ITEM q. E.
City Council !Meeting
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TO: The Honorable City Council 1\
FROM: Mary K. Lindley, Parks, Recreation & and Community Services
DATE: July 20, 2006 (Meeting of August 2, 2006)
SUBJECT: Consider Formation of the Moorpark Library Task Force
On July 19, the Council directed staff to provide a recommendation of the composition
and selection of a Library Task Force. As previously approved, the purpose of the Task
Force is to advise staff on library transition issues, not operational issues like staffing,
personnel, and budget. The task force will serve as a sounding board to staff for such
things as evaluating the library collection, days and hours of operation, number of public
computers, and library programs such as children and teen reading programs. The term
of the task force will end on December 31, 2006.
Based on the Council's discussion on July 19, it is recommended that the task force
membership be limited to nine individuals representing a broad spectrum of the
community. The task force will be staffed by the Parks, Recreation, and Community
Services Director and assisted by the library transition consultant (LSSI). The City will
request that MUSD, Moorpark College, and Moorpark NfL submit the name of an
individual to represent their organization. To fill the task force's remaining six seats, the
Council would considered individuals representing groups and categories, which may
include, but not necessarily be limited to the following:
• Youth, grades six through twelve
• Friends of the Library
• Business Community
• Senior citizen aged 60 years or older
• Hispanic community
• Community Organizations
• Unincorporated area
• Adult library patron
Honorable City Council
August 2, 2006
Page 2
Due to the need to expedite the formation of the task force, it is recommended that the
recruitment period begin August 7 and end September 1. The Mayor would present a
list of task force candidates for Council consideration on September 20. Recruitment
information would be placed on Channel 10, the City's Website, newspaper press
release, and the flyers at the Moorpark Library. Interested individuals will be asked to
explain their interest in serving on the task force in 100 words or less.
It is anticipated that the task force would meet four to six times. Meeting dates and
times will depend on the availability of the members.
Approve the formation of the Moorpark Library Task Force as outlined
SACommunity Services\ADMINISTRATIVE \CC Reports\2006 \8 -2 -2006 (Library Task Force).doc