HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA REPORT 1995 0503 CC REG ITEM 11ECITY OF MOORPARK Mission statement, Goals, and Objectives CITY MISSION STATEMENT Striving to preserve and improve the quality of life in Moorpark. DEPARTMENTAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR FY 1994/95 Ji!iti§1J.i!j§ City Manager Management Oversee and coordinate activities of all City departments consistent with City Council approved policies and priorities; §§§#g;i;§i!P.1]1 ;.P.J.i?Hf;ipy m�r::::i:ttsili§Y'.i#mnin!t.:@f;i.i.Ji::11l:l!P.@2nif; %Ing providecourteous and responsive public service. * * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Condnct monthly in honse management staff development meetings. Coor:dinate City's pnblic infor:mation effor:ts a11d pr:epar:e no less than for:ty (40) timely, infor:mative news r:eleases abont City activities. Work with County, State and Federal officials to ensure that Moorpark"s legislative interests and concerns are addressed. Re-evaluate the pr:oposed 1994 P.@#.:MUf:Legislation Program for possible it.'=iiiadoption in 199-SJL which wonld allow the City to r: espoiid on a iuor: e time°iy basis to pending State and Feder:al legislation. Fnr:ther: develop the City"s cnston1er: ser:vice pr:ogr:am to i11clt1de i11 honse eiuployee trai11ing a11d gnar:ter:ly employee meetings which inclnde highlighting cnstomer: ser:vice pr:actices. ggp[tj,!¥.nlli!!/iti#liilw.ne:J§!@iji;Ii#:lf )§.p)J!§ffiil\]f iPY¥.P@i\ PY pzjpyjµg�@�g{!Pw.f.iy]J#.mp;J.i.9.yjiii?ii@.P.J.fpµjppjJ\#?Jll#Mw.§i fffiiiifinw.fig IBFP!itt:iiY.i..ttfiilww] IIP+PY@@J!:llilinaif Coordinate City"s annual goal setting process. 6.Serve as staff liaison to Ventura Council ofGovernments. 7. 8. Develop and conduct a community-wide survey to measurethe level of satisfaction residents ha'lfe fie£ aboutCity services.• ......... .... Develop a complai11t form that will assist the City tomor:e effectiv-ely r:espond to complaints a11d co11cerns.Item Completed