. LAIF is currently yielding
0.50% and the Ventura County Pool is yielding 1.4 %. Therefore, interest earnings on
the $1.3 million are approximately $7,000 to $19,000 (average of $13,000) annually. It
is a superior investment to pay off the side fund, which would save the City about
$130,000 ($143,000 less interest earnings of $13,000) annually than to keep the cash in
the bank and earn an investment return.
The following chart shows the history of the side fund liability and the increasing annual
amounts paid towards reducing the side fund.
Honorable City Council
October 6, 2010
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$ 1,500,000
$ 1,250,000
$ 1,000,000
$ 750,000
$ 500,000 — $250,000 --
6/30/2003 6/30/2004: 6/30/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2007 ' 6/30/2008 6/30/2009 6/30/2010
■Side Fund Payment I 117,390 121,205 r 129,665 133,879 138,231
■Side Fund Liability 1,013,551 1,277,890 1,438,135 1,428,814 1,413,733 1,388,702 1,357,356 1 1,319,064
The cost to pay off the PERS "side fund" is approximately $1,319,000 as of June 30,
2010. We will need to request an up to date figure from PERS before we pay off the
"side fund ". PERS states that they will need a couple of months in order to recalculate
the "side fund ". After the City pays PERS the "side fund" amount, then the City can
reduce the employer contribution by 2.6% of payroll. This could happen as early as
January 2011.
The annual, on -going savings is estimated at $130,000 ($143,000 cost savings less
interest earnings of $13,000). The savings is estimated at $65,000 (1/2 of $130,000) for
FY 2010/11.
The "side fund" would be created again in the future if the City decides to modify the
retirement benefits. Even a minor change to the benefits will create a "side fund ". The
City would have a choice: pay it off immediately or amortize the liability over 20 years
or less.
If the Council approves early payoff of the side fund, staff will report to the City Council
and request an appropriation to pay it off after the exact amount of the balance is
received from CaIPERS.
The FAPS Committee reviewed this report on September 23, 2010 and concurred with
the staff recommendation to pay off the "side fund ".
Honorable City Council
October 6, 2010
Page 5
Staff recommends that we proceed with paying off the "side fund" of the City's
PERS retirement plan.
2. Receive and file this report.