HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA REPORT 1997 0507 CC REG ITEM 10Jcrff Cr MOOWAM CA NORM
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ACTION• 1 �-
Mayor and Members of the
Steven Hayes,
April 27, 1997
City Council
(Ntg. 05/07/97)
Project Leads from State Trade and Commerce Agency
On April 8, 1997, the Economic Development Committee (Mayor Pro Tem
Bernardo Perez and Councilmember Debbie Rodgers Teasley) reviewed
the California Trade and Commerce Agency's project leads
procedures. The Committee agreed that this item be presented to
the City Council for consideration.
To further economic development in the State of California, the
California Trade and Commerce Agency (CTCA) sends notices of
possible project leads to the counties in California. Most of the
leads are accompanied by a list of information that the prospective
firm has requested. The information requested can be extensive and
require much staff time to prepare (see attached CTCA project
The County of Ventura sends these leads to all cities in the County
of Ventura, usually by FAX. In most cases the County of Ventura
requires a response within one to two days. According to the
County, this lead time is required by the State.
There are several problems with this system as it now exists:
1. Responding to these leads requires a great deal of staff
2. There is little or no time to have the proposed project
reviewed by the City Council, the Redevelopment Agency,
any committee, or key departments such as Community
Development, Administrative Services, or the Police
Department especially if the proposal does not fit within
currently zoned industrial and /or commercial areas.
3. In the past, staff has not received any direction
regarding which projects should be responded to and how
much time should be spent on preparation of a submittal.
Staff requested the Committee to consider some parameters for
responding to the leads for recommendation to the City Council. It
was the Committee's consensus that staff has sufficient knowledge
of the City to use discretion regarding appropriate responses to
the project lead requests. It was also the consensus of the
Committee that in general, responses should be limited to those
leads where the sites and proposed use are compatible with zoning
and general plan designations.
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The Economic Development Committee and staff recommend that the
City Council direct staff not to respond unless the proposed use
can be accommodated on a site that currently has the appropriate
zoning and is consistent with the allowed uses and standards of the
zoning district for the candidate site(s). It is also recommended
that staff be further directed to use its discretion in suggesting
other sites with the inclusion of appropriate qualification
language concerning zoning and land use.
C: \M \ECONOMIC \SGRRDC.074 - 04/04/97 -May 1„ 199
to: All Interested Parties
re: Project Lead ANCHOR
Precision Metal Fabrication, assembly and testing
date: March 27, 1997
pages: 3, including this cover memo
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The following information is provided as a result of a lead from the State Trade and
Commerce Agency,
This project lead information is being transmitted to all cities, economic development
agencies, commercial realtors and other interested parties. Realtors are requested to
submit potential buildings or sites directly to the cities for inclusion in their proposal.
Information must be received by Trade and Commerce no later than noon on Thusrday,
April 3, 1997. In order to accommodate the timetable, please submit any site /building
information to the Chief Administrative Office by order Tuesday. April 1 1997. The
information submitted will be compiled and overnight mailed to Trade and Commerce.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this transmittal. If there are any questions,
please feel free to contact me at 654 -2229.
From the desk of...
Del Tompkins
Program Management
Analyst /Ombudsman
Chief Administrative Olfice
800 South Victoria Avenue. #I,1940
Ventura, CA 93009
605) 654 -2229
Pax, M5) 654 -5106
MAR 27 '97 14:54 905654510E PAGE. 01
Niect Snecif><cations
-15:51 NO .010 P.02
Type of faculty: lNuisim metal fabrication, asacmbly, and testing
Work fortes Two offt operation, 5 days per week, 9 hours par stub.
Ertitnated employment Is projected to reach the following levels:
• Non salaried 1,450
♦ Technical and nomccbnical salaried 1,550 ;3c o o Tarp c.
11 Is anticipated that a portion of the staff may relocate to the new faclUty.
Site regulmmenb: Site sit& 150 acres ptd tad emin • 1.10 rscres)
MIA 9.5 million gels nonth 99m 9.5 mMion SWIrnanth
ElesldQ URI% d Bnorgy usage 6.900,000 KWWmooth 0 14,780 XW peak del u nd
Power factor 91%
I34ba�j, Used in production ad 425,500thermalmo.
for heating facility
Particulates UkIrnal
N0x 90 TPY
sea Hone
CO none
Vtx $0 IVY
Hue otrs t modal dis s,Po a1 r�e�euiremeats goo TFY
MR& AMU .;Q i-ye X Tractor- Emilett
Jt} ellLm naft
P.L - ocean barge
jMOW vain (astlamted) S
1, $ M: tfr. w s P $150,000,000
t $84.000,000
TOTAL $244,000.000
Sdredulet Conmodon start year 1997
Opwmicn year 1998
Oparadons will begin before facility 1s fully eopstructcd.
tocxw000 aase+aoOWATINa
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lndLStriel Cites /Co munily DAIA
Please provide the following information about the community /the industrial site. We request
that each item he answered. As thin pruject is on a fact (ruck, insufficient information may
prevent further consideration of an allematiwe
1. Approximate site sire
2. Number of primary owners.
3. Total number of owners.
a) Have owners been approached to sell?
b) Characterize the difficulties in acquiring this land, if any,
4. Current zoning for this site and area (provide arming map of area).
5. Current land use plan designation for this site and area (provide land use plan map).
6. Summarize the previous site wie, and current land use. Also:
a) Acres of wetlands (map these if known)
b) Other settsitive/undevelopable areas on site
C) Knows easements or other obstacles to development,
?. Describe soils (or provide a soil survey map) of the site and vicinity
S. Provide available test boring results from the site or nearby parcels,
9. Describe the environmental status of the site. Is the site area in attainment of all primary
air quality standards? If not, desc.7ibe nonattainment issues. Locate the nearest area of
known or suspected soil or grotutd water pollution in the site vicinity.
10. Flectric power (locate points on neap /distance from site).
a) Distance to suitable electric power substation for use by this facility. Ideally, we
would expect n substation to be located on the site by the utility company.
b) Providers name
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MAR 27 '97 14:55 e056545106 PAGE.03
i Kf i1 C, Nall I- OMrLP: 2 z 2r .
c) Cost to extend power Lnc t,) site
,4AR )1; 9:' 15:52 No . 010 P. 04
d) Diatanee to second substation, f<or redundant power supply if needed
o) Unit cost, and monthly cost to j ndustrial user for firm service, (not time -of -Jay
11. Deserihe any significant "impact fees" or "capacity charger" for connecting to
electric power, water or sewer systems, which apply in addition to usage charges.
12. Water (locate points on mup)'.
a) provider's name
b) Current excess capacity of potable water pumping and treatment system
serving this site
c) Distance to water line with 3,000,000 gut. per month excess capacity
d) Cost to up -grade existing treatment /puinping/distributioii system if nccey:4ary
e) Cost to extend water service line to the site
f) Unit cost for industrial user
13, Sower (locate points on map):
a) Provider's name
h) Current excess capacity of sewage treatment system
c) Distance to sewer line with excess capacity
d) Cost to upgrade existing system if necessary
e) Additional cost to extend sewer line to site.
14. Describo the nearest hazardous material management facitity/Inndfill used by
industry- current capacity and years to closttre.
15, Unit cost to industrial user of Natural Ciao served by local gas system:
a) Specify nearest transmission pipchnchowner
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MAR 27 '97 14:55 8056545106 PAGE.04
IMLIS L ry i L Z f, i 7V 1.
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b) Local gas distribution oompany name and distance to gas pipaline with
minimum excess capacity to meet the project needs
C) Who pays for local improvements to extend line to site?
d) Unit tr ns ission cost for industrial gas moved through local system.
16. Name rail carrier, and distance to operating rail line
17. Specify the proposc4 truck access route to the site, distance and estimated cost to
construct/upgrade this access to the site boundary if necessary.
18. Land Cost:
a) Provide current land price per acre for the proposed site and site vicinity.
19. Personal property tax:
a) Provide the property tax rate per market value for: (1) machinery and
equipment, tutd (2) inventory.
b) Provide the ( percent of market value) uw,d to determine
taxable value of this property
C) 1s pollution control equipment taxed as property?
20. Real estate taxes (no tax abatement) on land & building:
a) Tax rate at present, mid for previous two years
b) Assessment ratio (percent of market value) used to determine taxable value.
21. Briefly describe wage related taxes:
a) State income tax withholding
b) "Payroll tax" on gross wages, etc. Icvicd on employer.
22. Provide the A= and " corporate income tax rotes turd apportionment formula,
any proposed changes that tnay affect corporate taxes in the near future.
23, Provide utility bill tax rotes (electric, water, sewer, gas) as applicable to
24. Provide go and 109�salcslusc taxes rates as applicable to manufacturing operations:
Map 77 1 Q7 1d: SC� OMCCCAZI MC onr_c MC
MAR - � -
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materials used in the production of product
energy uses (electric, gas)
machinery and equipment used in manufacturing
pollution control equipment
raw material. inventory and work in progress.
Provide a local wage survey.
Provide a community profile /stunmary for the city/county if available.
Provide for each county in the mctro area., for each year 1992 - 1996:
resident population
labor force
unemployment rate
average age
average years of education attainment fin• the adult population
expenditure per pupil for public school systems, cities wid counties individually
and total area if known.
Provide a summary of local (2 and 4 year) colleges and universities. For each, list the
major programs of study related to-- engineering disciplines/industrial
engineering, materials science, metallurgy, electrical/mechanical maintenance,
business management
number of students enrolled part time, lull time, in each program
number of degrees awarded in each program in past two years,
Provide a list of major employers, number of employees, and union affiliations.
MAR 27 '9?
14: S5
I 2A PA(;F aF
'I HK :r'yl tS:t)S No.010 P.07
30. Provide a list of labor union elections in the metropoli tan area counties in 1994, 1995 and
1996, including the company name, union nume and outcome (union win /lose).
31. Provide a list of known labor union strikes in the metro area is the past 5 years.
32. Provide the average number of days of inclement weather per year (per the local US
weather scrvicc/airport climatological station).
33. Provide the number of days airport servico was curtailed by weather events each year in
the past 3 years.
34. How many days was highway transportation on local highways and regional interstate
routes impeded, through closure or partial blockage due to weather related events, wind,
snow, flooding, etc.) each year in the past 3 years.
35. Provide a list or directory of industrial service companies in the metro area, major
machine shops and industrial suppliers.
36. Provide a summary of the new plant. projects, expansions and relocations into the
community that have occumcd in the past 5 years. Include tho major types of economic
development programs and incentives that were offered for each specific company, and
your estimated value of these programs to the company, whether or not they were
actually utilized by the company that undertook thu project. Provide reference contacts
for the companies. (A revponse to this item is critical to the evaluation).
37. Provide evidence of -trite and local fiscal strength:
a) bond rating and capsicity
b) trends in taxation
C) revenues
d) debt service.
36. Provide concrete evidence, by referencing sW&ifir actions, of stmtc and local support for
economic development. I low have the elected officials recently supported major
businesses, and represented business concerns.
Mi R -?E -g7 WED 5J ?h1 11116 3 ?.
MAR a7 'q? 14: Sr, QmgacSASl ar- DO= a12
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Community Prolaosals
Lockwood Greene Consulting is working with a confidmtial client to prepare a location
analysis and financial assessment of alternatives for the high technology manufacturing
operation referred to as "Project Anchor ". Tie project is htrtfiar described in the
"Project Specifications" document provided separately. The client company is a major
domegic corporation.
Lockwood Greene Corvulting will develop our professional recommendation based in
part upon information provided by the communnity. The following summarizes this
information requirement.
We recognize that programs are subject to community acceptance of the project owner
(company), which must remain confidential for the present. Please provide Wormation
on any programs that have potential to affect the project econon*s, organized by topic
(ie the project requirements, as opposed to being organized by funding/ program that
misht be utilized to finance the items). Please begin a new section for each topic,
BUMPIK Akre as follows
• Site acquisition and cost
• Property taxes
• Sea taxes
• Corporate income taxes
• Economic development grants
• Highway improvement
• Site /building access road
• Site fill, compacting and grading
• Other in -kind services
• Waler and sewer service
• Electric power supply, back -up, ofd cost
• Nmural gas supply and cost
• Work force recruiting and training
MAR-2'c'-91 K_.) S K Pitt � . He 3264'' 9
MAR P7 'q? 1 d: S7 AGIg9gAS1 S9 Paf:F MA
• personnel relocation
• ate,
For each topic provide a brief description of the following:
1. Please Summarize the specific service or benefit that is being proposed. If it is
phased -in over time and /or is contingent upon project performance in later years,
include a schedule of the amounts over time. Attach addidorW ruterisl an
2. How is the program funded? Is funding in- place?
3. What approvals are required? What approvals have been received.? Tittle needed to
get the necessary approvals?
4. What is required of the company? When?
S. Pnr each specific topic please provide the name, position, and telephone number of
the person authorized to make the commitment.
6. Please provide a cover letter that summarizes the proposal and is signed by the
person conveying the information on behalf of the community,
MAIR -H -91 Wl :
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• personnel relocation
• ate,
For each topic provide a brief description of the following:
1. Please Summarize the specific service or benefit that is being proposed. If it is
phased -in over time and /or is contingent upon project performance in later years,
include a schedule of the amounts over time. Attach addidorW ruterisl an
2. How is the program funded? Is funding in- place?
3. What approvals are required? What approvals have been received.? Tittle needed to
get the necessary approvals?
4. What is required of the company? When?
S. Pnr each specific topic please provide the name, position, and telephone number of
the person authorized to make the commitment.
6. Please provide a cover letter that summarizes the proposal and is signed by the
person conveying the information on behalf of the community,
MAIR -H -91 Wl :
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