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Cit, Council Meeting
TO: The Honorable City Council
FROM: Mary K. Lindley, Parks, Recreation, and Community, <<
Services Director
DATE: December 28, 2005 (Meeting of January 18, 2006)
SUBJECT: Consider Award of Contract to WLC Architects for the Design
of the Arroyo Vista Recreation Center and Gymnasium
On October 5, 2005, the City Council approved the scope of work for the design
of the Arroyo Vista Recreation Center (AVRC) and gymnasium expansion project
and authorized staff to solicit proposals. The expansion of the gymnasium is one
of the Council's approved objectives for FY 2005/06.
The City received two design proposals: WLC Architects and Martinez Architects.
Interviews were conducted by a review panel consisting of: Mary Lindley, Parks,
Recreation, and Community Services Director; Barry Hogan, Community
Development Director; Bob Stallings, Recreation Manager; and Phil Vein,
consulting project coordinator. The panel unanimously recommends that the City
enter into an Agreement with WLC Architects.
Both architectural firms have performed satisfactory work for the City; WLC is the
original architect for AVRC and gymnasium, and Martinez is the architect for the
Parks /Public Works Corporate Yard (currently under construction) and performed
initial work on a conceptual design for a pool complex at AVCP. Both architects
submitted competitive price proposals: WLC's proposed price is $550,510;
Martinez' price proposal is $541,080. The work to be performed includes:
conceptual design development (including meetings with staff, Parks and
Recreation Commission, and other interested parties), finalization of plan
drawings (architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical), drafting
construction documents, assisting with the construction bidding phase, and
construction administration. Staff had estimated the total cost to retain an
architect for these services to be $600,000.
M: \MLindley \PARKS\AVCP\AVRC- Gym Expansion\AVRC Expan Award Arct Agree ccagda 1- 18- 06.doc 000102
Honorable City Council
January 18, 2006
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WLC worked as the architect for the existing AVRC and gym facilities and their
vast experience with designing and construction management for gymnasiums,
associated with community centers and schools, makes them the more desirable
firm from staff's perspective. Therefore, staff proposes retaining the services of
WLC at a cost not to exceed $550,510.
As the Council may recall, the total cost of the project is estimated to be
approximately $5,760,000. The revenue source is Park Improvement Funds for
the Community Zone. To date, the Community Zone, which funds improvements
at AVCP, has a balance of 2.1 million. It is anticipated that over the next five to
ten years the City will receive an additional 6 million in Community Zone revenue.
The design scope of work includes an expansion of the existing gym (doubling in
size), a small staff office and a locker /shower room, amounting to an additional
8,300± square feet. In addition, there are two construction alternates that will also
be designed: 1) an additional 3,600± square foot activity room to the east of the
existing smaller AVRC activity room and 2) approximately 300± square feet of
office space within AVRC. While the alternates will be designed prior to
construction, the Council will be asked to consider whether to proceed with the
construction of the alternates or delay to a future date. If the Council elects to
delay construction of the alternates, the architect's fees will be adjusted down by
approximately $20,000. A summary of the project's cost is as follows:
Estimated Cost
Gym Expansion
AVRC Activity Room
AVRC Office Expansion
$ 140,000
Project Coordination
The City secured an agreement with Phil Vein to serve as the Project
Coordinator for Phase I of the expansion project. Phase I included drafting the
Request for Qualifications (RFQ), developing the scope of work and two
alternates, conducting a pre -bid meeting with interested architects, and assisting
with the evaluation of the architects' proposals. The cost of Phase I was not to
exceed $6,800.
Staff proposes amending the agreement with Mr. Vein to include Phase II of the
project, which is to coordinate all pre- construction work on the part of the
architect and the architect's consultants. Phase II includes, but is not limited to:
coordination and review of conceptual drawings, final plans, construction
documents and specifications, utility requirements, soils testing, construction
budget, and bidding the construction work (including any alternates). The not to
exceed cost for Phase II is $32,510. The agreement with Mr. Vein was signed by
Honorable City Council
January 18, 2006
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the City Manager; therefore, it is staff's intent to execute the amendment under
the City Manager's signature.
If approved, the projects design budget is as follows:
Description Amount
Architect $550,510
Project Coordinator $ 39,310*
(' additional funds for Phase III — construction —
will be requested at a later date)
In the FY 2005/06 budget, the city included $50,000 for architectural services and
$800,000 for construction with an understanding that additional funds would be
requested when staff could better identify costs. Rather than prepare a budget
amendment, staff proposes processing a line item transfer, transferring $539,820
from the project construction budget to the design budget. This would leave
$260,180 in the construction budget of which approximately $10,000 will be used
to complete a topographical survey and soils analysis. Since construction on the
project is not anticipated until October 2006 at the earliest, a complete
construction budget will be presented with the development of the FY 2006/07
Award a contract to WLC Architects for the design of the AVRC and Gym
expansion at a cost not to exceed $550,510 and authorize the City Manager to
execute the agreement.