TO: The Honorable City Council
FROM: Kenneth C. Gilbert, Director of Public Works
DATE: May 3, 1996 (Council Meeting 5- 15 -96)
SUBJECT: Consider Authorizing the City Manager to Revise the
Procedures Relating to the Issueance of Parking Permits
Exempting Certain Vehicles from Street Sweeping Parking
Restrictions to Allow for the Parking of Certain Vehicles
Along the Frontage of HOA Community Recreational
A. Background
1. In November of 1993 the City Council adopted Resolution No.
93 -985 establishing parking restrictions throughout the City
to facilitate street sweeping.
2. In February of 1995 the City Council adopted Resolution No.
95 -1121 providing for the issuance of PARKING PERMITS
exempting certain vehicles from those parking restrictions
under certain conditions.
3. The action taken by the City Council in February 1995
provided for the issuance of PARKING PERMITS to certain
vehicles only under certain conditions generally described as
a PERMIT could be issued to a moving van retained by a
property owner or resident, when and if the moving day is
coincidental with the parking restriction.
• a PERMIT could be issued to a vehicle registered to a
resident for a designated period, when and if medical
problems require said vehicle to be readily available and
off - street parking is not available;
• a PERMIT could be issued to a vehicle registered to a
resident for a designated period, when and if medical
problems prevent the owner of the vehicle from moving the
• .
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May 1996
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• PERMITS could be issued to vehicles registered to a
contractor or subcontractor retained by a resident to
perform home remodeling or repairs, when an if there are
no off - street parking available for such vehicles;
PERMITS could be issued to vehicles registered to a City
contractor, subcontractor or supplier working on a City
Public Works contract.
4. The above mentioned action taken by the City Council provided
that one free PARKING PERMIT could be issued to a resident or
property owner per calendar year. Each additional PERMIT
issued to said party within a given calendar year would
require payment of a $25.00 fee.
5. Resolution No. 95 -1121 directed the City Manager to provide
for the establishment of a set of procedures to set forth the
general guidelines to be followed when evaluating
applications and issuing parking permits. Those procedures
are attached as Exhibit 1.
B. Parking at Community Recreational Facilities
Concerns have been raised that the street sweeping parking
restrictions prevent or hinder the use of HOA Community Pools.
Requests have been received for the establishment of a waiver to
those parking restrictions to eliminate this inconvenience.
The concept of refraining from enforcement of street sweeping
parking restrictions at Community Pool Areas was discussed. It
was determined that such selective enforcement would not be
consistently applied and that continued issuance of parking
citations would likely occur. It is the view of staff,
therefore, that the waiver of parking restriction at Community
Pool Areas could only be accomplished by one of two methods
which are generally described as follows:
a. adopt a resolution deleting the subject areas from the area
subject to the parking prohibition and the placement of signs
indicating that those areas are EXEMPT from those parking
restriction; or
b. pursuant to the authority provided by Resolution No. 1121,
authorize the City Manager to amendment to the existing
guidelines and procedures (Exhibit 1) pertaining to the
issuance of parking permits exempting certain vehicles from
said parking restrictions.
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Staff recommends the latter approach which is discussed in more
detail below.
C. HOA Parking Permits
Attached as Exhibit 2 is a draft Moorpark Administrative
Procedure (NAP) pertaining to the issuance of Parking Permits
waiving street sweeping parking restrictions. This draft
document contains all of the language set forth in the existing
procedures attached as Exhibit 1. Said language has been
revised by adding new language pertaining to the issuance of HOA
The added language (shown shaded) establishes procedures which
will allow any HOA which owns and manages a Community Pool
Recreation Area, to issue HOA PARKING PERMITS to property owners
and /or residents within its HOA, exempting those parties from
the street sweeping parking restriction when their vehicle is
parked in front of a given Pool Area. Each HOA owning such a
facility would have the option to participate in this program or
decline from participating in the program. Those HOAs which
choose to participate would be offering such permits to their
clientele at the cost of a reduced level of street sweeping
service. Those HOAs which declined would be preserving the
present level of street sweeping service by maintaining the
parking prohibition.
The issuance of an HOA PARKING PERMIT by an HOA would have to be
done in accordance with the guidelines and procedures set froth
in the above mentioned draft MAP (Exhibit 2). Those guidelines
and proceedures are generally summarized as follows:
1. The issuance of HOA PARKING PERMITS shall be administered by
the HOA. Each HOA may participate or decline to participate
in this program at their discretion. Permits may only be
issued by a representative of the HOA or the HOA's management
2. All Permits would be numbered and would be valid for a
specific Pool or Recreation Area.
3. Parking shall be restricted to the frontage of the Pool /
Recreation Area, except that NO PARKING SHALL BE PERMITED ON
A COLLECTOR STREET (i.e. Walnut Creek Road).
4. Parking shall be available on a first come - first serve
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5. Permits may only be issued to the owner and /or resident of a
property within an HOA.
6. Only Permit forms provided by the City shall be used.
Application forms provided by the City shall completed and
shall be kept on file by the HOA.
7. Permits shall only be valid for a maximum period of one year
and may be renewed upon expiration.
D. Committee Review
This matter has been reviewed and discussed by the
Transportation and Streets Committee. The Committee recommended
that procedures be developed which could conveniently
accommodate the granting of such a waiver to these parking
restrictions at HOA Community Pool Areas.
E. Summary
The revised guidelines and proceedures set forth in the draft
Moorpark Administrative Procedure (MAP) attached as Exhibit 2
provide for the issuance of HOA PARKING PERMITS by participating
HOAs which will allow those authborized to park their vehicles
along the frontage of an HOA Community Pool Area during periods
when parking is prohibited to facilitate street sweeping.
It is the recommendation of the Transportation and Streets
Committee and staff that the City Council authorize the City
Manager to revised the guidelines and procedures pertaining to the
issuance of parking permits exempting vehicles from street sweeping
parking restrictions, as described in Section E: Summary of this
Exhibit 1 (Page 1)
For the Issuance of Parking Permits
Exempting Certain Vehicles from Parking Restrictions
Established to Facilitate Street Sweeping
To establish guidelines and procedures for the issuance of PARKING
PERMITS exempting certain vehicles from parking restrictions
established to facilitate Street Sweeping.
A. The City Council of the City of Moorpark has adopted Resolution
No. 93 -985 establishing a City -wide program of parking
restrictions designed to facilitate street sweeping.
B. The City Council of the City of Moorpark also adopted
Resolution No. 95 -1121, providing for the issuance of PARKING
PERMITS exempting certain vehicles from said parking
restriction, when and if certain conditions or circumstances
A. Parking Permit: A PARKING PERMIT may be issued to a vehicle,
exempting said vehicle from street sweeping parking
restrictions, when and if certain conditions or circumstance
arise which render said parking restrictions an undue hardship
to the affected property owner or resident. PARKING PERMITS
may only be issued when and if one of the following conditions
are apparent:
1. When it becomes necessary to park a moving van on a street
with street sweeping parking restriction on a day when said
parking restrictions are in affect.
2. When medical problems prevent the owner of the vehicle from
moving the vehicle or when medical problems require the
vehicle to be readily available and there is no off - street
parking available.
3. When a contractor retained by the owner or resident of a
residential property is required to park on a street with
street sweeping parking restriction in order to perform
certain work, provided that the duration of any such permit
shall not exceed two weeks.
Exhibit 1 (Page 2)
Procedures for Parking Permits
Exempting Vehicles from
Street Sweeping Parking Restrictions
Page 2
4. When a City public works construction project requires that
vehicles owned by a residents, and /or vehicles owned by a
City contractor, sub - contractor or supplier, must park on a
street with street sweeping parking restriction.
B. Permit Issuance: The Director of Public Works may issue a
PARKING PERMIT when and if one of the above conditions are
present or are anticipated. Said PARKING PERMITS shall have
certain restrictions listed as follows:
1. A PARKING PERMIT may only be issued to a vehicle registered
to a resident of the City and /or the owner of property
within the City. The license number of the vehicle shall
appear on the permit.
2. PARKING PERMITS shall be issued for a specific period of
time related to the reason or need for the permit, provided
that the maximum period shall not exceed two weeks, except
under certain circumstances determined to be valid by the
Director. An expiration date shall be placed on all PARKING
3. Unless otherwise required and so stated by the Director of
Public Works, PARKING PERMITS are only valid when the
permitted vehicle is parked at or in the immediate vicinity
of the property identified on the PARKING PERMIT or Permit
4. One PARKING PERMIT may be issued to a given residence in a
given calendar year. Each additional PARKING PERMIT issued
to said residence in any given calendar year shall require
payment of a $25.00 fee.
5. No more than three (3) PARKING PERMITS shall be issued to a
given residence in any given calendar year.
6. To be valid, a PARKING PERMIT must be affixed to and /or
place within the vehicle in a conspicuous place easily
visible to the public.
7. A PARKING PERMIT exempts the identified vehicle from parking
restrictions related to street sweeping. Said PERMIT does
not exempt the vehicle, the registered owner or the
permittee from any other parking restriction.
` 5 T
Exhibit 1 (Page 3)
Procedures for Parking Permits
Exempting Vehicles from
Street Sweeping Parking Restrictions
Page 3
C. Application: A resident and /or property owner may apply for a
PARKING PERMIT to exempt a given vehicle from street sweeping
parking restrictions. As stated above, PARKING PERMITS may
only be issued when and if the above stated conditions are
present. Application for PARKING PERMITS shall contain the
following information:
1. License number of vehicle;
2. Make and model of vehicle;
3. Name of registered owner;
4. Attached: a copy of the registration or other proof of
vehicle ownership clearly indicating that the vehicle is
registered to an individual residing at the property
requiring the PARKING PERMIT.
Exhibit 2 (Page 1)
M.A.P. NO.
To establish guidelines and procedures for the issuance of PARKING
PERMITS exempting certain vehicles from parking restrictions
established to facilitate Street Sweeping.
A. The City Council ef- the has adopted Resolution No.
93 -985 establishing a City -wide program of parking restitutions
designed to facilitate street sweeping.
B. The City Council also adopted Resolution
No. 95 -1121, providing for the issuance of PARKING PERMITS
exempting certain vehicles from said parking restriction, when and
if certain conditions or circumstances arise.
A. Parking Permit: A PARKING PERMIT may be issued to a vehicle,
exempting said vehicle from street sweeping parking restrictions,
when and if certain conditions or circumstance arise which render
said parking restrictions an undue hardship to the affected
property owner or resident. PARKING PERMITS may only be issued
when and if one of the following conditions are apparent:
1. When it becomes necessary to park a moving van on a street with
street sweeping parking restriction on a day when said parking
restrictions are in affect.
2. When medical problems prevent the owner of the vehicle from
moving the vehicle or when medical problems require the vehicle
to be readily available and there is no off - street parking
Exhihit 2 (Pup 21
3. When a contractor retained by the owner or resident of a
residential property is required to park on a street with street
sweeping parking restriction in order to perform certain work,
provided that the duration of any such permit shall not exceed
two weeks.
4. When a City public works construction project requires that
vehicles owned by a residents, and /or vehicles owned by a City
contractor, sub - contractor or supplier, must park on a street
with street sweeping parking restriction.
B. Permit Issuance: The Director of Public Works may issue a PARKING
PERMIT when and if one of the above conditions are present or are
anticipated. Said PARKING PERMITS shall have certain restrictions
listed as follows:
1. A PARKING PERMIT may only be issued to a vehicle registered to
a resident of the City and /or the owner of property within the
City. The license number of the vehicle shall appear on the
2. PARKING PERMITS shall be issued for a specific period of time
related to the reason or need for the permit, provided that the
maximum period shall not exceed two weeks, except under certain
circumstances determined to be valid by the Director. An
expiration date shall be placed on all PARKING PERMITS.
3. Unless otherwise required and so stated by the Director of
Public Works, PARKING PERMITS are only valid when the permitted
vehicle is parked at or in the immediate vicinity of the
property identified on the PARKING PERMIT or Permit Application.
4. One PARKING PERMIT may be issued to a given residence in a given
calendar year. Each additional PARKING PERMIT issued to said
residence in any given calendar year shall require payment of a
$25.00 fee.
5. No more than three (3) PARKING PERMITS shall be issued to a
given residence in any given calendar year.
6. To be valid, a PARKING PERMIT must be affixed to and /or place
within the vehicle in a conspicuous place easily visible to the
7. A PARKING PERMIT exempts the identified vehicle from parking
restrictions related to street sweeping. Said PERMIT does not
exempt the vehicle, the registered owner or the permittee from
any parking restriction.
Fxh i hi t- 2 ( Panim 1 )
C. Application: A resident
parking restrictions. As
issued when and if the
Application for PARKING
and /or property owner may apply for a
a given vehicle from street sweeping
Stated above, PARKING PERMITS may only be
above stated conditions are present.
PERMITS shall contain the following
1. License number of vehicle;
2. Make and model of vehicle;
3. Name of registered owner;
4. Attached: a copy of the registration or other proof of vehicle
ownership clearly indicating that the vehicle is registered to
an individual residing at the property requiring the PARKING
F.xhihif 2 (Pag