HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA REPORT 1995 0517 CC REG ITEM 11IITEM�1•�.•_ CITY OF MOORPARK COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM t �s k TO: The Honorable City Council ,?r FROM: Christine Adams, Director of Community Servic t� DATE: May 5, 1995 (Meeting of May 17, 1995) SUBJECT: Consider Fourth of July Fireworks Proaram. Staff met with Debi Ryono, Editor )f the Moorpark News Mirror, Jack Phillips, Marketin( DLrect.or for the newspaper, Vishna Herrity from M.U.S.-I) {District), on April 28, regarding the possibility )f ne c'-y having a fireworks show. Mr. Phillips recommended that. z fireworks show be held on Monday, July 3, as this will COS° -, less than a show on the 4th itself. A good show on the 3rd ccu - -i cost about $16,000. This was clarified at a second meeting on May 5, that the total cost for a good show wo i:_d >nly, be $8,000. The proposed show would be an aeria.� show Dnly, with no firework displays on the ground, nor an.,,, accompanying music. These extra features cost a. great deg'. more The newspaper is proposing that r-ne var:Lous agencies in town (City, District, Chamber, servi..e clubs, businesses) combine available budget money together ind the newspaper would match that up to $7,800. In -kind r(Ittributions such as facility use can also be considered par' r Fl-r match. Currently, the City does not 1 rf- a b.xdget for this type of program, and in the event tha ': fund`, were collected from other sources, there would st- be ^:he costs of fire and police for security / safety :r � : -as on.s The cost for police services for Country Days s approxi_mately $4,000, and it would be estimated that secur would be about the same amount for a fireworks prc r -a rr . The District is interested in .3� -tieing as a co- sponsor of this event. The Superintendent of: S i()cis 1.as informed staff that the District would be will nc; t pr:: vide use of the high school facility (parking to °_s, an3 sr._.adium) at no cost, as their contribution, Finan _ i c,orit r:ibut ions from the District have not been determ i � at ' a1 i_s time. The District has expressed i _)icecn. over the liability insurance coverage for an ev( -.r, like this. The $5,000,000 001,11 policy required of the pyrotechnics company covers any mishaps caused by the fireworks, but does not cover the event itself. If the event were .o be held at Arroyo Vista Community Park, the City's special event insurance coverage could be used. This coverage wool d not apply if the event were held at the high school. the insurance for the 4th of July fireworks sponsored severa Tears ago by the Chamber of Commerce was $600.00. That event, held in 1990, did not recover all of the direct costs for the fireworks show,, even though admission was charged, because the estimated. attendance was less than anticipated. Residents were cY,arged between $5 and $3 for admission to the stadium at the old �iigh school, where the event was held. In addition is fi,.reworks, there was a variety of entertainment tc at: i act: �;)eople to come to the location where the fireworks were he: lit. The High School marching band nd az,z band were contacted regarding the possibility of -i performance prior to the fireworks show on the 3rd, but ne -e ; no formal commitment at this time. The recommendation from those ii attendance at the meeting is to not charge an admission fee; bu-. tc, pay for the fireworks and the associated administrati�­J costs through contributions from the participating agenc -,.es and. donations from the community. Without an entertainment program preceeding the fireworks show, residents would p(D;s:ik:)l.y be more inclined to stay near their homes and wat.c l rh,� show. The Chamber of Commerce ma_, t,e vvi lling to sign the contractural agreement with the pyrote +:_,hnics company. It was suggested by the newspaper that the insurance costs (unknown at this time) be divided bet weei, Y-e City, the School District and the Chamber of _-omr,e -1 V= . Since the meeting of April 28, ne newspaper staff have been soliciting support for a firewcr.kE event., and have received verbal support from the Rot ark ' _ub, Chamber of Commerce, G.I. Rubbish, Messenger Deve.1 7pme1-1t; and the Knights of Columbus. All contacted ind:i( it E =d that their business or organization would be able to t r o� , ide support in the way of money, in -kind donations, and /oi - vclunteer labor, There were no commitments to specified doi:zz amounts, but the newspaper staff feel that the combined contributions could amount to approximately $2, (i(� . Tl, s would not even be enough to fund the necessary n1,_U c, )er: c;;f. sheriff's deputies and fire department personnel for t i. � " 7(:, > :._ng activity. There was discussion regardi..i the possibility of local service and youth organization:: :el'..ing refreshments at the event, and that each group cc�u i..: t)e cha rged a nominal fee for participating, whi7h could a:. - F sec' for the matching 00112 funds. This takes a great al of dime to promote and coordinate. The City's role with the proposed Fireworks show would be to provide facility use, as needed, assist with securing insurance coverage for the evert, and coordinate the local organizations who plan to sell -ef:r.eshments. The event planning would be done by a citizen's committee, including representation from the City, D..trict, and Chamber; however, the lead agency would be the overall coordination and control. The City estimates that ¢_here would be 80 - 100 staff hours dedicated to this `­ ,.F,g.. t . the next month and a half. The newspaper would provide 'free advertising for the event in all of their local.. papers, ,n. - ,iditic; to the cash donation of $7,800 for the fireworks. Staff estimates that there would be approximately $6,500 in costs to the City, to include personnel costs for City staff and Sheriff's departmenr staff exclusive of overhead /administrative service; :r,3t, and a portion of the insurance premium costs. Staff is concerned about the limited amount of time to plan and develop a fireworks program. __.ty staff are already committed to the Recreation Celebration program on June 3 and the Fourth of July Picnic, a;_ well as on -going program commitments, such as the fi zal Pr� pa: ations for Summer Day Camp. In order to provide the C'it} - Dun(:il with an accurate evaluation of the proposed program merits, staff would need to have information on the committment of monetary donations, and a schedule of activities ;,Lnd participants planned in addtion to the fireworks show. Staff feels that not. enough information or time is at,ai, f-:� e c effectively plan, organize and conduct this event Large events in the City such a ° -he City's 10th Anniversary events, the Arroyo Vista Grand _)peeing, the annual Halloween and Easter programs, and Woili Fest --ake a minimum of 6 months to plan. Staff does not t' ee l t t-i.at a month and a half is adequate to do a capable i C% 41 t h t hd s event. The Council has appropriated ' -or the 4th of July Picnic, which is to be co- sponsored k:)y the American Legion and Shiloh Church. Plans for -_!;Is have been provided to the City Council and work on this twit;, is proceeding. This activity would be scheduled carlfss of the fireworks program on July ?. The City has already received doaat..Diis towards a Summer Concerts program for $4,200, wry 1: i Little more than 11/2 00113 of the needed funds for the corl�erts program. The concerts program last summer was a series of five (5) individual Sunday evening musical performances that each lasted 2 hours, and was funded through a grant from the Achille Levy Foundation and a donation from Urban West Communities. Each concert had an estimated attendance of between 500 and 1000 residents. The total cost for a four concert series this summer is $7,300, which is 1Fss than the funding needed for a 20 minute fireworks show. If additional City funds can be � -found for a community special event, staff would recommend that these funds be used for other activities, such as the Summer Concert Series, or additional support to the Teen rocjrar RLCOMMMATION Consider including funding for Froportyonal contribution for a July 3 or 4, 1996 event in tl),F- 1995 -ta6 City budget. 00114