TO: The Honorable City Council
FROM: Steven Kueny, City Manager
DATE: May 22, 1996 (CC Meeting of May 29, 1996)
SUBJECT: Proposed 1996/97 Goals and Objectives
The proposed 1996/97 Goals and Objectives for all of the
Departments are attached for your consideration.
As in the past, the proposed Goals and Objectives are a
comprehensive list from which the Council can designate
priorities for the next fiscal year. The Council selected the
highest and high priorities by assigning ** and *, respectively.
All additions or deletions from the approved 1995/96 Objectives
have been shown in legislative format. The newly proposed items
are shown in bold at the end of each Division. As much as
possible, ongoing items were eliminated, and projects and special
studies were focused upon.
Also, the list includes assignments and projects that were "Added
Items" during 1995/96. They are listed at the end of each
Department. These items were generally unanticipated and not
planned to receive staff attention during the year but which did
require staff work.
Several of the Objectives require a directly related budget
appropriation. The Council is encouraged to consider Objectives
as they relate to the budget and to review established goals to
determine if any changes are desired. It is recommended that the
Council select a limited number of Objectives (five to ten) for
each department to focus on in 1996/97.
It is recommended that the Council consider the proposed Goals
and Objectives for the City Departments at the May 29 City
Council meeting and at the scheduled June 22 Town Hall meeting.
cc: Deputy City Manager; Dept. Heads; ATCM; City Engineer; Lt. Rouse
c: \ccagenda \obj96.97m
Statement, Goals, and
FY 1996/97
1996 /97 Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives
CityManager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 3
City Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 15
Administrative Services . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 16
Public Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 26
City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 32
Community Services . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 36
Public Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 47
City Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 59
Community Development . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 61
Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives
Striving to preserve and improve the quality of life in Moorpark.
City Manager
Oversee and coordinate activities of all City departments
consistent with City Council approved policies and priorities;
coordinate the City's intergovernmental relations; and provide
courteous and responsive public service.
.. U C1 U J_ -
.. inteteoto and concerns are
re ad".Ft-TOTT ITT i996. (On-going)
* 3. Coordinate City's annual goal setting process.
-v- - (On-going)
* 5. Develop and conduct a community -wide survey to measure
the level of satisfaction residents feel about City
services and evaluate possible placement of City
suggestion boxes at a few locations in addition to City
* 6. Develop and implement a City media policy to ensure the
timely and accurate release of information and develop
additional means of providing information to the public
including the possible use of additional pages in the
recreation brochure.
. (Completed, City
monitoring CHP mobile inspection efforts)
* 8. Work with Public Works to ensure that the 118 and 23
extensions are identified in the STIP for funding at
the earliest opportunities.
J�h%JIMS ITT . (Per conversations with the
Assembly and Senate utilities committee staff, the
State is working with cellular phone companies to
upgrade the capacity of cell phones. New technologies
should be ready within the next two years that will
eliminate the problem of not being able to access cell
phones due to heavy demand.)
10. Coordinate, with the various departments, the
development and tracking of and MUTT; r-r t „ tie eff
eity y a
service levels measurements.
Participate in the waste e..1LtTLt±,1,iOJJ'. regi0fleti SUJ--i7d
Waste Planning efforts inc±ttding etra±t1ation of pussib±e
f0rvtatiull Of an independend�,
12. In coordination with the various City departments,
develop a City "Citizen's Academy” which will be
designed as a forum for interested residents to learn
about "Moorpark's" municipal government.
13. Determine interest in preparing a City Strategic Plan
and evaluate alternative means for preparing it.
14. Evaluate possible reorganization options for City
departments including the consolidation of public
information activities.
Special Protects
Provide responsive staff support for special projects.
** 1. Coordinate City's efforts for proposed transfer of
Waterworks District No. 1 to the City.
** 2. Assist with development of Citywide Traffic Mitigation
for negotiettiort of PrUPUSed : ..
Agreement . 701f course -
* 4. Assist with updates of the three (3) existing Areas of
Contribution (AOC).
* 5. Assist with planning effort for City Hall expansion.
* 6. Assist with study to develop an ordinance to establish
development related fees
--ices' ±ibrary' and other
7. Assist with modification to OSCAR Element.
8. Determine City interest in Caltrans surplus property
adjacent to Princeton Drive eastbound freeway ramp.
** 9. Assist with development of Gisler Field
for housing, or sell property
e ,
10. Assist in review of major development projects,
including Specific Plans.
11. Assist with development of affordable housing programs.
12. investigate potentiai fur Work0hups VIT government
to targeted students and gellererl: publi, (See #12 under
13. Assist with review of Caltrans relinquishment of
portion of State highways to City.
- - .
(Messenger) . .. (Completed)
• .
.. _ ..
17. Assist with City review of the County's project to
realign Moorpark Road.
** 18. Assist with an evaluation of library services;
participate in County JPA and review funding and
organizational service options.
19. Coordinate the City's efforts to resolve concerns with
day laborers.
20. Assist with City review of proposed changes to County's
Guidelines for Orderly Development.
21. Work with Ventura County Fire Prevention District to
consider siting a fire station in the Campus Park area
of the City.
22. Assist with finding a funding source for construction
of an expanded parking lot for the Moorpark Library.
Public Tran i
Provide a safe and efficient transit system that meets the needs
of transit dependent residents and promotes air pollution
reducing alternatives for residents who travel in single -
passenger automobiles.
* 1. Work with VCTC and the other east County cities to
evaluate VISTA - East's third first year of service and
develop a recommendation regarding the possible
continuation of the service and potential funding
sources. in addit-hall"
City would have to match use of Section 9 operating
funds with 50% general funds, TDA only requires that
the City make up the difference between the goal and
actual fare box ratio with general funds which is much
less than 50%. It is more cost effective for the City
to use its TDA to operate the bus)
7ativtt Of
(On- going)
* 5. Coordinate with the Public Works Department on the
installation of the Moorpark Avenue storm drain as it
relates to construction and funding for drainage
improvements in the south Metrolink parking lot. (This
project is proposed for construction in 1996/97)
6. Participate a. tfle transit un veTe,,
. (Completed & on- going)
7. Evaluate and monitor the City's participation in
county -wide bus pass program known as
"smart card" and develop a recommendation for the
City's continued participation upon the completion of
the demonstration period. (Demonstration should be
completed 9/96.)
8. Participate in VCTC's efforts to address any "unmet
transit need" findings including the possible expansion
of transit service during early morning and evening
hours, weekend service, and greater coordination
between paratransit providers.
9. Monitor VCTC's use of Article 4.5 transportation funds
for transit related programs as may be designated to
address any "unmet transit need" findings.
10. Review existing bus stop signs and determine the need
to relocated or add additional signs. Include the
installation of bus route displays at major stops.
11. Work with VCTC and SCRRA to landscape the railroad
frontage property along Moorpark Avenue.
12. Consider and evaluate the purchase of another bus using
Section 9 Federal Funds, using the current bus as a
Solid Waste
Ensure that solid waste is disposed of in accordance with the
adopted State hierarchy of "reducing, reusing, recycling, and
* 1. Upon notification by the State, draft the City's SRRE
Update Plan and submit the City's 1995 waste diversion
rate to the California Integrated Waste Management
Board. (Report due 8/1996. Continue this item to
2. Working with the Administrative Services Department,
develop a formal in -house policy for procurement of
recycled products for City Council's consideration.
(Continue this item to 96/97. This project was put on
hold due to the revamping of the City's purchasing
system and research on recycled products conducted by
the Administrative Services Department).
recommends withdrawal of this item. The compost
workshops and available staff expertise provides
sufficient assistance for residents interested in
r _
• • PrUILtUtillftell
hotisehoid hazerrdut2s
courd±nettivn By
a!, 199161 evaluate Moorpark res±dentierl perrtic±p-&�
• • • • •
• • - • .. •
grant continues 96/97)
• the eity's new res±dent±&
• • tempuretry
suj± 1 -
etgreermnt-s—. (Completed & ongoing)
• Waste .. business
Contract for 0q=J_V_LCe--. (Completed)
.. . -- ..
inc±ndes the .. Of :: %.,Ulftpost bins and
surveys7 (On-going)
reCYClinci fur yotth. (On-going)
Vr S..L ..
curbside recyciing Prugterflt fur residents not . -
-a and
conducted 1 • and •• on-going)
12. evord±nate the Purchase of the educationa± computer
(Project due to be completed by 6/96)
changes . the . . -
des .. J__L_LUY f iMpielftent±ny a greett - PrCgTetlft.
• . (Completed)
15. Continue to participate and represent the City in the
tipping fee negotiation with the other east county
cities and Waste Management, and participate in
discussions for the formation of a JPA.
16. Monitor the progress of Waste Management's revised CUP
for a co- composting facility and inform the City
Council of its progress.
17. If awarded, implement the Tire Recycling and Marketing
grant program with the cities of Oxnard and Thousand
18. Implement NPDES measures as directed by the City
19. Coordinate the City's review of proposed transfer of
the Solid Waste Franchise from Conejo Enterprises to
Western Waste.
Emergency Management
Ensure that City properly anticipates and is prepared to respond
to natural and manmade disasters.
* 1. Provide time±y Updates tc the City's Emergency Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP) to incorporate the State's
new Standard Emergency Management System Guidelines
Provide in -house disaster response training for City
** 3. Plan and conduct an emergency response exercise
involving the City Council and a simulated emergency
response drill.
4. eontinne to suppnrt voinnteer ..
Assistance Response Teerm (BART) rfteftberO arnel recruit and
eirtergency. (On-going)
5. Working with Moorpark BART,
Develop a general emergency preparedness manual for
distribution to Moorpark residents. The manual will
outline how to prepare for, and what to do following a
- .-
* 8. Coordinate FEMA's audit of the City's reimbursement for
expenses incurred from the January 17, 1994,
earthquake. (City has not been audited yet, carryover)
for and securing Hazard Mit±gat±on 6rant fan
(Completed, two grant applications were completed and
submitted to State OES.)
.. GLLI The
presented to the eity eunnuil fur
Level.. -
- -.
trernsported and disposed. (Completed)
12. Develop and conduct a simulated disaster response
exercise for Moorpark DART members.
13. Consider the possible relocation of the City's EOC from
the Citrus Room to a modular unit and back -up power
14. In conjunction with the Community Services Department,
evaluate and consider an expanded role in Emergency
Management for the City's Maintenance and Operations
1995/96 ADDED ITEMS:
1. Implemented the "Smart Card" bus pass program in
2. Represented the City during negotiations between
the East County Waste Task Force and Waste
Management regarding landfill tipping fee rates.
3. Evaluated and responded to VCTC's use of TDA
Article 4.5 transportation funds for Senior
Nutrition transportation and other transit
4. Monitored and evaluated G.I. Rubbish's bankruptcy
plan as it relates to Moorpark's refuse franchise
5. Reviewed, commented on, and monitored CUP and Neg.
Dec. for the Worm Connection operation proposed on
Grimes Canyon Road.
6. Reviewed, commented on, and monitored Draft Neg.
Dec. for the construction recycling facility
proposed by M Maintenance.
7. Conducted training for Moorpark DART members on
the use of the Standard Emergency Management
System (SEMS) .
8. Participated in the citywide project to determine
service level thresholds for emergency management,
transit, library services, fire protection
services, and emergency medical services.
9. Organized the development of the Operational Area
Agreement for the coordination of countywide
emergency response efforts.
10. Represented the City in the Waste Commission /VCOG
consolidation effort.
11. Participated in countywide efforts to standardize
the training topics provided to Disaster
Assistance Response Teams.
12. Represented the City in countywide discussions on
the feasibility of Ventura Regional Sanitation
District property tax reimbursement.
13. Coordinated the City's agreement with VCTC for use
of Federal Transportation Section 9 funding for
reimbursement for the cost to purchase the City
14. Completed two earthquake Hazard Mitigation Grant
applications for submittal to State OES and FEMA.
15. Conducted new promotional efforts to encourage use
of the bus by senior citizens. Established a new
bus stop at Taffoya Terrace.
16. Organized additional emergency response
communication capasity including Ham Radio classes
and the construction of a communication room in
conjunction with Community Services Department.
17. Represented the City at JPA meetings regarding
PCL's lawsuit against VCTC and the County on the
use of TDA funds.
18. Provided input and monitor the County Solid Waste
Management Department Budget as it related to
reducing the Countywide Integrated Waste
Management Program (CIWMP) fees.
19. Issued Public Resource Code (PRC) notification to
the Commercial franchised haulers notifying them
that they have five years to discontinue providing
services in Moorpark.
20. Conducted city -wide mailing advertising the new
yard waste recycling programs and other programs
included in the new franchise agreement.
21. Coordinated free day for residents at the Simi
Valley Landfill. This event replaced the Spring
Community Clean -up event.
22. Amended the Solid Waste Ordinance to hold property
owners accountable for contracting for solid waste
collection services. Also amended sections to
correspond with the new franchise agreement.
23. Received grant funding from the League of
California Cities to develop a subregional
multimedia waste prevention program with the
cities of Thousand Oaks and Camarillo.
24. Worked with the County and other east county
cities to draft an RFP for a regional HHW
collection program.
25. Coordinated City's efforts to acquire property for
widening of Park Lane south of Los Angeles Avenue.
26. Assisted in review of Flood Control District
project and its impact on Villa Campesina Park.
27. Assisted with efforts to acquire property from SCE
for the pedestrian bridge.
28. Responded to and monitored Conejo Enterprises
bankruptcy status and proposed transfer of its
Franchise Agreement to Western Waste.
29. Researched options for addressing concerns related
to day laborers.
30. Reviewed staff work regarding the preparation of
Growth Management thresholds.
31. Provided direction on the Director of Community
Development vacancy.
32. Request from owner of LDM 92 -1 to defer certain
public improvements.
33. Assisted with revision of Landscape Maintenance
plans and specifications and related documents.
34. Monitored the Unmet Needs lawsuit file by PCL
against VCTC and the County of Ventura.
City Attorney
1. Assist in resolving City lawsuits.
2. Assist Community Development Department to prepare for
City Council consideration an overcrowding ordinance
when State legislation and /or court decision authorizes
3. In conjunction with assigned staff, evaluate
requirement for an Article 34 Measure pertaining to
publicly owned housing.
4. Assist with review and preparation of documents related
to Caltrans' relinquishment of portion of State
highways to City.
* 5. Assist with negotiation of Disposition and Development
Agreement for Agency owned property.
6. Review draft Subdivision Ordinance.
7. Assist with review of pertinent matters pertaining to
Specific Plans.
8. Assist with preparation of Development Agreements as
directed by the City Council.
9. Assist Community Development Department with updating
the City CEQA guidelines and Housing Element.
10. Assist with preparation of updated: a) Subdivision
Improvement Agreement; b) Improvement Agreement for
development projects; c) standard contracts and
agreements for professional and other services; and d)
contract for public works projects.
11. As authorised by Government Code Section 53069.4,
prepare an ordinance making any violation of any
ordinance subject to an administrative fine or penalty.
12. Assist with the preparation of an ordinance to enact
development related fees.
13. Participate in the establishment of a City Citizen's
14. Assist with addressing legal issues pertaining to the
day laborer concerns.
Administrative Services
Effectively organize, coordinate, and manage departmental
activities and provide courteous and responsive public service.
rate- (Completed)
2. Review and irtpiement rev±sed Fee cable regt:lation
rules--. (Completed)
* 3. Hold initial public hearing on Mountain Meadows cable
franchise renewal.
ecordinate eountry Bays, Booster e±ab, car show and
• (On-
5. Develop animal control flyer and mailing.
6. Develop parking enforcement flyer and mailing.
7. Develop means to assess effectiveness of departmental
service levels.
9. Develop proposed Business License Program for
consideration by the City Council.
16. identify tile Treeds for dug and cat iicensing
canvessing effort. (Completed)
11. Implement county revisions to the Animal Regulation
ordinance as applicable to related City ordinances.
* 12. Assist with developing eourdinate the study to create
the proposed ode development related fees.
(Messenger) and Buil:_'Lilv-_L . (Completed)
** 14. Assist with the study of proposed Waterworks District
Number 1.
. . . . - . . _ . . . - -- .1
16. Evaluate feasibility of using City Crossing Guards to
perform parking enforcement and potential creation of a
crossing guard supervisor position in conjunction with
Public Works Department.
17. Analyze impacts and opportunities of state authorized
restructuring of electrical utility industries.
18. Evnivate a±ternat±ves for providing and fnnding library
seruices. (Assigned to City Manager's office)
19. Analyze potential for franchising of telephone services
providers that provide cable television services.
23. Evaluate options for providing attorney services to
represent City on misdemeanor cases.
24. Analyze creation of revised position in MRA to have
responsibility for housing, CDBG and related programs.
25. Assist with preparation of ordinance making any
violation of any ordinance subject to an administrative
fine or penalty.
Budget. Accounting and Finance
Plan and account for City revenues and expenditures and invest
funds safely while maximizing yields in accordance with
priorities established by the City Council.
0 WW
2. Update the Financial Management Codes to reflect
current legal and professional practices.
.. -
** 4. Install BRC financial management system software
including ,
accounts rece.vable, cash management
system. (80o Completed)
** 5. Implement new chart of accounts in July of 199 -56.
6. Develop cost centers for each department where possible
to eliminate general distribution of operation and
maintenance expenses.
7. Assist with developing a code enforcement cost recovery
ces, and if deented .. ...
*der. (Completed)
9. Consider modifying the Business Registration ordinance
to provide a 1 day permit for vendors from outside the
City who participate in special events and non - profit
fund raising activities.
� 41 18. Prepare 5 year financin± projections.— (Completed)
11. Evaluate proposals for banking services. (Completed in
1995, need to do again in 1996)
.. .. - -
PrOcedure. (Completed)
13. Implement the new chart of accounts and train staff and
department heads to access the AS400.
Provide a recruitment and selection process which fairly
evaluates abilities of applicants consistent with federal, state
and local laws; oversee staff development and training to
maximize employee potential; and manage benefit program to
facilitate employee use while minimizing costs.
- - ...
Preparation of Validated -- - - - Vmplietnce
. -
2. Update Personnel Rules to reflect Ch'tj__ f ederal
and state laws and consol±dal Hl- Melt= !TdUlft Uf
Agreement Prior to negotiai!±Uns for the 1995 ME�A.
3. Conduct ADA training for all supervisory staff.
4. Conduct ADA training for all general staff.
5. Prepare ADA Compliance Administrative Procedure.
Prepare TeT.,U1LtTLt1=TTdC1tiUn fUr if .
7. Create an Employee Orientation video and handbook.
8. Revise Personnel practices for recruitment and
incorporate an Affirmative Action Plan.
9. Beve±op Moorpark Procedure (MAP) fur
10. Develop formal anti - harassment policy for City Council
Personnel and -„ rnr.taff (On- going)
13. Coordinate Cultural Diversity and Introduction to
Supervision Training. (50% Completed)
14. Present Compensation and Classification Study report to
City Council and implement findings pursuant to City
Council direction.
15. Develop draft Personnel Rules for management employees.
16. Review alternatives to computer system administration
for local area network including contract service, use
of interns and cross training.
Risk Management
Maximize resources by minimizing losses caused by unforeseen
occurrences in all phase of City operations.
1. Update and consolidate risk management, injury
prevention, and insurance manuals.
Improve workload efficiency by planning, acquiring, and
maintaining hardware and software systems and training personnel
in their use.
* 1. Install IBM PC support and network all departments to
the system. (25a Completed)
* 2. Complete disaster contingency plan for computer
* 3. Complete 5 year computer plan including standardization
of software.
* 4. Expand computer training of clerical staff to advanced
5. Train a representative from each department in database
6. insta±± A5466 computer and link evy Hall and upgrade
personal computers to the Pe support system
programs. i. Standardize personal computer appVcablann�b
installing standard word processing, spreadsheet, data
processing and scheduling (Completed)
8. Prepare Iftin±MCIft Personal Computer Spe&fiUatil
upgrade or replace all existing personal computers
* 9. Complete installation of optical disk remote terminal
linked to the main database.
10. Install local area network with file transfer, database
sharing, program sharing and E -mail capability for 90
percent of all personal computers (PC's), including the
AS400, Optical Disk System and City Clerk's Indexing.
(Remote locations and incompatible PC's would not be
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Administer the application and allocation processes of the CDBG
program consistent with the program's objectives of assisting low
and moderate income persons.
effort. 2. Munitur Mayf±Qwer Market design (Completed)
3. Transfer program responsibility to proposed MRA
Ensure that all expenditures conform to establish purchasing
eontince to deveiup tO Tmprove
.. - iMp±eMellt reV±S±OTTO
.. .. . .
3. Develop a vendor's guide for purchases made by the
City, and purge vendor files of unused vendors.
4. Assess long term storage needs for supplies and surplus
S. Develop local vendor guide and resource directory.
6. :Update fixed assets fur depreciation . (On-
7. Dispose of surplus radio equipment.
8. Develop proposal for centralized purchasing system.
9. Implement Centralized Purchasing, update draft manual,
control the bid list, training staff on the automated
P.O. system.
Redevelopment and Economic Development
Provide necessary staff support that facilitates the
revitalization of the redevelopment project area, expands the tax
base, increases revenues and encourages greater diversity of
businesses and services, maximizes return on investment
consistent with City Council policy on use of City /MRA owned real
property and buildings, provides new affordable housing and
maintains existing housing stock.
P �Wkw'kqsvm g..a3awWqr� *NIwlga'[ / ;.. - • •
. avai±able for deveimpment. (On- going)
B. RVU±Uate Uptions fur use of eBBS repay."tent for Villa
. (Completed)
# 4. Enhance relationships with business community.
* 5. Analyze information developed by business survey.
** 6. Develop business retention and attraction programs and
networking program with existing businesses and attract
new businesses.
.. -
. .
and bund prnceeds. (Completed)
** 8. Development of Gisler Field for _.._.U..__C_ &_,
recreati =gin housing uses or sell property.
* 9. Develop program with HDL to monitor and analyze
assessed valuation for the City.
10. Develop multi -year Capital Improvement Program for
Moorpark Redevelopment Agency.
11. Evaluate feasibility of creating a second redevelopment
project area.
12. Assume primary role for affordable housing programs by
September 1, 199 -56.
.. Ifift±tS UTT MiLtM211t
redevelopment .. ..
housilitJ P.LQ%Jr&rftS
14. Participate in ealifurnia, Vai±eys Housing F±n-e�
(Completed and on- going)
15. Develop plan to relocate post office to a downtown
16. As directed by City Council, participate in county -wide
economic development efforts and continue as liaison
with the Collaborative, the Alliance and VCEDA.
17. Commit remaining MRA bond funds to capital improvement
projects, to be completed by June 30, 1998.
18. Develop Housing Budget.
19. Develop additional housing programs including
consideration of 203b, and mortgage credit
20. Prepare placement of landscaping and downtown
identification sign at southwest corner of High Street
and Spring Road.
21. Assist with implementation of Downtown Specific Plan.
22. Monitor approved City and Redevelopment Agency assisted
affordable housing programs to ensure timely and
continued occupancy by appropriately qualified
23. When feasible, assist private property owners of
industrial zoned property to get their property readied
for development to better City /Agency response to
development proposals requiring quick turn - around.
Property Management
Maximize return on investment consistent with City Council policy
on use of City owned /managed real property and buildings.
1. Determine long term maintenance needs of City and
Agency owned properties and buildings.
2. Implement City Council /Redevelopment Agency directives
for lease, sale and development of City /Agency owned
properties, and manage City /Agency property leases and
3. Complete removal of billboard from Agency managed
4. Investigate possible sites for Moorpark Police Station.
5. Finalize revised lease with Egg City.
•11- .1.I111•�i�R .!!f i.,L O *L R L !( .11 -L V K-It.f►laf�i•1�5�•���t.}!l
_I�•J: 1�}�At �l Y9171r•I_ * �L l
���.�1 l•1e �J 111���eiRe1d.
B. St:pervise Engineer's • .
E)istrict 92 i property tax a±±. . to ttie eotinty •
Tax • • - - •
* 9. Coordinate efforts for providing additional City Hall
office space.
11. Develop long term proposal for new City Hall, police
station, council chambers, teen center, auditorium and
other government office.
12. Amend property description for Redevelopment property
on High Street and coordinate same with VCTC.
13. As part of the Downtown Specific Plan, develop plan for
use of vacant property west of south Metrolink parking
1995 /96 ADDED ITEMS:
1. Relocated Resource Center.
2. Coordinated Farmers' Market to locate on High
3. Participated in various proposals for
collaboration on Economic Development activities.
4. Deputy City Manager served as acting Director of
Community Development.
5. Assisted CHP in securing a lease for an office in
the City.
6. Assisted Moorpark Unified School District to
secure cable service from Mountain Meadows cable
at Arroyo West School.
7. Worked with Ventura County on developer agreement
for maintenance of Peach Hill wash.
8. Pursued criminal complaint against Scroni Family
Trust to gain compliance with building cases for
Everett Street properties. After withdrawal by
Scaroni Family Trust, worked with Charles Cho, who
owns Everett Street properties to gain compliance
with building codes.
9. Presented options for funding housing programs
inside and outside the project area and renter
occupied housing.
10. Made recommendation for reorganizing housing and
redevelopment staffing after code enforcement
officer vacancy.
11. Coordinated, facilitated, and promoted an
entrepreneurial Academy for Moorpark businesses.
12. Applied for $50,000 Home Grant to be used for
rehabilitation of renter occupied housing.
13. Renovated 661 Moorpark Avenue House.
Public Safety
Provide coordination and the leadership necessary to introduce
new programs, enhance existing services, public support, and
respond courteously to the public.
1. Assist with investigation of possible sites for Moorpark
Police Station and identify funding goals with the assistance
of the Deputy City Manager.
2. Assist City staff with design of motorcycle barriers in
the arroyo.
.. - (On-going)
5. Provide two (2) deput±es with interlItediette ieve±
reconstraction training. (Amended - Deputy McCracken,
attended reconstruction school).
m�ALL approach to pu±±ciny. (On-going)
patro±' by Providing - orientafton
- . each patrul officer. • • •
9. Assist with evaluating the feasibility of using City
Crossing Guards to perform parking enforcement.
Resource - uptions for expanding averiierbie
- . ti. -(Completed
11. Conduct a needs assessment of the Resource Center to
determine the effectiveness of this community outreach
12. Enhance report writing capabilities of Resource Center
ig. Expand services at the Resource ..
p.,b±e off site Servil=�_-S such as fingerprinting,
repremsentation at cuirtirtunity events, etc. (On-going)
* 14. Conduct a needs assessment outlining projected future
staff needs based upon population growth, crime rate,
demands for services, citizen input, workload
indicators and budget.
.. . -.
.. -
- -�sponsibility fur
ass-gnments in addition to Pr±�..Y BARE .. ralft. -(Completed
17. Conduct a Citizen Satisfaction Survey.
18. Evaluate civilization of crime prevention position.
19. Participate in establishment of City's "Citizens'
20. Evaluate establishment of a Citizens on Patrol Program.
21. Research means available to provide EMT training to
22. Pursue a traffic safety education grant (Adelante) to
allow continuance of this program.
23. Research cost recovery based upon towing of vehicles
for unlicensed, and suspended licensed drivers.
24. Provide intermediate level training in traffic
investigation for one deputy.
25. Complete additional DARE officer training for one
Patrol - Traffic - pecial Enforcement
Patrol - provide a safe environment, timely response to calls for
services, visible presence and proactive approach to identified
problems. Traffic - encourage vehicle code compliance and
provide a visible presence on City Streets and state highways.
EM l-i r.aa.iw.aa.Z=�.�.r. o
-. • . CL11k.A . - . •. %j.L . .
with chiid helmet law, child - . -
use, and E)761.-(On-going)
3. Provide at least 100 hours of commercial vehicle
4. Survey rada.L - -_TTt! to ensure proper ±egeti-
e1nd &re
met. Establish a survey list to ensur-
.. tdet ted r efdetTL .. t . (On-going
response to citizeno
7. Enhance bike patrol program by researching funding for
a third patrol bike.
8. Insure enforcement of trucks use "Right Lane Only"
California Vehicle Code Section 22348(c).
Promptly investigate all crimes and apprehend criminal
1. Establish number of cases to be investigated at 425 and
closed at 375.
3. Coordinate 8 hour training for Patrol personnel in
investigation and crime analysis.
. Services -
- -
t!fme±Y Pt1b±i-,_ awareness. (On-going)
S. Provide ±±&±son with major erimes investigators in
order to enh-11— Via and
resource . (On- going)
6. Establish an information sharing network for pawn slip
activity with the Simi Valley Police Department.
7. Enhance community awareness of our Investigations
Bureau utilizing Resource Center volunteers to ensure
contact is made with victims.
Community Services
Provide public education and crime prevention programs to general
public, students, and businesses.
.(On- going)
Watch. 3. Enhance active level of Neighborhood (On- going)
4. Assist with Disaster orientation for Neighborhood Watch
r-1%_4VJJU Z-1 : -.. .. -
.. .- (On-going
- - - - .. .-
up to dette information to the pttb±±,_- (Discontinued)
Beveiop .. Resource eenter to faciliter -
groups 1U1LtTttt2TTi7_&tiUTT to buth Neighborhood and Btisiness Watch
- • •• •
8. Bev-±,j. and imcp±eirtent: .. .
prevent retetil theft.. (On-going)
9. �.Lltpielftetlt the ..
1 . Implement a DARE parent • program.
Trail. 'J.etnt fanded deptity to be-come BARE
.. irs. (Completed
13. Expand volunteer services by 15 percent (to 2080 hours)
in the Resource Center.
14. Provide capability for photo identification picture for
immigration, itinerant merchants licenses, staff
identification cards and other government purposes.
15. Create a Neighborhood Watch Council comprised of a
leader of each active Neighborhood Watch group.
16. Expand active Neighborhood Watch groups from 30 percent
(24 to 31) .
17. Increase Neighborhood Watch presentations by 20 percent
(from 24 to 28) .
18. Implement a DARE Club targeting teenagers.
19. Designate a Resource Center volunteer to assist the CSO
in maintaining the Police Department portion of the
City of Moorpark's Homepage.
20. Hire additional deputy to provide DARE program to all
7th graders and provide patrol and selective
enforcement programs one -half time.
.. .aa WFE40 av"T
1. Relocation of the Resource Center from High Street
to Towne Center.
2. Developed DARE training for proposed expansion of
DARE Program to the middle schools.
3. Prepared for community meetings regarding specific
police incidents.
4. Prepared truck traffic CHP proposal.
S. Transferred hit- and -run investigation
responsibility from the detective bureau to the
traffic bureau.
6. Participated in developing information for growth
management thresholds measure.
7. Assisted with CHP truck enforcement.
8. Assisted Administrative Services Department in
helping CHP locate an office in Moorpark.
9. Participated in Day Laborers workshop and
10. Researched Truancy, Loitering and Public Urination
11. Placed cellular phones in vehicles.
12. Developed fee for Police Department review of
entitlement project applications.
13. Evaluate feasibility of having Resource Center
volunteers assist with parking citation
processing, take immigration photos for a fee, and
produce a crime prevention newsletter.
City Clerk
Effectively organize, coordinate, and manage departmental
activities and provide courteous and responsive public service.
1. Expand tile eit±zen hink .. -
- received.- •• •
2. in conjunction wi tit the kdTrtinistrative - -
Bepartment, investigate internet WEB site horm page !E,
the •• •
* 3.
program. (Ongoing)
4. Assist in the development of a proposed business
license program.
* 5. Prepare an Annual City Report /Newsletter to be mailed
to all residences and businesses.
** 6. Coordinate preparation of City information insert in
annual assessment district mailer.
7. Develop information for public access kiosk in
conjunction with City Manager's Office.
8. Develop guidelines relative to when to issue public
hearing notices and mailings in Spanish.
!Hag at half . (Completed)
10. Prepare a brochure explaining City Services.
11. Develop means to assess effectiveness of departmental
service levels and performance.
12. .,,.(Completed)
13. Create a MOP for proclamations.
14. Evaluate action minutes.
15. Create a MAP for City volunteers.
16. Create a MAP for bid opening procedures.
.. . -.. (Completed)
19. Participate in establishing a City's Citizens' Academy.
20. Evaluate feasibility of establishing a City Foundation.
21. Assist the Department of Community Development in
developing an ordinance for establishing development
related fees.
22. Develop a policy for presentation to the City Council
regarding the use of City Plaques.
23. Investigate feasibility of providing passport services
using Police Resource Center Volunteers.
24. Develop guidelines for City Council consideration for
City funded real estate appraisals in cases where
specified City officials nay have a potential conflict
of interest.
Records Management
Provide responsive service and support to City Council, staff,
and public through efficient recording, storage, and retrieval of
City records.
** 1. Implement a comprehensive records management plan
including purging and destruction of specified records.
- the :.
.. - .. -.
expaf�siu!T UPHLU11 -L0 se±ected. (Replaced by new #11)
4. investigate aiternatives fOr CUSt effilietllt
... ..
.. ..
poiicies tv tite eouncil
• • - e•
i. eompiete eity euclici± ..
de rte. • •• •
* %. Expand eptica± systeirt to eentra± search station.
(Replaced by new #11)
8. Evaluate creation of a document processing fee.
9. Coordinate creation and maintenance of standard
contracts on disk.
10. Begin a project to have public improvement plans, maps,
exhibits and similar oversized documents scanned.
11. Expand Optical System to Central Search Station or
assist with the expansion of a citywide network to
include access to the Optical System for all
Elections and Required Filings
Ensure timely compliance with the Political Reform Act and
Elections Code.
1. Begin an outreach program to increase voting
registration and voting.
2. Manage Regular Municipal Election to be held in
November 1996.
.. i a 0 �e
1. Special Election to replace council seat vacated
by Councilmember Montgomery.
2. Research and into conflict of interest regulations
relative to Council and Commission participation
in agenda items.
3. Required testimony before the Ventura Grand Jury,
research & reproduction of documents for the
District Attorney and the Fair Political Practices
Commission relative to their investigation of
former Councilmember Montgomery.
4. Creation of Ordinance making it unlawful to live
in a motor vehicle.
5. Revocation of remainder parcel for Mission Bell
Plaza (Ventura Pacific Capital).
6. Coordination of Town Hall meetings.
7. Installation of new jukebox for optical system.
8. Temporary Use Permit Fee Waivers Policy was
prepared for Council adoption.
9. Reorganization of Engineering Records (Willdan).
Community Services
Effectively organize, coordinate, and manage departmental
activities and provide courteous and responsive public service.
** 1. In conjunction with the Community Development Department,
review and process modification of the Open Space
Conservation and Recreation (OSCAR) Element for
consistency with the other General Plan elements.
** 2. Revise park land dedication ordinance and Park Master
Plan including evaluation of existing Park Improvement
Fund Zones.
3. eutnrdinate eity, s particillation T1 at risk ...
.. (On-going)
4. Adnri rrra a and the Tree and
handscape Fee programs and develop draft policies fur use
In conjunction with Department of Community
Development, develop program guidelines for City Council
consideration for use of Art in Public Places and Tree
and Landscape fees.
5. As part of Regional Trails effort, evaluate potential for
developing use of Flood Control District facilities
within the City for equestrian, biking and hiking trails.
* 6. Apply for "Tree City U.S.A." designation. (Upon adoption
of amended Tree Ordinance.)
** 7. Develop real time billing rate for all department staff.
Update Parks and - s eapitai: ±fftPrt_)VeJfteTTt FrUyralL
* 9. Develop and implement "Adopt a Park" program and a Gifts
Catalogue for donations to City's parks and facilities
and recreation programs.
** 10. Assist in development of City Hall expansion study as it
relates to Civic Center site.
11. Investigate feasibility of using tertiary treated water
at City parks and landscaped areas.
12. Assist with evaluation of installing motorcycle barriers
along the Arroyo Simi.
* 13. Develop schedule to amortize and fund replacement of park
amenities, facilities and related equipment.
14. Develop Community Services Directory.
* 15. Prepare report on feasibility, alternatives, and funding
options for radio controlled and computer managed
irrigation systems.
16. Develop means to assess effectiveness of departmental
service levels.
programs. (Move to
Teen Subsection)
18. Evaluate adequacy of current parks improvements fee for
commercial and industrial development. Beve±up ra±eo and procedures for Senior Trust Fund.
. (Completed by June 30, 1996)
20. Participate in establishment of City's "Citizen Academy."
21. Develop use agreements with AYSO, Moorpark Packer
Football, Moorpark Little League, Moorpark Girls Softball
and Moorpark Basketball Association.
22. Request funding for purchase and installation of marquee
sign at 18 High Street.
23. Implement NPDES measures as directed by the City Council.
24. Evaluate formal role for Maintenance and Operations
Supervisor in City's Emergency Management Program.
25. Develop Department Procedures Manual, as well as a
procedures manual specific to the operations of Arroyo
Vista Recreation Center.
26. Develop Bi- Annual meeting for Coordination of Community
27. Review possible changes to Municipal Code pertaining to
the duties and responsibilities of the Parks and
Recreation Commission.
Enhance and expand quality recreational opportunities for all
Moorpark residents, and effectively coordinate recreational
activities with other organizations.
.. recreat±t5ll PrOgrarfto teens • .• •
* * (Move
to Teen Subsection)
Challenged :3. integrate physica±!Y
-s"cier± events. (On-going)
4. Develop procedures for a scholarship -type program for low
income families to participate in recreation programs.
** . (Completed and on- going)
6. eunduct a citywide youth track irteet with couperation fro.rLt
schoo± district. (Move to Teen Subsection)
* 7. Look at offering a more diverse variety of classes which
will appeal to all age groups and interests. Expand
classes to increase revenue for department to fund 75% of
one recreation position from this source by June 30,
199 -67.
* 8. Develop standard procedure for pricing of recreation
classes and programs.
9. identify uats±de fy-111-1
10. Research feasibility of initiating credit card
registration for all fee based programs, as well as
other customer service programs such as frequent user
discounts and early registration for return participants.
11. In conjunction with the City Clerk, develop a volunteer
appreciation program for recreation volunteers.
- - - -
13. Assess feasibility of charging for use of basketball
court lighting at Griffin Park.
14. Evaluate initiation of fee for open gym volleyball and
basketball for possible implementation by fall, 199 -56.
(On- going)
±6. incurporate re—g—tion of World Weir 1i Veteran- as part
of 4th of uly Special Event and consider inclusion of
firework _ (On- going)
17. Consider including a "Fun Run" as part of a City Special
r- sa�w�w�
PrUyralLs with -cse of Arroyo
eu=ftunity Park. (On-going)
20. Evaluate feasibility and interest in involving City's
HOA's and apartment complexes, which would provide
classes and activities out in the community at
"satellite" locations.
21. Develop system to track time for Recreation personnel for
programs and activities, including planning,
implementation, evaluation, and supervision time for each
activity and program.
22. Develop a Master Plan for the Arts.
23. Evaluate incorporating community group and individual
volunteer recognition into City Special Events.
Provide recreation staffing for programs and activities for youth
ages 11 - 19.
1. Develop programs or components of existing programs
specifically targeted to the 10 - 14 age group.
2. Evaluate feasibility of establishing a teen center.
3. Conduct a citywide youth track meet with cooperation from
school district as part of teen /middle school intramural
4. Offer two (2) teen music festivals per year in
conjunction with Rancho Simi Recreation and Park
5. Coordinate at least six (6) events with other teen
serving agencies in Moorpark.
6. Spend up to ten (10) hours per week on middle and high
school campuses, providing outreach programs and
encouraging youth to participate in City sponsored
7. Develop a Youth Master Plan.
8. Develop ten (10) new enrichment classes for teens,
including classes such as vocational interest classes,
entrepreneurial skills, and mentoring, and
intergenerational activities.
9. Evaluate feasibility and interest for "late night"
activities for teens at Arroyo Vista Recreation Center.
Senior Citizen Programs
Provide recreation staffing for programs and activities for Senior
euntinue to expand volunteer progreaft, ..
• reculinition. (On-going)
2. Provide divets±fted and a-.,tiVe ..
Warrants, such .- - - -
Monthly . ..
** 3. Conduct a second Senior Expo (May,
1997) .
** 4. Conduct an intergenerational holiday program, and assist
with evaluating implementation of on -going
intergenerational programs.
** 5. Research other grants and funding available to offset
program costs.
** (Program not a
priority with Senior Advisory Committee)
erjents . (On-going
8. Research the feasibility and funding for:
Laic i.ccLi Na�,iv ctio ca .Dcaiivi u�� Vi �_Y i.v LLI �/ -- ..—.. ---
1) remodeling the Citrus Room for
additional senior activities; 2) expanding parking lot to
the south of the Senior Center; and 3) installing drop
9. Conduct Senior Olympics Program (October, 1996).
Provide well- maintained, safe general purpose parks in all areas of
the City and construct budgeted improvements in a timely manner.
i. eompiete deve±opment of downtown park site
• open July, 1996)
* 2. Investigate potential for improvement of the land above
the underground portion of the Happy Camp Drain in the
Virginia Colony as a linear park.
* 3. Continue assessing feasibility of performing additional
park maintenance functions by City staff and develop
final work program for City staff.
4. Bevelop proposed funding plan and reUlftfftended priorities
5. .. - - - - -
the ±MprIJUelfteItt Uf tile —1--d neighborhood
(Coordination iprogress)
33, 19957 (Completed December, 1995)
monitor construction of .. ..
COMPleted i:1LVrUVe1LteTTtO. (Completed November, 1995)
** 8. Bevelop plait to t-CrIT eoliege View :Fmenue into parking ±Ot
Park. (Completed by June
301F 1996) Complete improvements to south area of park
leased from Cal Trans.
9. Complete improvements in the '^gin 1996 -97 Budget.
* 10. Develop a report on the estimated construction and
maintenance costs for a municipal swimming pool and
research alternative funding strategies.
11. Evaluate other potential uses for Arroyo Vista Community
Park, such as, land lease for private health club and
interim facilities such as a driving range.
.. .. - . c�
J. e. WILILT1 -L C L. C Z-r-� 2:.L I- I- I' -L -L'V,.L.L L:JLTrg v-c 0 -L)T,
of su±ar energy and instail lights at Slertwood and eWLrp .
eanyon Parks. (Completed)
- ZU,5-U 'WLLI - - -
.. ...
prevention devices by aPtine 0 1996. (Completed
. conrt lighting at 6riffin Park. (see Recreation Item #13)
15. Investigate expansion of Arroyo Vista Community Park by
incorporating use of adjacent Southern California Edison
16. Expand the Arroyo Vista Community Park Memorial Grove and
Poindexter Park Veteran's Memorial Grove.
* 17. Review Park Use Rules for possible revision including
group size, dog shows, skateboarding, moon bounces, etc.
Park. eummunity (Fenced storage facility installed in
19. Contract Landscape Architect to prepare conceptual design
for Phase II of Arroyo Vista Community Park, including 4
to 8 tennis courts.
20. Research cost for purchase and installation of temporary
parking lot security lighting for two gravel parking lots
at Arroyo Vista Community Park.
21. Consider cost and funding options for installing outfield
fence for Softball Field #1, at Arroyo Vista Community
22. Evaluate possible root bound problem and remove certain
sycamore trees at Peach Hill Park and replace with new
23. Research costs and benefits for having certified arborist
conduct annual review of all City owned trees.
Efficiently maintain Community Center, City Hall, Arroyo Vista
Recreation Center, and other facilities in a clean and safe
(Defer until further direction as an outcome of decision
to expand City Hall)
2. Research and modify City Hall air conditioning system.
* 3. Upgrade facilities to enhance their use by completing
budgeted improvements by June 30, 3-96 1997.
PrUyrarft fUr ArrUYU
Recreation •• •
5. Assist Administrative Services in determining long term
maintenance needs of Redevelopment Agency owned
properties and buildings.
6. Bev=±QP coot estimates and funding Options for kitcl
app±ietnces and equ±pment fur Arroyo Vista Recreation
eenter. (Completed with study conducted under Parks #4)
backdrop install car tain on Apricot paint
±nteriur of Apricot '.. • • - -•
• • - -•
Arroyo 11_A
Recreat±vn eenter and (Completed)
10. Investigate the potential for covering walkway from gym
to Recreation Center and installation of clock in clock
tower at Arroyo Vista Community Park.
11. Develop a report on the estimated construction and
maintenance costs for the gym expansion and shower /
locker room facilities, and research alternative funding
12. Evaluate feasibility of expanding employee lounge,
including employee restrooms.
Landscaped Parkways and Medians and Street Trees
Provide for well - maintained landscaped areas within and adjacent to
City street rights -of -way.
** 1. In conjunction with Public Works Department, plan, design
and install improvement of currently unimproved parkways
and medians at various locations, per adopted 1996/97
2. Develop a Citywide program for tree planting, including
on the south bank of the Arroyo Simi, the slope on the
north side of Los Angeles Avenue, east of the
intersection of Spring Road and High Street and other
areas, possibly in conjunction with HOA's.
LMPrUVe1LLent!c3 to - -..
B"iiders extending - to eutintry
Park.(Completed by June 30, 1996)
* 4. Evaluate long term maintenance needs and funding options
for High Street landscaping and streetscape improvements.
.. -
• • - -•
Gable Television
Provide a variety of quality programming on the City's public
access channel.
1. Assist in developing script writing capabilities of
in -house staff.
.. JI= U.L LUU.L I ..
Of PrC;grLULL%j each day. (On-going)
** 3. Tape 25 hours of Moorpark activities for replay
supporting public information and community promotion
efforts and evaluate the feasibility of taping a video
about Moorpark City government.
.. .. -
5. Secure videos from other public agencies for play on
City's government channel.
6. - PUrtelb±e C=t -
eercipmenin to enhance ... -
programs. and
(Completed by City Clerk's Department.)
8. Evaluate feasibility and interest in conducting a class
for the public on cable television, providing hands -on
experience in City's control room.
1. Coordinated donated improvements to Arroyo Vista
Community Park by Moorpark Packer Football.
2. Coordinated donated improvements to Mountain
Meadows Park by Moorpark Girls Softball.
3. Developed conceptual landscape plan for future
location of municipal pool at Arroyo Vista
Community Park.
4. Coordinated 1996 Fireworks Show and Concert.
5. Coordinated and installed play equipment at
Mountain Meadows Park utilizing CDBG funds.
6. Coordinated removal of diseased elm trees and
maintenance plan for remaining elm trees along
McFadden and Cornet Streets.
7. Installed fencing behind Moorpark City Hall for
emergency generator protection.
8. Developed draft agreements with several sports
groups to utilize city parks for sports league
purposes (football, baseball, soccer).
9. Installed marquee sign in front of Arroyo Vista
Recreation Center.
10. Developed MOP for one -time use facility fees for
non - profit groups.
11. After water pipe in gymnasium broke and damaged
gymnasium floor, worked with contractor and
insurance adjuster to repair floor and included
additional badminton court striping in the new
floor design at no additional cost.
12. Worked with Ventura County Flood Control District
and homeowners from Villa Campesina in redesigning
the proposed neighborhood park at the end of
Liberty Bell Road.
13. Moved ten (10) surplus City computers to Arroyo
Vista Community Park for teen use, and to the
Senior Center.
14. Updated and revised landscape maintenance contract
and specifications for bidding purposes.
15. Worked with homeowners from Home Acres and with the
Belmont HOA concerning the hours for operation for
the Home Acres Buffer Zone. Drafted an ordinance
specific to the buffer zone which was adopted by
the City Council on May 17, 1996.
16. Staff and the Public Works, Facilities, and Solid
Waste Committee met with homeowners concerning the
softball field lighting at Arroyo Vista Community
Park. Staff is researching additional information
on this lighting issue.
17. Worked on Growth Management Thresholds.
Public Works
Effectively organize, coordinate, and manage departmental
activities and provide courteous and responsive public service.
* 1. Retain consultant to prepare an Engineering Fee Study
based on the actual cost of Engineering Services.
(On- going) .
* 3. Evaluate potential sites for the construction of a
permanent Corporate Yard to house Public Works and
Community Services maintenance operations.
4. Proceed with the C011Vr_.L0_L0n Of the efty's mobile radiv
5. Assist in the development of a new Improvement Agreement,
a new Subordination Agreement and other documents
required to better advise those affected of development
requirements, and to better affix responsibility for
construction of same for all projects.
pabi±ity. (Completed and On-going)
Bt-_Ve±UP handutts for tile pertaining to
encroachment permits and other pnb±±,., works progrrn-,-�.
(Partially Implemented. Other Customer Service materials
to be developed and implemented as required.)
** 8. Coordinate revisions of Los Angeles Avenue Area of
Contribution, Tierra Rejada /Spring Road Area of
Contribution, and Gabbert and Casey Roads Area of
.. - ..
Services' Agency olt of the ..
fur state highways within tite eiL-y. (Completed)
* 11. Assist MRA staff in developing a multi -year Capital
Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Moorpark Redevelopment
* 12. Complete feasibility study of having an in -house City
Engineer and implement City Council action.
** 13. Assist with the update of the Walnut Canyon and Gabbert
Canyon drainage fees.
** 14. Monitor and coordinate City's oversight of Ventura
County's design and environmental review of proposed
improvement /realignment of Moorpark Road south of Tierra
Rejada Road.
15. Coordinate design and construction of Entry Statements at
major City entrances.
16. Develop means to assess effectiveness of departmental
service levels.
17. Initiate process to have the Route 23 and Route 118
freeway extension projects placed on the State
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and assist with
determining actual future alignment.
18. Assist the Community Services Department in their review
of the feasibility of using tertiary treated water at
City parks and landscaped areas.
* 19. Monitor efforts by Caltrans and others for the
construction of the new Caltrans Maintenance Yard on
Fitch Avenue.
** 20. Work with Caltrans to complete a number of projects
a) efforts to add a portion of surp±tts freeway right
of way to 6riffin Park-7. (Completed)
s constr=t±UTT - -o a s -rRa a -L-ozrd —areal of, the
(Deed and In -lieu payment
received from Caltrans)
c) determining the prerequisites to Caltrans
relinquishment to the City of those portions of
Spring Road and Los Angeles Avenue which used to be
State Route 118;
d) Caltrans' construction of landscaping on the
freeway connector project; and
e) Modifications to the traffic signal at Collins
Drive and Campus Park Drive prior to acceptance of
this traffic signal by the City.
f) Los Angeles Avenue East realignment and widening;
g) New L. A. Avenue & L. A. Avenue widening;
h) New Los Angeles Avenue Bridge;
i) Implementation of Tract 4928 (Bollinger) off -site
improvements at Walnut Canyon Road intersection;
j) Spring Road & Moorpark Avenue storm drain
k) Relocation of traffic signal at the southeast
corner of Park Lane and Los Angeles Avenue;
. - - - .
the Yfentura eounty F±uud eunicru± B±strict weFreB) the
.. - - Pearch ffili: wetsh ±inear park in the
* 22. Assist with the development and implementation of the
Citywide Traffic Mitigation fee.
* 23. Develop an analysis of alternative methods to provide
Public Works Inspections services, including the addition
of an in -house position.
* 24. Work with the design engineer (Willdan Associates) to
resolve a water seepage problem at the Tierra Rejada Road
25. Assist in efforts to prohibit non -local truck traffic on
State Route 118.
the Eiis±er Field propert-yr. (On-going)
27. Work on efforts required to resolve the block wall
problems and develop a design for the installation of
parkway landscaping on the north side of Tierra Rejada
Road east and west of Southhampton Drive.
28. Serve as liaison to the Ventura County Flood Control
District (VCFCD) regarding their proposed project for the
widening and improvement of the Arroyo Simi channel.
29. Retain an Engineering firm to prepare a feasibility study
pertaining to the use of groundwater extracted from,the
wells at Arroyo Vista Community Park for irrigation of
parks, medians and parkways throughout the City.
30. Design the landscaping improvement on west side of Spring
Road from the railroad tracks south to Los Angeles
** 31. Assist with the study for the proposed transfer of
Waterworks District No. 1 to the City.
-- - - J11 U L 1- WITT W
TTt:rVi: i:1LtPr0Ve1LteTH!S on Pecan Aventie a .
111111V, NO
.. -
.. - -
. ll. ..�. .. . • • - - •
* 34. Assist with the development and implementation of a Speed
Hump program.
35. Develop and implement a more efficient data base
management system for the administration and processing
of invoices for contract engineering services.
.. -
. .. ... eontro : : and .
P'-JSSible deVelUP.MeTITt - Watershed below)
36. Serve as City liaison to the Calleguas Creek Watershed
Management Plan Committee and participate in Committee
efforts to develop and implement said plan.
* 37. Assist with the development of the Floodplain Management
Ordinance to meet FEMA requirements.
On all: or' the — r,,±1ectur streets within —Pe E3. (Deeds
turned over to HOAs -- no response)
40. Determine feasibility of proposing legislation to allow
cities and counties more discretion in establishing speed
limits which are enforceable by Radar.
41. Develop and implement policies and procedures for working
in confined spaces, including the procurement of required
equipment and supplies.
42. Participate in the establishment of City's "Citizen
Academy ".
43. Coordinate City's participation in proposed construction
of expanded Library parking lot.
44. Assist with City efforts in evaluating expansion options
for Senior Citizens Center.
45. Work with the County of Ventura to evaluate possible
redesign of Hitch Boulevard / Grimes Canyon Road
intersection with State Route 118.
Capital Protects
Coordinate the economical design and construction of budgeted
capital improvements in a timely manner.
** 1. Submit the seven -year Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
for City Council's consideration.
. (On- going)
* 3. Administer the formation and implementation of an
Underground Utility District on Los Angeles Avenue west
of Moorpark Avenue.
4. eoordinate a project for the widening of the west s±de of
Moorpark :Pmentie, just! north of Poindexter llmenn�_, to
** 5. Administer the design and construction of the capital
improvement projects in the 1995/96 Budget for the City
and the Redevelopment Agency projects, including the
a) Moorpark Avenue storm drain construction in the
spring /summer of 1996;
b) 1995 S±Urry Sea! project,
c) Maureen Lane south of Los Angeles Avenue
d) Spring Road bridge reconstruction design;
e) New Los Angeles Avenue Bridge reconstruction
f) Wicks Rd. slope and pavement improvements; Everett
St. debris basin storm drain; Alley reconstruction
north of 2nd St. [CDBG funded];
g) Arroyo Vista Park Bicycle /Pedestrian /Equestrian
Bridge construction;
tarn lanes on Spring Road suath of hos Angeles
i s Tierret
Rejada Rd. (We Spring Rd. to h.A. Pmence); Su±drrtan
Pme.; and, ,
j) Street Reconstruction Project to include. Ever
St., r Bard
k) Spring Road storm drain;
1) L. A. Ave. [East] widening construction;
Esther Avenne [5B 821]r
n) Poindexter Park street improvements;
P) Other Pavement Improvement Projects: Valley Rd. /
Bonnie View St. / Bard St. S/0 2nd St. / Alleys S/0
2nd St.;
q) Administer steps required to construct an A/C
Overlay on south Moorpark Avenue, to be done in
concert with the construction of the Moorpark
Avenue storm drain;
r) Moorpark Avenue widening (west side) to facilitate
right turn traffic on to Poindexter Avenue.
* 7. Acquire right -of -way and prepare design for adding one
additional travel lane in each direction and a raised
center median on New Los Angeles Avenue and Los Angeles
Avenue [SR 118] between the Route 23 freeway and Tierra
Rejada Road, with construction planned for 1997.
8. Proceed with the installation of landscaping in the
Tierra Rejada Road median east of Spring Road.
11. Consider options for the installation of landscaping
and /or the modification of existing block walls on the
west side of Tierra Rejada Road south of Los Angeles
12. Reevaluate street light illumination levels on High
Street subsequent to the installation of "nostalgic"
street lights.
13. Design and construct electrical system for decorative
lighting on High Street, utilizing recently constructed
underground conduit system.
14. Evaluate need for the installation of a flashing warning
light for westbound traffic on Tierra Rejada Road east of
the Route 23 freeway.
15. Provide support to efforts required to develop the design
for the extension of Spring Road north of Charles Street,
including an analysis of the prerequisites for the
realignment of State Route 23 to this street.
16. Retain engineering and /or planning consultant to develop
conceptual design plans for that portion of the Spring
Road corridor between Charles Street and New Los Angeles
Avenue, said study to address such matters as: number of
travel lanes, medians, parkways, bike lanes, streetscape,
entry statements, alignment, right -of -way, etc. All or
partial funding may come from Specific Plan No. 2.
17. Coordinate the design and construction of a number of
parkway landscaping projects funded by AD84 -2.
18. Coordinate the design and construction of a paved bike
path to connect the Arroyo Vista Community Park
Pedestrian, Bicycle, Equestrian, Emergency Access bridge
to the existing paved park access road (partial funding
by SB -821 grant).
19. Coordinate the design and construction of the 1996
Asphalt Overlay project, to include a list of street
rehabilitation projects based on the priorities developed
by the City's new Pavement Management Program.
20. Coordinate the design and construction of modifications
to the parking lot at the Community Center to provide for
improved drainage and to provide a sidewalk along the
driveway from the street to the Civic Center buildings.
21. Coordinate securing the necessary authorizations and the
preparation of the design for the installation of
landscaping improvements along the north side of
Poindexter Avenue east of Gabbert Road.
Streets and Storm Drain Maintenance
Ensure proper and timely maintenance of streets and storm drains
and installation of traffic control devices and pavement markings
for safe and adequate traffic flow.
* 1. Use the software developed for the Pavement Management
System to develop data bases for inventories for street
signs, pavement markings, rights -of -way improvements and
various Public Works functions to track and schedule
.. ..
PrUgretTft, Otreet
trees . MiTlur asphalt repairs. (On-going)
5. Update and modify the Contract Agreement for traffic
signal maintenance services.
6. Implement and administer the City's new Pavement
Management System.
7. Develop and implement an improved storm drain maintenance
program, including broadened contract services and in-
house confined space access capability.
Fleet Maintenance
Ensure that well- maintained, fuel- efficient vehicles are available
as needed for City purposes.
Crossing Guards
Provide a safe crossing at designated intersections for children
walking to and from school.
* 1. In conjunction with the Administrative Services
Department, complete analysis of SB452 and implement City
Council actions regarding any changes to this program.
* 2. Perform review of Crossing Guard policies, procedures and
methods as required to improve and assess deployment
guidelines, effectiveness and safety.
3. Evaluate feasibility of using Crossing Guards to perform
parking enforcement duties and evaluate the feasibility
of creating a Crossing Guard Supervisor position to also
possibly be assigned other responsibilities.
.. 010) 4OR441Y� MR
1. Developed Cooperative Agreement with the County of
Ventura to provide for cost sharing for the
construction and maintenance of the Temporary
Traffic Signal @ Tierra Rejada Road and Moorpark
2. Coordinated efforts of the developer and Caltrans
related to the modifications to the off -ramps at
the Route 23 / New Los Angeles Avenue interchange
(SDI) .
3. Provided training to field personnel related to
Hazardous Materials response.
4. Working on efforts required to annex property that
was acquired from Watt Industries to provide
sufficient right -of -way for the construction of the
Tierra Rejada Road realignment and widening
5. Working on a number of programs and projects
required by the NPDES program, generally falling
into the following categories:
- Curb Stenciling
- Illicit Discharge Inspections
- Construction Site Management
- Infrastructure Management
- Clean Business Program
- Land Use Regulations
6. Developing contract to better provide for the
clearing and cleaning of "clogged" storm drains.
7. Monitoring efforts of the developer to restore a
recent slope failure adjacent to Mountain Trail
Street, just north of Shadyridge Drive.
8. Converted electrical service at BBQ Joint on High
Street to an underground service to enable the
removal of a wooden power pole.
9. Directed Cable Television franchisee to convert
services on High Street to underground in order to
enable the removal of wooden power pole.
10. Coordinating extraordinary efforts required to
acquire an Easement across SCE property required
for the construction and use of the Arroyo Vista
Community Park Pedestrian Bridge.
11. Performed soils investigation, preparing design and
will administer a construction contract to remedy a
street and driveway subsidence problem on Painted
Sky Street.
12. Working to resolve dispute with property owner
(Rogers) south of the City relative to grading
performed on their property to control sediment
run -off.
13. Assisted with volunteer efforts to construct
additional turf area at Arroyo Vista Community Park
to be used for football program.
14. Coordinated efforts required for the design and
construction of the following unanticipated
- Tierra Rejada Road Subdrainage System
- Tierra Rejada Road Storm Drain Inlet Project
- MetroLink Storm Drain Lateral
- Flinn Avenue Storm Drain and Pavement Rehab.
- Park Lane Traffic Signal Modification
Park Lane (South) Storm Drain
15. Investigated the feasibility of raising the height
of existing block walls on the west side of Tierra
Rejada Road south of Los Angeles Avenue.
16. Compiled preliminary information for the
development of policies and procedures for working
in confined spaces.
17. Directed the installation of additional street
lights on Poindexter Avenue (installed at no cost
to the City).
18. Developed Quality of Life Measures for Drainage,
Corporate Yard, Reclaimed Water, Water & Sewer for
proposed Growth Management Ordinance.
19. Worked with Caltrans on possible prohibition of
Left Turn traffic at Los Angeles Avenue and Flory
20. Participated in efforts to resolve conflict between
VCFCD channel widening project and the proposed
development of Campesina Park.
21. Performed audit of all City electrical services for
landscape controllers and for street lighting, to
verify locations, uses and cost accounting.
22. Implemented new system of street lighting inventory
charts and maps and performed audit to confirm
accuracy of SCE invoices for street lighting.
23. Performed an audit of street lighting assessments
to confirm which lots received lesser assessment
due to lower lighting intensity.
24. Expanded the Interim Public Works Maintenance Yard.
25. Assisted with purchase of additional property
required to provide full width street improvements
on South Park Lane.
26. Coordinate efforts required to finalize and adopt
new Floodplain Management Ordinance consistent with
the requirements of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA).
27. Managed efforts required to coordinate the City's
design for street improvements on Poindexter Avenue
with future plans by a developer (West America) to
construct a new street extending south from
Poindexter Avenue, west of Tech Circle, to serve
vacant industrial property in this area.
City Engineer
Develop civil and traffic engineering conditions for proposed
developments; provide timely plan checking, inspection, and traffic
engineering services; ensure appropriate design standards for
capital improvement projects; and provide courteous and responsive
public service.
* 1. Finalize and adopt revised policies and procedures
pertaining to the issuance and administration of annual
permits to utilities and special purpose districts.
.. .. ..
.. -
- to provide !Ung terlft iTT hl=Se PrUYMILE
* 3. Assist Public Works Department in the development of
computerized inventories, based on the Pavement
Management System computer software, to manage the
maintenance of streets, striping, signing, street trees,
storm drain and other public facilities.
4. Determine the feasibility of developing City's own
engineering standards.
* 5. Create standard engineering conditions for proposed
developments for each type of entitlement.
** 6. Finish preparation of Floodplain Ordinance per F.E.M.A.
* 7. Assist in the update of Areas of Contributions.
* 8. Provide design and construction engineering support, as
required, for the implementation of the City's Capital
Improvement Program.
9. Participate in the planning and review of Specific Plan
Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 9.
** 10. Complete report on the Citywide Traffic Mitigation fee.
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14. Complete design and administer contract for the
construction of a street to serve Poindexter Park.
15. Coordinate City's role in the widening of Park Lane south
of Los Angeles Avenue, including the relocation of the
traffic signal pole at the southeast corner.
16. Implement NPDES measures as directed by the City Council.
1995 /96 ADDED ITEMS:
1. Prepared the design for the construction of a new
street to serve Poindexter Park.
Community Development
Effectively organize, coordinate, and manager departmental
activities and provide courteous and responsive public service.
1. Coordinate the development of a new Improvement
Agreement, Subordination Agreement and other documents
required to better advise those affected of development
requirements and to better affix responsibility for
construction of same for all projects, (City attorney has
prepared documents on a case by case basis.)
** 2. Coordinate preparation of the Citywide traffic mitigation
fee program.
** 3. Monitor proposed Ventura County development projects,
including work on proposed Happy Camp Regional Park golf
course development plans, Transit Mixed Concrete, Eco
4. Develop means to assess effectiveness of departmental
service levels.
5. Assist with City Council authorized review of proposed
Development Agreements.
* 6. Coordinate review of circulation and land use issues in
northern area of City and City 's Area of Interest.
residential iots . ( Completed)
Market (Completed)
• prepate an updated Zoning map. (Completed)
10. Develop procedure to insure on -going implementation of
mitigation monitoring programs.
12. Revise APCD Environmental Impact Guidelines to address
criteria and standards to be used for determining and
analyzing traffic trip generation.
13. In conjunction with Department of Community Services
develop program guidelines for City Council consideration
for use of Art in Public Places and Tree and Landscape
14. Participate in the establishment of a City "Citizens'
15. In conjunction with Police Department develop fee for
police review of entitlement project application.
16. Develop an ordinance to establish development related
17. Develop means for more accurate and timely accounting of
charges to development projects.
18. Assist with proposal to enhance landscaping and erect
downtown identification sign at southwest corner of High
Street and Spring Road.
19. Amend Zoning Ordinance to allow non - profit groups to
publicize fund raising events with a specified number of
signs on private property with issuance of a Temporary
Use Permit and property owners written authorization.
Current Plannina:
Ensure that entitlement requests are consistent with the General
Plan's Goals and Policies; mitigate all impacts; and insure that
they are processed within prescribed time limits.
** 1. Improve the standard development project conditions of
approval used for each type of entitlement.
* 2. Process miscellaneous entitlement request as applications
are filed.
* 3. Update the Department's information brochures and make
them more user friendly.
** 4. Update the Subdivision Ordinance and present it to the
City Council for adoption by January 31, 1997.
5. Implement the NPDES program and make appropriate code
changes as it pertains to planning.
6. Amend the Zoning Ordinance in order to create a more
comprehensive set of lighting requirements.
required by veTe.— (Not required by APCD at this time.)
8. Present to the City Council the ordinance to require as
a prerequisite for issuance of a Building Permit the
installation of off -site improvements (curb, gutter,
sidewalk and street widening) when additions are greater
than 400 square feet and new construction without a
subdivision or planned development permit.
driveways, room ...
* 10. Prepare a procedures manual for front counter.
11. Prepare an ordinance regulating temporary uses such as
sidewalk sales and craft fairs by non - profit
groups /organizations and develop procedure for allowing
fee waiver for one such event per organization per year.
12. Review with the City Council the current conceptual
grading plans policy for possible revision or
** 13. Consistent with City Council direction, prepare a
proposed Growth Management Ordinance.
14. Prepare an apartment conversion ordinance.
15. Prepare an analysis of existing State law pertaining to
Mobilehome park closures and assess if City needs its own
16. Prepare real estate sign Kiosk program.
* 17. Coordinate City 's review of proposed Geological and
Geotechnical Standards Guidelines to be prepared by City
's consultant.
• - - - •.
storage talk in tile Vic±nity of Moorpark
• i±ege.- (Completed
... . . . .
21. Process the following entitlement applications:
GPA95 IPD95 ZC95 TT95 (SDI)
IPD 96.3, PM 5037 (WEST AMERICA)
TR49751 4976 & 4977 (CARLSBERG)
Advance Planning:
organize, coordinate, and manager departmental
activities and provide courteous and responsive public service.
* 1. Update City CEQA Guidelines to insure consistency with
recent changes to State codes.
** 2. Administer contract for preparation of the Downtown
Specific Plan and commence implementation upon adoption.
* 3. Administer contract to complete Noise Element revisions
required by update to Land Use and Circulation Elements
and adopt by December 199.56.
* 4. Submit an application to LAFCO to amend Sphere of
Influence for Specific Plan No. 8 area following
approval of the specific plan.
** 5. As part of Specific Plan No. 8, amend and update the
General Plan Safety Element to include the Specific Plan
No. 8 area.
** 6. Administer contract to complete the updated OSCAR Element
of the General Plan and adopt by Bete ber 199 . April 30
7. As part of the developments on or near Walnut Canyon
update the Walnut Canyon Drainage Study.
8. Prepare environmental work clearance documents or
coordinate hiring of qualified consultant to prepare
required environmental document for public
works projects., e.g. Spring Road bridg
9. As part of proposed development projects administer
contract for Unidos Street extension determination.
10. Propose to the City Council for consideration an
overcrowding ordinance when State legislation and /or
court decisions authorize it.
** 11. Continue to process Specific Plans as they are filed
including Specific Plan Nos. 1, 2, 8 & 9.
12. Develop analysis to consider establishment of a Sphere of
Influence for the City .
13. Develop bikeways Plan to allow City application for BLA
14. Modify the zoning designation of Brunette property and
Villa Del Arroyo Mobilehome Park to conform to General
Plan Land Use Element.
15. City Council Community Development Committee and staff to
discuss land use alternatives with property owners south
of Los Angeles Avenue and report to City Council.
16. Process General Plan amendment and Zoning Code amendment
to create a Natural Open Space land use designation and
zone district as initiated by City Council in 1995.
17. Coordinate City 's review of proposed changes to County's
Guidelines for Orderly Development.
18. Evaluate City 's status relative to jobs /housing balance
and determine if City has sufficient amount of property
zoned for industrial uses.
Code Enforcement:
Encourage timely compliance with the Municipal Code.
* 1. Complete a policy and procedures manual for code
enforcement activities.
2. Draft a report for proposed rental dwelling unit
inspection program for new occupancies and yearly
inspections for multi - family dwelling units.
3. Update the Bail Schedule.
.. .. ..
a±±eged code
5. Implement Neighborhood Preservation.
6. Implement Cost Recovery Program.
7. In conjunction with Fire District develop substandard
Structure Abatement Program Procedures.
8. Develop case Disposition Procedures.
9. Develop Citing Procedures for City Council action.
10. As authorized by Government Code Section 53069.4 assist
with preparing an ordinance making any violation of any
ordinance subject to an administrative fine or penalty.
11. Determine need for additional Code Enforcement staff and
evaluate alternatives for providing and funding
additional staff.
Provide safe and varied housing stock to accommodate all economic
and social groups, with an emphasis on affordable housing.
1. Work with developers of approved projects with low, lower
and moderate housing units to ensure timely and continued
occupancy by appropriately qualified households.
** 2. In conjunction with Specific Plan processing, Ddevelop
inclusionary housing recommendations for very low, and
lower income households.
. .. -
** 4. Work with Redevelopment Agency staff to develop a first
time home buyer program and other housing programs.
hous ± I ikj . .. . . .
.. . . s. (On-going
6. Update the City 's components of the Ventura County
Consolidated Plan.
* 7. Work with Redevelopment Agency staff to plan proposed
affordable housing project for agency owned property
(Gisler Field).
* 8. Hire a consultant in 1997 to Update the Housing Element
per State law by ffuly —ice?{ June 30, 1998.
9. If State funding is granted to SCAG, work with SCAG
regarding the new RHNA numbers.
.. rE11LL._ (On-going
Building & Safety:
Ensure that development conforms to adopted building codes and
1. Optical Disk input all records related to building
1. Major Modification No. 1 to PD -336 (American High
2. Review of several proposed projects in the County
unincorporated area including two driving ranges,
material recovery site, vermiculture, and six homes
on 10 acres in the Tierra Rejada Greenbelt.
3. Consider pre - application CUP for a second
communication tower at Waterworks District No. 1
4. Marketplace Properties application.
5. Numerous modifications for Mission Bell Plaza.
6. Pre - application for Jones General Plan Amendment.
7. Pre - application for Overland (formerly Westland).
8. Burger King application.
9. Blockbuster Video application.
10. Minor Modification No.3 to IPD -89 -2 (General
11. Minor Modification to CUP -4022 (ACS veterinary
12. West America Construction Company various IPD's.
13. Minor Modification No. 1 to PD -992 (Randy's
14. Review of possible changes to County's Guidelines
for Orderly Development.
c: \citymgr \obj96.97